VMAIL is the new EMAIL

VMail is the new Email

video, video email, video marketing, video communications,vmail,Extraordinary results can be achieved using this technology. Video Email can change the world and the way we communicate Vmail by Vmail !

Facts :

  • – Google loves Video !
  • – Cisco  predict –
    • There will be a 10 fold increase in the use of Video over the next 5 years
    • By 2015, there will be nearly 3 Billion Internet users – more than 40% of the world’s projected population
    • Internet Video traffic is now 40% of the consumer internet
  • – People retain 10% of what they hear, but 50% of what they see
  • – Video is the single, most effective form of communication
  • – Companies continue to look for additional creative marketing platforms
  • – ‘Old school’ marketing is no longer effective
  • – People spend 8 seconds reading a static text email, but retain 85% of what they see in a Video
  • – Static text emails are easy to ignore, and at their best give a customer only the vaguest notion of what your business really values. People simply don’t have the time today to read screeds of text and barely get past the third line, before deleting, without ever grasping the gist of the message that is trying to be conveyed.


Practical research has been able to demonstrate the power of video over other forms of communication:

1.  ‘Video email marketing reaps 280 percent higher returns than direct mail.’ – Gartner Research
2.   ‘63.9% of 5,000 people watched a video sent via email to completion. The average email viewer will only spend 8 seconds reading an email’ – Marketing Vox
3. ‘Good service is not enough. A customer who is ’emotionally connected’ to your place of business is likely to spend 46% more money than a customer who is merely ‘satisfied’, but not emotionally bonded.’ – Gallup Survey
4. Increased market interest. According to an August 2011 Forrester Research survey: 50% of interactive marketers believed that marketing’s effectiveness will increase with online video over the next 3 years; while 43% said it would with E-mail marketing.
5. Increased clicks. According to David Daniels, former VP and Principal Analyst for Forrester Research, “Video in email can increase click-through rates as much as 2x-3x.”
6. According to a video email case study by Holland America Lines, in-email video produced a 2x higher CTR versus a static image, and 2x higher CTR than their average campaign.”


So what is a Vmail ?

Video Email is simple to use, online, browser based technology, which enables you to create your own personal Vmails.  No software downloads are necessary. Bandwidth is not compromised, as the VMail opens on the Internet. Vmail allows full integration with your social networks to share on Youtube or Facebook, etc.



Creating a VMail

  • 1. Use your Webcam to record your message or upload a video from your computer, IPhone, Android or any Smartphone.
  • 2. Incorporate marketing Videos or something from You Tube.
  • 3. Use the Templatefeature –
    • Create your own personal template, using your own art or photos, or
    • Choose a template from 100’s of designs available
  • 4. The system automatically adds your contact information.
  • 5. You can also add images, such as printable coupons or hyperlinks to other websites.
  • 6. Use the Contact Managerto manage all your contacts –
    • Import all your contacts from your phone, email and computer into one spot.
    • Organize your Contacts alphabetically or in Groups.
    • Select and send to any number of your contacts using the Contact Manager.
  • 7. Use the campaign scheduling feature to send right away, or set the day and time that you’d like it to go out.


Why use Vmail ?

Video Email :

  • – Is different
  • – More powerful
  • – More effective
  • – Is creative
  • – Seeing is Believing
  • – Has more impact
  • – Grabs the customer’s attention
  • – Enables you to literally look into your contact’s eyes and develop a relationship with that person, engaging them on a level that is simply not possible with a static text email.
  • – Enables your voice to resonate on a subliminal level.
  • – Will replace static text emails, which are easy to ignore, and at their best, give a customer only the vaguest notion of what your business really values


Infographic: Video EMail

video, video email, video marketing, video communications,vmail,



Vmail USES are endless e.g. :

  1. All aspects of Business
  2. Product launches
  3. Product or Service info
  4. CV’s
  5. Training/Skiling
  6. Teaching
  7. Invitations
  8. Vacations
  9. Special events
  10. Weddings
  11. Anniversaries
  12. Responses
  13. Birthdays
  14. Announcements


1cdc3d1 Marketing with VIDEO CONFERENCING  / WEBINARSHeather de Wit considers herself to be an ‘out of the box’ thinker and is happy to share her knowledge on the merits of utilising Video Email and Conferencing/Webinars. Her experience as a sole Entrepreneur for over 20 years spans marketing, advertising and PR.  She enjoys creative writing, singing at functions and is a self-taught artist.


Get in touch with heather :


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Eloqua Announces Chatter Integration

Eloqua revealed this week a new integration with social enterprise app innovator Chatter. The Salesforce.com-owned business network will automatically be integrated into Eloqua’s Marketing Automation (MA) platform free of charge.

