Bloggers, Stop Thinking… “Just Do It”

blogging-done-rightWe all know that a personal blog and professional blog are inherently different to the core. A professional blog is set up to drive traffic and conversions, but I feel strongly that running a successful corporate blog is less about running a “business” and more about simply grinding out quality content.

I’ve been in online marketing for a little more than a year, and one thing I’ve learned is that the majority of online marketers are “thinkers” and there are very little “doers.” People who will go out of their way to evaluate needs and fill them immediately themselves are doers.

Thinkers can understand needs but they make plans to do them. The inherent problem here, is that not everything is going to run like a well-oiled machine in blogging, so thinkers get caught trying to correct non critical problems when the doers are out engaging.  In this post, I’ll explain how the motto “Just Do It” explains why the doers are successful in the blog world, and the thinkers are left thinking.

Blogging Is Raw, Organic

One of the most appealing aspects of blogging and reading blogs is the fact that it is real. Blogging is inherently a less corporate and more human way to communicate with your audience. Thinking too much about what you are saying strips the human, organic elements that make blog posts engaging. As we all know, successful blogs are shareable and engaging.

De-corporatizing your blog and encouraging informational, fun posts will improve your social influence and will help you build a community faster. Just think about the links you click on Twitter. Chances are you are clicking on “6 Things Bloggers Can Learn From Dr. Seuss” over an article called “6 Tips for New Bloggers.”

Don’t Plan…Write

Thinkers research keywords for titles to rank for and plan out posts based on targets. Doers write about content that is exciting to them. Forcing a blog post based on keyword opportunities and Google Trends is inhibiting your writing. I’m willing to bet 9 times out of 10, a blog post that is written from emotion and necessity will trump engagement over a post that is written from SEO opportunities.

What I’m ultimately trying to say is, blogging is simple. It doesn’t need to be a systematic process of checks and balances to be effective. It simply needs to make a reader want to share it with his/her friends.

Now this doesn’t mean that utilizing blogging “street smarts” won’t help you. Reaching out to contacts to help promote content and going the extra mile, sometimes pays off in big ways. For the most part, however, don’t sweat the small stuff. Keep a consistent tone and write consistent blog posts you take pride in, the readers will follow!


 About the author:

Matt KrautstrunkMatt Krautstrunk is a writer on topics ranging from social media marketing to credit card processing at  You can reach Matt on Twitter @mattkrautstrunk, LinkedIn and Facebook.




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4 Powerful Reasons to Start Your Corporate Blog

corporate-bloggingThe Technorati Study: “State of the Blogosphere 2010” shows Corporate blogs have become a powerful business marketing tool for companies.

With the increasing demand of finding new and creative ways to get the attention of future buyers and recent customers, corporate blogs are established as a trust and credibility building way to show expertise and to get in touch with target audience.

Companies like IBM use blogging to get seen online. Every person there who wants to write a blog gets the chance to write about the things they are interested in, not only about IBM related products.

As blogging is a clear way of communication a business should be authentic and communicate in a human way to become successful with their blogging, content and social media marketing.

Businesses that blog expand their blogging engagement with the help of strategic social media engagement to spread their content and to step into a two way conversation with their audience. Studies show that 57% of companies who blog get customers through their blogging effort!

Blogging used with the power of social media sharing brings blog posts to a wide audience. This audience is interested in this kind of content as it is their primary source to research for products and services on the web.

“Reach” is the key factor which decides the success or failure of a corporate blog.

These days buyers’ research proffered on blogs and in social media to find products and services.

4 reasons to start a corporate blog:

  • Blogging companies get up to 55% more Traffic.
  • Blogging companies get up to 97% more Inbound Links.
  • Blogging companies get up to 434% more indexed pages in search engines.
  • Blogging companies get up to 25x times more business leads.


These numbers are good reasons for a business to consider blogging for content marketing!

Blogging is the basic way of content marketing. Which means it is very easy to start with reasonable marketing investment.

There is clear context between the number of published articles, website traffic and generated business leads. The more articles are published the more outposts are there to get found from future customers on the web.

To be successful with corporate blogging, increase reach, web traffic and leads it takes these points:

— Publish high quality articles, which are interesting and share worthy.

— Participate in social media and in top rank forums to gain larger exposure.

