Today on eMarketer an article captured my attention:
An analysis of AdParlor and SocialBakers found out that industry such as electronics, travel and entertainment are more social marketing friendly than others.
It found out also that Merchant / Banking services, Health/ Fitness and Tourism have higher CPC rates than for example Promotions and Beauty/ Cosmetics. See graphic below.
What does it mean, when an industry needs to pay more than another to get attention and does not get the click trough rates on the end of the day too?
Infographic: Small Business Social Media
Social media is about conversation and about trust. Companies who handle social media authentically and communicate this way with their audience get the most social media juice out and are also well recognized when they do paid campaigns on places like facebook.
Every business who engages in social media needs to understand that trust can’t be bought there. They need to earn it step by step, day by day and year by year.
How can a business earn trust and decrease their ad spending in social media?
- 1. Listen to your audience and contribute to the conversation if you have something valuable to say.
- 2. Develop buyer persona oriented and remarkable content and publish it online and share it in social media. Ask your audience for their opinion about the published content and listen carefully.
- 3. Us the unfiltered social media feedback to improve your service, support your product and your communication.
- 4. Develop your products and services tailored for your audience.
- 5. Measure all what you do and improve your doings.
These above points can earn you trust reputation and respect from your audience. Moreover it can improve your revenue significantly.
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