The new “Chatter inside Eloqua” won’t be publicly available until next quarter, but I was granted a sneak peek earlier this week. Eloqua connected me with their product team who gave me a demo. In short, the upgrade forges a stronger collaboration channel between Marketing and Sales, as well as extends socialized enterprise value further in an organization. On a technical level, the integration enables teams to share a single Chatter stream. Also, data from Eloqua is synced with Chatter.

marketing automation,Chatter inside Eloqua,social enterprise app,Marketing Automation

One of the most interesting features I noted during the demo was the expert search function. The marketer in this scenario needed a subject matter expert to review a health-related email before sending it to a customer segment, so he typed “?Health” in the search field. Chatter responded with the profiles of individuals who previously worked with health-related campaigns, including the qualifications and success they had (such as “completed 36 email campaigns with that keyword” or “has the highest email open success rate for that term”).

He then contacted the selected expert, Jill Roberts, by simply typing “@JillRoberts” and his message into Chatter, which alerted her through her dashboard. Jill scanned the discussion thread for context into the campaign and caught a critical issue: “Docs would say patient, not customer,” she replied.

This entire interaction happened without one email and without ever leaving Eloqua. This integration increases collaboration without forcing employees to toggle between yet another business tool.

The integration also allows Eloqua to automatically push information into the Chatter news feed when various milestones are reached. For instance, in the demo scenario, Eloqua posted, “Good News! The Health Care Campaign has achieved a 15% better than average open rate.” In response, the marketer commented, just as you might on a link in Facebook, “Thanks @JillRoberts — I couldn’t have done it without you!”

Follow this link to read the entire news release: http://www.eloqua.com/news/press/Eloqua-Unveils-New-Chatter-inside-Eloqua.html

Research for this brief was provided by Software Advice.

About the author:

Ashley Furness 5 Jobs for Tomorrows Marketing Team Ashley Furness is a Market Analyst for research firm Software Advice. Her professional experience spans journalism, sales, advertising and SEO marketing. She’s a seasoned writer having produced copy for business journals, a sports magazine, daily deals advertising and industry blogs. She can be contacted at Ashleyfurness[@]softwareadvice.com, or by calling 512-582-2314512-582-2314. LinkedInTwitterGoogle +
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How do you protect your Business from Time Thieves?

time thieves in businessWe all know them they request information or better a quote for products and services, you invest time and enthusiasm to help them and they do not come to the point or even to a deal!

When you have this kind of situation than a special sort of criminal is approaching your business, times thieve! 🙂

But don’t panic and remain calm.

Sure he is not a real criminal in the sense of law, but he steals your valuable time, and time is money, so on the end of the day he steals you the opportunity to talk to a really interested future customer, right?

You protect your home from thieves but do you protect your time?

Here are some tips how you can protect your valuable time from time thieves:

  • Ask them to register on a landing page to get more info. So you sort out the most of them and save time on lead qualification.
  • If you need more info and other than you can ask on the landing page, sent them a questionnaire to complete and to return to you. If they do not do it, they are not serious and would never do business with you. You safe your time on evaluating his stuff.
  • When they send you the questionnaire back, but not complete try to get the missing info from them and ask by email. If they are serious, they will reply, if not you safe time again and have not to try to convince them of anything, because they are not serious and will never buy from you.
  • Ok, now all questions are answered from the lead, but the leads brings up new excuse- doubt, when the last was cleared from you through facts, so you get the feeling “time thieve” than he is probably one.
  • At this point the time has come to say him good by. You can say to him “Your ideas are interesting, I will keep them in mind” that is how to end a conversation with a time thief.

Infographic: Lead Generation

busines lead generation infographic

How are your experiences with time thieves? I am looking forward to your comment.

Further valuabel sources:


inbound marketing assessment us

How to Take Advantage from Mobile Marketing & Location Based Marketing

location-appsIs mobile marketing recently a part of your inbound marketing strategy?

More and more people worldwide use mobile devices daily to access the web, to shop and to network on social media sites. Social sites like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn have apps out there to make it dump easy to communicate and update the network from the run.

To ignore this growing mobile marketing trend could be a very dangerous failure for your business!

To get your piece of the pie from this trend the first thing you need to do is to optimize your website and email communication for mobile use!

Did you thought about to make use of mobile apps to improve your location based marketing?


Services like Foursquare are best examples how businesses use location based marketing to reach a wider audience.

Some facts:

People are increasingly use mobile devices to access content on the web!