— Submit your blogs to blog directories and to top ranked Blog Search Engines.

— Offer free reports to visitors to increase their interest in your website.


Blog Economy

There is no question that businesses who utilize blogging gain a massive competitive advantage against those who do not blog.

 — What do you think? Do you use a corporate blog?

Further important resources:



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Quality Lead Generation through Blogging

Business online are now planning new strategies for promoting their business online. As main target of any business is lead generation and customer feedback, they tend to research for new techniques and tools to improve their business. One of the best way to generate reputation among your online customers is through business blog.

corporate blogging, content marketing, social media lead generationThis article discusses some of best ways to generate leads for your business and some of the top blogging tools which help you to drive traffic for your blog.

 How to change your business blog to lead generating machine?

With recent advancements in social media, it is very useful for businesses to get their business into major social media sites. Blog is one of the best ways to get your business into social media.

Through your business blog, you can attract readers from different geographic location in to your business. With Google plus entering into social media world, social media is going to impact more on business networks.

By writing articles regularly in your business blog, it is easy for you to share your articles in social media. If you are thinking of starting a new business blog for your business online, it is important to select best blogging platform for your business. One of the best blogging platforms that supports businesses in generating leads in WordPress.

Using WordPress to generate business leads

WordPress is one of the top blogging platforms that is been used by many businesses and professional bloggers in web. There are even many blog driven websites that are powered with wordpress.

Main advantage of WordPress is that it is easily in synch with social media sites. There are some top wordpress plugins, Mozilla plugins and blogging tools that help you to share your content in social media when you post a new article. Such is the power of wordpress.

In simple words, you can reach market faster and improve business for your products by reaching social media faster. This can be made possible through some of the popular tools that help to auto post your content to social media.

Among this powerful business tools, onlywire provides some of the powerful tools for businesses.  It provides onlywire wordpress plugin that autoposts content to social media when you submit a new post to your website.

It also provides downloader that can be downloaded to your website and with which you can submit your favorite content to 41 social media communities in one shot. You can read the full review of this onlywire tools

This is one example of powerful business tools that you can use for your business with the help of wordpress blog.  Another strong of advantage of using blog is to get wordpress plugins for contact form and also driving traffic to your landing pages. Start using these powerful wordpress plugins. There is also some powerful back link creating plugins like BlogGlue WordPress Plugin that helps businesses to link with their niche and partner websites and create huge back links that increases their search engine rankings.

 Using Email Marketing to generate leads

With blogs, you have the power of content and it is upto you in how you wish the traffic to be driven to your landing pages. Generating leads is made easy with the help of quality content.

Another advantage of blogging is to capture leads either through feed or through email marketing. With powerful email marketing software’s, you can easily engage with your blog or website readers.

Using Video marketing to generate Leads

Also you can upload videos and generate leads through Video Marketing.  5 Advantages of Video Marketing helps how to get started with Video Marketing.

Everything in website depends on how effectively you organize your landing pages. Landing pages are very important for lead generation. 10  Lead generation Tips helps in bringing quality leads for your business online

Finally, Blogging is one of the top business lead generation strategies implemented online. If you are not having a business blog for your business, you are missing potential leads for your business online.

About the author:

Sriram Raj is a software engineer, blogger and article writer from India. He is blogging on trending topics. Blogging is his hobby and he is spend his time writing about latest trending topics in web.

Interested in Marketing Help but Marketing Challenges NONE

Every day we generate leads through our various landing pages online. We offer helpful information for free download. The most traffic, about 60% we receive from Google to our blog articles.

get found on googleWhen the visitor lands on our landing pages we ask some question for lead pre qualification. Questions like “What’s your biggest marketing challenge?” and we get various answerers to this important question.

Answers like:

  • Attracting new clients
  • How to put it all together? I need to find a resource that puts all the pieces together in one place.
  • Being seen
  • Reaching the various audiences within multiple age groups
  • Getting new clients
  • List building
  • Traffic
  • Leads
  • Consistent source of qualified leads.
  • Reaching the right customers
  • Finding clients
  • Get new clients
  • And some much more!


These above are all legitimate answers.

But today one answer captured my attention. On the question “What’s your biggest marketing challenge?” the lead wrote “none”.

Mhhhh. No marketing challenges?

