Content and social media have become successful ways to get attention from future buyers.
Content creation, marketing and content distribution in social media are proven ways to make interested people aware of your business.
Millions of businesses competing for paying customers and it have become a difficult task for most of them to stand out of the crowd and to make future customers aware about their offers.
When people want to buy products and services they turn to the web, to search engines like Google, Yahoo, social media and their friends and relatives to get information and recommendations about products and services.
Original content builds you trust, customer loyalty and can position your business as trusted experts in your field. It offers the so called value ad for customers
Content marketing has established as a powerful way to engage customers. An increasing number of B2C and B2B marketer are faced with the challenge to produce and publish buyer persona oriented interesting and remarkable content to attract customers to their products and services.
By publishing interesting and remarkable content other blogs, news sites and content curators will link to you which increases your Page Rank and improves your search engine visibility also!
So when you publish expert content on the web you will be recognized as an expert in your field.
On the web you are what you publish… Think a minute what do you publish on the web and in social media? … Exactly! That’s what you are on the web!
If you miss the opportunity which content marketing offers to you, your business will vanish in the dust.
The best way to start content marketing for business is to start a corporate blog.
Recent and future customers can interact this way with your business. You show expertise and offer valuable information to solve your audience’s problems. This gains trust.
Blogging has great advantages and here are the most important:
- 1. Blogging companies get up to 55% more Traffic
- 2. Blogging companies get up to 97% more Inbound Links
- 3. Blogging companies get up to 434% more indexed pages in search engines
- 4. Blogging companies get up to 25x times more business leads
A seriously executed content marketing strategy can be responsible for 25x times more business leads and boosts your revenue by up to 40%!