The marketing technology company Alterian found out that 80% of companies struggle to analyze their social media data.
As social media marketing is estimated to increase in the next twelve months by up to 25% companies should have clear how the online – social media conversation can impact their brand. Not taking the effort to monitor social media conversation can result in the risk of failing to engage with potential new and existing customers on the web!
How about your business?
Are you monitoring social media to know what conversation is going on about your company?
How do you monitor the web to know in real time what’s talked about your company, your products and your competition online?
No matter if you want to be a part of the conversation or not, conversation about your brand is happening on the web with or without your participation. But when you decide to become a part of the conversation this can offer tremendous opportunities to gain trust and credibility with your audience.
In social media people are talking and an average Facebook user has about 130 friends and they have an average of 130 friends and so on. Good news can spread fast in social media and reach new potential customers. Bad news spread faster.
You need to have a plan how to interact with you audience in good and bad times. You also need to listen and to know what is talked about your brand on the web.
To know what people are talking about gives you the opportunity to jump in to the discussion and explain your point of view. Another underestimated opportunity of listening online is, you get deep insides of your target audiences needs.
In other words they tell you what and which kind of product they deserve and what they are willing to pay for. So you can offer special tailored solutions to your audience and increase business and revenue, only by listening – monitoring.
The customer honors companies which show that they care about their needs and which are willing to communicate.
The ability to know what’s going on and to communicate in real time with the target audience is a powerful credibility builder and supports your branding online.
By knowing what your target audience is thinking and deserving from you sets you in a powerful competitive position. You save time and money for research and you can bring custom tailored products and services to your audience much faster than your competition!
What do you think? Are these above good reasons to start listening – monitoring social media and the web?
To start monitor what’s been talked about your business you can use some free tools:
Like Google Alerts but for social media.
Receive free daily email alerts of your brand, company, CEO, marketing campaign, or on a developing news story, a competitor, or the latest on a celebrity.
Google Alerts
Monitor the Web for interesting new content
Google Alerts are email updates of the latest relevant Google results (web, news, etc.) based on your choice of query or topic.
Build your dashboard with Google Reader
Effective social media monitoring starts with a dashboard.
A good way to build a dashboard is Google Reader. The only thing you need is to subscribe to the RSS feeds of blogs and news sites related to your business and industry, Twitter, Flickr, YouTube and you got all at one place. If something comes up which mention your brand or any other interesting news than it appears on your dashboard.
How do you monitor the web and social media? How are your experiences in social media conversation with your customers?
Further important resource: Social media monitoring stumps most businesses: Report
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