It is a challenging thing to know about issues and to fix them but it can become dangerous to even do not know you have a problem. That’s what I thought when I read this “None”.

So when you are in business and you want to grow it without losing an arm and a leg on marketing spending than you need to become aware of your marketing challenges ASAP!

Today you can compare your performance with your competition very easy online. You can identify very quickly where you stand and what to do to improve your market position to grow your business better than your competition.

The internet offers various opportunities for businesses to get seen from their target audience. No matter if you sell locally or globally your audience is online researching for products and services you have to offer first.

You need to get found to get them as potential new customers. You need to be visible when they are looking and be there when they want to buy.

Do a test drive and type some of the most popular keywords and phrases in to the Google search and see what’s coming up. Look out for your competition if they come up as well.

Try all keywords and phrases your customers would look for to find your company. Write down how often your business is displayed in the search results for each search term.

When you are done you will have a much better picture what to improve for your business to get seen on the web when your audience is looking.

As soon you have the certainty what and why you have to take action you have done the first step to get seen better from you potential new clients when they are looking on Google for products and service you also have to offer.

One of the easiest ways to increase online visibility is to start your own corporate blog.

Companies who blog get:

  • Up to 55% more Traffic.
  • Up to 97% more Inbound Links.
  • Up to 434% more indexed pages in search engines.


Studies show that 57% of companies who blog get customers through their blogging effort!

These above are pretty good reasons to take action before you competition do.

Here you can find some great tips on blogging.

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5 Important Things For Your Business Website

If you decide to build your website to promote your business online. There are few things to consider. Since your website will be your business representative in front of your costumers and prospect.

business website, business lead generation1. Domain. You need to find your domain name. Find the best domain for your business website.

Try to get the short one, simple and easy to remember. That is the good domain name for your business. If you want, you can put your product name within your domain name. Avoid long domain name, that is bad for your website. Search engine love short domain.

2. Web Hosting. Web Hosting is the next step, you need a web hosting service to run your website or business blog.

Good hosting company will support your business well, they will make sure people can connect with your any time, no down time. Try to make sure your hosting company will support your business. Hosting company usually have packages for any kind of businesses.

3. Webmaster. You will need webmaster to manage your website or business blog to make sure your website will run well.

Webmaster will design your website and help you to promote it so people will find your website. Webmaster will create your logo and may be your slogan. Good logo always help people to remember your brand.

4. Writers. Search Engine always love blog, blog always have fresh content. You should find writers that can help you with your business blog’s contents. You need to find writers that have SEO or online promotion experience, if you can find the expert that is better for your business.

5. Inbound Marketing Expert. Inbound Marketing expert will help your business to get found in the internet. This is the key of your success. There are few company or persons that provide inbound marketing services.

Remember to tell to all your people at the company to help with all the promotion as they can. Words of mouth from your employer to their family, friends and colleague to talk about your business blog will help a lots.

About the author:

latief pakpahan 3 Things To Consider Before You Blog.Latief is an Inbound Marketing Certified Professional. He is the owner of the simple blogging-tips blog ever and Build Business Blog for SME’S in his country and help them grow their business. Please add Latief as your friend @ Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin or visit his Facebook-FanPage.

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3 Things To Consider Before You Blog.

Blogging is very interesting activities. Blogging is an art and blogging can make some one to become famous and even get richer than before. Before start your blogging activities or start your blog there are few things to consider to help you become a successful blogger.


Every bloggers need to divine where he or she want to go. He/she should clearly set what he/she wants with his/her blog. Like if you want to go somewhere, you need to choose your destination. Successful blogger always know his/her destination. Successful blogger s always knows what he/she wants and work hard to achieve the goal.

Setting up your goal is very important before you start to create your blog and work hard to make your blog to become a successful blog. If you know where you destination is, you should know what you need to get there 😉


Blogging means you need to spend your time with your blog and other stuffs every day. Better you start asking your self before you start you blogging journey. Do I have time to blog? This is important because I’ve seen few blogger can’t manage their blog anymore because they are don’t have time anymore. They are busy with other activities, like school, works or anything else.

You will need to spend more time with your blog to promote and share your articles, answer all the comments you receive, reply all the emails, engage with you readers, etc. So it is important to to decide if you want to become a full blogger or just a part time blogger.