  • In March 2011, nearly 39% of US mobile subscribers were browsing the internet using their mobile device. That’s up by 2.2 percentage points from just 3 months prior.
  • Mobile apps are almost as popular as browsers; 37% of subscribers used downloaded apps.
  • Subscribers are also increasingly using social networks on their phones. In March, 27.3% indicated they used a social network on their mobile phone, up from 24.7% just 3 months prior.

Source: HubSpot

Actually about 30% of companies who are using Mobile Marketing do strategic lead generation through this! With only one third of the companies you and your business still have wide opportunities to position in this area!

As this trends evolves more and more businesses get ready to get there communication done in the mobile and location based marketing area, you should not wait to get active here. Otherwise you are put on risk to get left behind.

An uphill battle later could cost you more than to be with the trend now!

Further sources:

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Quality Lead Generation through Blogging

Business online are now planning new strategies for promoting their business online. As main target of any business is lead generation and customer feedback, they tend to research for new techniques and tools to improve their business. One of the best way to generate reputation among your online customers is through business blog.

corporate blogging, content marketing, social media lead generationThis article discusses some of best ways to generate leads for your business and some of the top blogging tools which help you to drive traffic for your blog.

 How to change your business blog to lead generating machine?

With recent advancements in social media, it is very useful for businesses to get their business into major social media sites. Blog is one of the best ways to get your business into social media.

Through your business blog, you can attract readers from different geographic location in to your business. With Google plus entering into social media world, social media is going to impact more on business networks.

By writing articles regularly in your business blog, it is easy for you to share your articles in social media. If you are thinking of starting a new business blog for your business online, it is important to select best blogging platform for your business. One of the best blogging platforms that supports businesses in generating leads in WordPress.

Using WordPress to generate business leads

WordPress is one of the top blogging platforms that is been used by many businesses and professional bloggers in web. There are even many blog driven websites that are powered with wordpress.

Main advantage of WordPress is that it is easily in synch with social media sites. There are some top wordpress plugins, Mozilla plugins and blogging tools that help you to share your content in social media when you post a new article. Such is the power of wordpress.

In simple words, you can reach market faster and improve business for your products by reaching social media faster. This can be made possible through some of the popular tools that help to auto post your content to social media.

Among this powerful business tools, onlywire provides some of the powerful tools for businesses.  It provides onlywire wordpress plugin that autoposts content to social media when you submit a new post to your website.

It also provides downloader that can be downloaded to your website and with which you can submit your favorite content to 41 social media communities in one shot. You can read the full review of this onlywire tools

This is one example of powerful business tools that you can use for your business with the help of wordpress blog.  Another strong of advantage of using blog is to get wordpress plugins for contact form and also driving traffic to your landing pages. Start using these powerful wordpress plugins. There is also some powerful back link creating plugins like BlogGlue WordPress Plugin that helps businesses to link with their niche and partner websites and create huge back links that increases their search engine rankings.

 Using Email Marketing to generate leads

With blogs, you have the power of content and it is upto you in how you wish the traffic to be driven to your landing pages. Generating leads is made easy with the help of quality content.

Another advantage of blogging is to capture leads either through feed or through email marketing. With powerful email marketing software’s, you can easily engage with your blog or website readers.

Using Video marketing to generate Leads

Also you can upload videos and generate leads through Video Marketing.  5 Advantages of Video Marketing helps how to get started with Video Marketing.

Everything in website depends on how effectively you organize your landing pages. Landing pages are very important for lead generation. 10  Lead generation Tips helps in bringing quality leads for your business online

Finally, Blogging is one of the top business lead generation strategies implemented online. If you are not having a business blog for your business, you are missing potential leads for your business online.

About the author:

Sriram Raj is a software engineer, blogger and article writer from India. He is blogging on trending topics. Blogging is his hobby and he is spend his time writing about latest trending topics in web.

Make your campaign personal and increase your revenue

Studies show that personalized campaigns bring better results. This is not new but most companies still ignore this fact.

Sure it is more effective to speak to a buyer persona more personally than to fire a “one size fits all marketing message” in the hope one bullet will hit the target.

When you talk to your leads than you have to talk to them personally if you want to make a deal, right? You do your conversation in a friendly personal way. So why not start with this kind of friendly and personal way when doing your lead generation campaigns?


EMarketer and EPISERVER studies shows that campaigns done personal have the best results.


Also this Studie show that most of the asked marketers are planning to increase their campaign personalization efforts to increase their visitor to lead and the lead to customer ratio.

