STOP your sales pitches through email NOW

When you are blogging and are engaged in doing social media and some more remarkable activities on the internet to build awareness with your target audience than you are on a great way to success.

But when you fail in the last and most important part of your marketing, the lead generation than you your work, time and money are wasted!

I often hear and read, to be successful you need to blog, you need to do social media, and you need to write an eBook or whitepaper. You need to do this and you need to do that.

Ok, you have done all of this, but you still do not get the amount of leads, or any lead you need to make sales and revenue. What’s’ wrong?

Until the point of content creation and content distribution everything went fine in your work. But you forgot some important thing at the end!

You should lead your target audience to a dedicated landing page where they can register. To a landing page which is not made for “all of your customers” but for this one special buyer personas.

And I hope you have indentified your target audience, the different persons who buy from you, your buyer personas?!

Now they hopefully register for your valuable eBook, whitepaper or newsletter, and what’s next?

Yeah, you send them sales pitches, discount coupons, and so on! WRONG!

If you want to convert your leads to paying customers, you should strictly avoid pitching them through email! Otherwise your unsubscribe ratio could climb dramatically.

Don’t bother your leads with this kind of stuff? Change it NOW!

Improve your lead generation and lead nurturing process, to switch from “buy now and save 50%” to some kind of more valuable and share worthy content. Use the same kind of content, interesting, helpful, and remarkable and share worth information which you have produced to attract your buyer personas to your website and blog and encouraged them to register as leads!

I am sure this could increase your conversion rates massively.

How do you handle your leads to increase your revenue. I am looking forward to your comments in the comments section below.

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