At the first time, we all are newbie. No body born as an expert. So with your blog, do you have any experience to share? Are you the expert? People always love to read articles from the expert. You need to share your experience as an expert to you audience. Your article must be an article that people waiting for because you are the man in your field.

But we are not always nee to be an expert. If you like to learn and sharing your experience with your articles; people will come to your blog and mention your name at the blogosphere. The important thing is your articles always have value added whether you are and expert or just a newbie that really want to share a story at the blogosphere.

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About the author:

latief-pakpahan Another blogger



Latief is an Inbound Marketing Certified Professional. He is the owner of the simple blogging tips blog ever and Build Business Blog for SME’S in his country and help them grow their business. Please add Latief as your friend @ Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin or visit his Facebook Fan Page.


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Easy Inbound Marketing for Real Estate Agents

Real Estate Agents,business blog,business leads,web marketingAs every business, real estate agents need to get leads to sell real estate.

As times get tougher real estate agents are confronted with a massive change of their business as other industries are.

The drop of real estate rates associated with surplus and decline demand make it hard for real estate agents to do their business.

The agents with a huge number of recommendations from their private and business network are able to manage these times. But what about those who also came to the limit of their private and business network?

A solution could be to expand the network. Position their business in a different way to set apart from the competition.

Here is where inbound marketing comes into place!

Inbound marketing is the marketing strategy that focuses on getting found by customers when they are researching for products or services online which you also have to offer. With inbound marketing businesses earn their way to the customer, by publishing helpful information on a blog, in social media and forums.

Inbound marketing includes Blogging, Social Media, Lead Conversion, Lead Nurturing and Analysis.

Here are some easy tips how real estate agents can make use of the powerful and proven inbound marketing strategy for their business:


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With Facebook a real estate agent can build a community of people, potential buyers. Facebook has over 600 million users. An average Facebook friend has 130 friends. This could mean massive additional reach for your business.

Furthermore you can upload videos and photos of the real estate you want to sell and the one you have already sold. So you have an additional showroom for you business with Facebook.

You can do photos and video on the move and upload them directly to Facebook.


LinkedIn is the largest business network with about 100 million business oriented people.

Here you can get engaged to attract potential new clients for your real estate business.

FREE Report: 8 Steps To Get Seen On LinkedIn



Flickr is the most popular photo and video hosting site where you also can upload photos and videos of your real estate. You can also build a network of people there.


The largest video site on the web can also be your showroom to attract new leads for your real estate business. You can do video on the move and upload them directly to Facebook.


The world most popular micro blogging tool gives you the opportunity to interact with your audience on the move with your mobile device.

Local online directories

Local online directories are a great way to get the feet in the door online. Research your related Local online directories and get listed with your website quick!

Resource: The Ultimate List: 50 Local Business Directories

Your website and blog

Connect your website and blog with the above social media sites. If you not yet have a bog, start one, write reamarkable articles and connect your blog easily with Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter, so your blog articles will be automatically distributed to those channels as soon there are published.


Advanced Content (90)

blogging (49)

Use QR code

Put on every piece of paper, your business card, your display, your magazin and newspaper ads, your website and blog a QR code. To have a QR code could make the difference between winning or losing a sale. Read more about QR code here.

Marketing takeaway tip: Don’t try to sell your real estate in those channels above. Just be helpful, build trust and credibility. Show expertise and answer questions and participate in discussions, and your audience will notice you and visit your website and you’re Listings.

Infographic: Real Estate On The Go

Real Estate Agents


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Easy tips how to get content for your blog

This is the most asked question executives ask when corporate blogging is mentioned.

Blogging is one of the most powerful ways to attract new customers towards a business website, products and services.

With blogging businesses can build trust and credibility with their audience. Studies show that businesses who blog get up to 55% more traffic to their website than businesses who don’t blog.

Each published blog entry is an outpost of a company and an additional chance to get found, seen and get leads online.

The more blog articles, remarkable content you publish, the more chances you have to get found from your audience online.

But how often should you blog and what topic should you blog about? How to get ideas for remarkable articles?

How often should you blog?

In the beginning of your blogging activities when you start with your corporate blog you could start with two blog articles per week.

The rule is, the more articles you publish, the higher are your chances to get found.

How to get ideas for remarkable articles?

