Google+ launched on June 28, 2011 and had about ten million users 2 weeks later!
Google+ integrates social services such as Google Profiles and Google Buzz. It will also be available as a desktop application and as a mobile application.
When you look on Google+ the new social network than you might think, oh another one where I have to register and maintain relationships as I already have tot do in Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and other one. And Google has failed in the past with its efforts to come up with some king of big thing in social media. For example take Google Wave or Google Buzz.
So why you should bother about Google+?
Within the first week Google+ was able to gain 10 million new members. When you look at the dominance of Google than you can imagine the growth potential which Google+ has.
Google has added the +1 button before the launch of Google+ and offered a powerful tool to recommend a website to friends, as like the “Facebook Like Button” but with higher volume depending on the Google search results. So everybody can rate any website with the +1 button and show it to his network of friends. Also the +1 button becomes visible in the ads and once clicked it can increase the attention o the ad which increases his visibility and so on.
Most of the corporations don’t allow its employees to access Facebook from their office. Not so with Google, it is available for all with no restrictions.
Google+ actually offers features which Facebook does not. For example the feature to communicate vie web cam with up to ten persons of your circle.
With this strategic move Google made the Google profile to an online asset. Now you can see the people in your social circles who and which search listing they like.
As a marketing person you can profit from this when the people visit your search listing like it with Google +1. Site which earn legitimate +1 will be rewarded by Google and they relevancy will increase.
The best way for your business to gain relevancy in this new Google world is to create relevant content and get as many Google +1 rating as you can. By following this opportunity your business gains a competitive advantage.
Your social activity will set you apart from your competition and gain you an advantage in the Google’s ecosystem and evolving social search strategy.
This existing Google tools offers you as a marketer a big advantage which you should use to get seen and t get found from your target audience.
Here is a Google cheat sheet you can utilize for your Google+ daily tasks
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