How to gain a competitive position for B2B with Mobile accessibility

mobile marketingMashable reported that LinkedIn has about 131 million users and that 13% of them access LinkedIn through mobile devices.

LinkedIn is the largest professional social network worldwide and has grown for about 63% compared with the last year.

An increasing number of professionals B2B are researching through their mobile devices. The mobile activity is increasing in B2B.

Millennial Media found out that Smartphone’s are responsible for 68% of website impressions. Also Millennial Media found out that mobile-social action Mix Up 39% month over month.

mobile marketing

Studies show that people surf on websites for about three hours from their mobile devices compared with one hour from their personal computer. Studies also show that actually about 260 million mobile devices are in use globally and this number is growing in a strong pace.

mobile website optimization

There is no question that growth in the B2C sector is much higher than in B2B. But keep in mind; consumers are also employed in companies can also be future B2B client. But only when you give the opportunity to know you and your company, means to offer a way to access your company information from a mobile device.

Now the question occurs how companies who are B2B oriented embrace these facts and how they plan to tune their marketing to stay competitive by simply being accessible through mobile devices, being accessible mobile for actual and future customers who research from their mobile devices for products and services your business also has to offer?

There are several indicators to keep an eye on the mobile marketing way.

  • 1. The mobile marketing spending is increasing.
  • 2. Smartphone’s have become state of the art and are dominating the mobile world.
  • 3. Tablet pc demand is also increasing.
  • 4. Mobile website optimization becomes more important.
  • 5. Location based mobile marketing has become a powerful way to connect with customers.
  • 6. Customers demand accessibility of information’s when they want and where they want.


Mobile usage is increasing and marketers must understand how their target audience is researching for information on the web. And they should create content to meet the needs of consumers which research the mobile way

Some stats:

  • – It takes 90 minutes for the average person to respond to an email. It takes 90 seconds for the average person to respond to a text message. (Source:
  • – There are more mobile phones on the planet than there are TVs. (Source: Jupiter)


Infographic: Mobile Marketing B2B

mobile web, mobile marketing, mobile websites

— How do you deal with the increasing damand of customers to access your website on mobile devices? I am looking forward to your comment.

Further important sources:


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