Some great ways to personalize your marketing efforts are the use of personalization features in your email management system. Also you can include in your set of share buttons on your blog an option to ‘email this article’, only to name some of them.

As those studies also show what marketer are already doing and what they plan to do in the future, you should also set your plan for campaign personalization to increase your lead generation and conversion quote.

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Why you should not try to sell with your email marketing

When people subscribe to your email list they expect valuable information.

They expect information which can help them to solve their problems for free.

They do not expect and they do not want be bombarded with sales pitches.

An email list is a very valuable asset for a business and I am sure you do not want to damage or even to destroy this valuable asset.

Now you could ask how I can profit from this asset. When I can’t profit from it is only a liability which costs me time and money to maintain, without having any profit from it!

Sure you can make profit with your email list you have invest time and money to build it.

And guess what, the same way you have attracted those subscribers to subscribe to your email list. Through publishing great content, which is helping your email subscribers solve their problems.


That’s why they are willing to invest their valuable time to read your newsletter.

And if you send sales pitches you could abuse their trust and make them unsubscribe from you list. So your efforts to generate those leads would be wasted.

The better way is to proceed with your strategies of publishing great content and make them feel that you care about them and that you are willing to offer solutions to their problems.

And if you make your email newsletter content exclusive to your subscribers, for example you offer videos which only they can see first, special whitepapers they get much time before it’s been published to the masses, the get the chance to ask questions which will be featured and answered in this exclusive circle, etc. then you will gain the credibility and the trust which make you free to ask for a sale.

Your audience will ask you if they can buy from you, because you have gained trust and credibility with your subscribers. And this is a much wiser and in the long term profitable way to do lead nurturing.

Marketing takeaway tip: You should not try to sell to your subscribers. Instead of provide great problem solving exclusive content. Show that you care about them. Then they will care about you too.


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Do you know the marketing effectiveness of your website?
How many sales leads does your website generate?

How to create mobile friendly emails and get more response

Current analysis show impressive statistics where millions of people will be using advanced email ready phones.

Morgan Stanley Research predicts that sales of smart phones will exceed those of PCs within 2 years.

Internet Trends 2010 by Morgan Stanley Research

  • According to Juniper Research annual sales of smart phones over 300 million by 2013.
  • Sales of smart phones will exceed those of PCs within 2 years.
  • Studies also show that people surf about four hours in social media compared with one hour from their PC.
  • 30% of consumers are already using mobile devices to read personal email.

The importance of mobile email is growing rapidly and is playing an increasing role in email marketing.

When you send out email to your leads and customers than that information above should lead you to seriously consider to adopting mobile marketing strategies.

When you create mobile friendly email by adopting new tactics tailored specially for mobile devices than you increase your chances to get your message read.

To get started follow these Tipps:

  1. When you do an email template, and then also do a text version of your message. For the mobile template set width 320 pixels with a single column.
  2. Keep your images small and brief and describe them using the ALT tag.
  3. Space your clickable links to make them easier clickable.
  4. Put the most important content on the top, where it can be seen very quickly.
  5. Make your subject line and your message attractive, short and compelling. [According to Marketing Sherpa, the average user only spends 15-20 seconds looking at your email]
  6. Test you email look and feel here Litmus and Previewmyemail.
  7. Ad a mobile option to your newsletter subscription form, for example a checkbox “get mail on mobile”.

Marketing takeaway tip: When you make it easy and possible for your subscribers to read your message on their smart phones than more and more of them will take action. Those points above are easy to get done. Just do it!

Further Resources:

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Do you know the marketing effectiveness of your website?
How many sales leads does your website generate?

How to Nurture Your Inbound Marketing Leads

How to Nurture Your Inbound Marketing Leads

Sales and marketing needs nurture your potential customers as soon as possible so as to get the best results and higher profits from your massive lead generation.

May be you are having a good website that is getting the good traffic and can convert them into leads. But by your hard luck some of the people just aren’t buying it. Nurturing your inbound marketing leads makes a great way to keep your leads engaged and make them ready to the buying decision.

Try out many ways for getting better results

You may nurture your inbound marketing leads and totally convert them into sales by using many of the effective ways which can work for you.

Building a good network and creating effective web presence is the first part of the effective social media marketing tactics that can be used for getting better results.

Try out many ways to build up the contacts with the like-minded people using the better inbound marketing solutions. By building relationship with these people helps in increasing your traffic by increasing referrals through them which ultimately helps in increasing the sales which helps in increasing the profits.

Creating a well balanced direct mail campaign for getting more sales

Email marketing is a useful way by which you can convert leads into sales. You should employ better methods and consult internet marketing consultants for better ways of hub marketing solutions that can generate you better sales and profits.

