Blogging is very interesting activities. Blogging is an art and blogging can make some one to become famous and even get richer than before. Before start your blogging activities or start your blog there are few things to consider to help you become a successful blogger.
Every bloggers need to divine where he or she want to go. He/she should clearly set what he/she wants with his/her blog. Like if you want to go somewhere, you need to choose your destination. Successful blogger always know his/her destination. Successful blogger s always knows what he/she wants and work hard to achieve the goal.
Setting up your goal is very important before you start to create your blog and work hard to make your blog to become a successful blog. If you know where you destination is, you should know what you need to get there 😉
Blogging means you need to spend your time with your blog and other stuffs every day. Better you start asking your self before you start you blogging journey. Do I have time to blog? This is important because I’ve seen few blogger can’t manage their blog anymore because they are don’t have time anymore. They are busy with other activities, like school, works or anything else.
You will need to spend more time with your blog to promote and share your articles, answer all the comments you receive, reply all the emails, engage with you readers, etc. So it is important to to decide if you want to become a full blogger or just a part time blogger.
At the first time, we all are newbie. No body born as an expert. So with your blog, do you have any experience to share? Are you the expert? People always love to read articles from the expert. You need to share your experience as an expert to you audience. Your article must be an article that people waiting for because you are the man in your field.
But we are not always nee to be an expert. If you like to learn and sharing your experience with your articles; people will come to your blog and mention your name at the blogosphere. The important thing is your articles always have value added whether you are and expert or just a newbie that really want to share a story at the blogosphere.
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About the author:
Latief is an Inbound Marketing Certified Professional. He is the owner of the simple blogging tips blog ever and Build Business Blog for SME’S in his country and help them grow their business. Please add Latief as your friend @ Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin or visit his Facebook Fan Page.
Do you know the marketing effectiveness of your website?
How many sales leads does your website generate?
Nice points for bloggers , thanks for sharing.
Hi Khalid,thanks for being around 😉
Well, sometimes I do miss to update some of my blog. However, when been declared as a full time blogger, I’ve check and update all my blogs.
Yes, time is all we need bro. We need more time to get success, time and effort. Thanks for sharing Ruslie.
Agreed, a goal is so important to define ahead of time. Many bloggers don’t have a clear defined goal. Some may want to earn money, some may want to offer advice, some just like to share their writing. Knowing what you want to accomplish will help you along the way.
Yes, goal is very important to know where you are going to 😉
Thanks Leslie for sharing your opinion.
It seems very easy steps to become a successful blogger. But you are right. Every blogger needs a future vision where he wants to see his blog in the upcoming year. That gives the right spirit to become a finest blogger
Ahsan, I’m sure you have a big chance to become a success blogger. I’m following you improvement 😉 Keep going bro.
Great Post! Thanks for giving detailed description about blog.