Recruiters Lookout to Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn #IMU

Recruiters Lookout to Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn #IMU

In recent years, Social Media platforms have influenced businesses and Inbound marketing strategies online. Now social networks have also become main channel for employment and recruiters are using these social networking and professional networking sites to hire employees for their organizations.

Social networks lead all other recruiting channels for planned investment by employers as the economy rebounds, according to a new survey by recruitment platform Jobvite.

Recruiters Lookout to Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn #IMURecently there was a survey conducted by one of recruitment platform Jobvite and it was found that more than 80% of respondents have planned to use social media networks for recruiting this year. LinkedIn (78%), Facebook (55%) and Twitter (45%) are the most popular social recruiting platforms, while MySpace is used by 5 percent of respondents.

This explains the impact of social media platforms in recent years over various platforms. Especially social media platforms like LinkedIn help in building an optimized web presence by showing your expertise in relevant field.

The higher is the number of followers for your twitter account, the more it tells about your expertise in your field.

People will become interested in knowing more about you.

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Facebook is another social media platform which has now been providing good benefits for advertisers. Now there is facility of adding job listing in facebook pages which helps recruiters to hire the right person for their job.

Facebook advertising also helps job seekers to know about the jobs listing and availability of Jobs.

LinkedIn is far most the useful place for experienced professionals and job seekers. More effective is your web presence in Facebook and LinkedIn, you are more likely to get job in top companies.

Develop your profile in social media platforms and start building an effective web presence through social media.

Start NOW and get Your FREE Website Analysis Today!

For more on Social Media for Job Recruitment, visit the links given below:

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3 Replies to “Recruiters Lookout to Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn #IMU”

  1. Would you say facebook is a good platform if you choose to complement your social networking marketing with payed ads?

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