Make sure that your mailing includes a working response mechanism. You should also make sure that your leads are properly and timely answered. You may use contact management software or a database to store and track progress of individual leads and set sales staff a response time.

These ways can help you in getting more and more sales while nurturing your inbound marketing leads through the various different social media platforms.

Do you have any tips for Lead Nurturing? What are they and how do you use Inbound Marketing and Lead Nurturing?

Start NOW and get Your FREE Website Analysis Today!

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Reaching Targeted Customers With E Mail Marketing

Reaching Targeted Customers With E Mail Marketing

Email marketing campaign is a great way to attract your customers towards your products. Through Email marketing you can easily reach your targeted customers. Here, you also get an official permission from the people to send emails to there mail ID’s regarding your products hence this will surely reach the customers who are really interested in your products.

Reaching targeted customers:

To reach the targeted customers you have to prepare a list of people who are interested about your products and this can be done by collecting the mail ID’s of the people who visited your website or from the customers who purchased your products and also assuring them that they will use the mail ID’s only for sending details regarding the products of your organization and making them trust on you that you will not misuse them.

attract more customers, Effective Email Marketing, Get found in social media, inbound marketing, internet marketing, landing pages, Lead Capture Pages, lead generation social media

Email Marketing Tips for your Lead Generation campaigns

Some of the Email Marketing Tips for your lead generation campaigns using Email Marketing is given below:

Provide an Option for Opt-in Form

Take the consent of the users before adding them to email list. Opt-in form is the best way to get consent from your customers to send emails. Some countries doesn’t allow spamming emails and customers generally get upset if they receive emails without their consent. So Opt-in form is necessary.

Build both text and HTML content in emails

See that your send both text as well as HTML content in your emails. Some users have only text capability in their emails. So it is better to provide both versions so that you will not loose potential customers.

Build Multiple Links in emails for important messages

See that your customers can easily find the links in long emails. It is better if you provide links at places where your customers can easily identify to visit your site. This will bring more leads for your email marketing lead generation campaigns.

Good Subject Line

Subject Line of the email should attract the customer to open the email. It should tempt the customer to open the email and visit the link.

Powerful Email Messaging tool

There are good Email messaging tools available in market like aweber. Use them to get more quality leads for your lead generation campaigns.

For more on Email Marketing and generating leads from Email Marketing campaigns visit the links given below:

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Email Marketing has been one of the successful Internet Marketing strategy that was successful in attracting more customer though lead generation campaigns.

Many companies started using Email Marketing as one of their marketing strategy to attract more customers for their business. These business organizations utilize various social media sites, lead capture pages and good landing pages to attract more customers and retrieve their information such as email id and mobile phone numbers etc.


attract more customers, EMAIL MARKETING CAMPAIGN, landing pages, Lead Capture Pages, lead generation social media, lead tracking

E-mail marketing is helpful for your organization to maintain and build relationship with customers for your organization. Email Marketing is one way of keeping your customers updated with the latest product releases and promotions that are organized by your company. E-mail marketing will be easy for your organization when you collect and maintain proper list of the e-mail Id’s of your existing customers and also of the people who are interested in your products.

E-mail Id’s can be collected by developing good landing pages and lead capture pages which can capture information related to customers. This can be done by providing some promotional offers such as e-book give away, providing offers and discounts and asking their personal information such as name and email id in return.

By collecting E-mail Id’s of the customers you can send the information regarding the products and services provided by your organization and also you can stay in touch with your customers by updating regarding your products. Also you can provide information such as product releases, offers and discounts which are provided by your organization to your customers.


Email Marketing should be accompanied with some pre-requisites which make your email marketing campaign success for lead generation. Some tips for developing an effective email marketing campaign are given below:


The subject line which the sender sends should encourage the customer to open the mail and read it and hence the subject line of the mail plays a vital role in making the customer attract towards your mail.


Identifying the exact name and other realted data of the customer should be important before sending any mail. Names should not be miss-interpreted which may lead to bad impression on the organization. This needs constant tracking of your leads in proper format.

The content provided in the mail should be short and brief which can be easily understand by the recipient and also by providing a link to your website for more information regarding your product will make the person know about other products or services of your organization and hence can increase the profits.


Though the email marketing is of very low cost but along with it also results in investing time and various resources of your organization. Hence you have to measure whether the e-mail marketing campaign is creating any leads for your organization so that if you need to make any changes you can make it and earn profits.

For more on Email marketing and its success in creating good leads from lead generation campaigns, visit the links given below:

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