As your business is full of information and know how you can squeeze out tons of content to write remarkable and helpful article to attract your audience.

To get ideas to write blog articles you could use some sources which are actually available for you like this below:

Email, in email you can find a lot of content potential. For example a customer request for support and your answer. I am sure you could make a 300 word article for a blog from out this email.

Industry related forum posts, Forums are a great source to learn about the issues and questions of your target audience. Read through forum posts and I am sure there will be questions and answers which you can compile to a helpful and remarkable article.

Event Video, when you have been on an event or trade show than you could use your impressions to write an article about news and trends of your industry.

Interviews, with customers can be great content resources as a customer reference is very trustworthy information which for sure will attract interested audience to your blog.

Company news, you could write about news, innovation and inventions of your company and how the benefit your target audience.

Your personal thought, could be very valuable for your customers. It shows you and your business as human and this gains you trust and credibility too.

I am sure when you go through these tips you will find more sources in your company to get content ideas for your corporate blog.



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Make your corporate blog more popular and credible

Make good relationships with your industry related bloggers.

To get visitors to your blog you need to get seen from your audience.

One of the best ways to get attention from you audience is to write a corporate blog.

Also you should regular read and comment on industry related blogs and maintain friendly relationship to those bloggers. You can ask them to write guest posts for you and to do the same for them.

Here is a list of top bog directories where you can find your industry related bloggers, to build and maintain relationships with them to increase the trust and credibility in your target audience.

  1. Blog Catalogue
  2. Technorati Blogged
  3. Blog Top List
  4. Ice Rocket
  5. Top Blog Area
  6. Bloggapedia
  7. Top Blogging
  8. Blog Hub
  9. Blog Search Now
  10. Alltop

Go through this list and look out for industry related bloggers. You do not need to focus on the most popular. You should focus on the emerging bloggers and choose to grow your blogging career together with them.


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6 Tricks how to increase backlinks and grow your pagerank the smart way

Mostly, all the intrepreneurs who are in the internet  will have their marketing strategy for getting found online with the search engines.

This is almost imperative in order to grow your business. And in that too, one would like to grow search engine rankings so that the chances of their business improve with search engine marketing.

This article provides 6 potential ways to gain significant back links:

#1 Share useful and relevant content that match your keywords

Always feed more and more attractive and valuable contents because content is the key for attracting visitors to your website.

If content satisfies your visitors, then definitely there are chances of getting repetitive visits for your site and also increase traffic. Famous websites providing social interactions to the customers also have huge content in the form of blogs, articles and so on.

#2 Link only to relevant websites

Another important factor is that the contents which you provide must have links to relevant websites.

For this purpose inbound marketing agency should get to work and extend that as much as it can. Inbound marketing experts can help you to gain significant backlinks from relevant sites easily and effectively.

#3 Inviting Guest Writers from similar niche

Inviting other authors who can write contents appropriate to your website will be very much useful for generating search engine traffic.

Others may have ideas which might be valuable for your business. So look for such persons who can write for you in this way. That really gives tremendous response for your articles and also helps in linking with these writers blogs.

#4 Writing Guest Posts in Other Sites

Again, be open to provide links to blog writers so that you can have more content for your visiting.

Be attached to the social media sites too. This task can be allotted to social media marketing agency. So that nothing relevant is missed.

#5 Frequent Press releases helps in link building

Never forget writing and publishing press release.

However, you can find some free examples on the net but one must try something of one’s own that will be the best. One must include everything regarding business like search engine strategies and ensure their submission is aso search engine friendly.

#6 Identify reliable link network for your link building

And the last is that one must build a whole network of the links provided with the content. Internal links must be included also.

Appropriate search engine keywords must be used with these links with the provision of search engine services that will be offered to the visitors and maintain that.

Marketing Takeaway Tip:Above six link building techniques will help you to grow your page rank in a smart way and help you to get into top pages of search engines.

Related Links
Spotted 5 ways to increase back links
Five tips to increase your back links


inbound marketing assessment us My prospects aren’t using social media, so I don’t need to be there!


7 Ways how to empower your social networking with blog commenting

When a social media marketing agency thinks of getting awareness through social media channels, it prefers to use Facebook, Twitter and Youtube to reach the people.

But, leaving a comment on a blog is a very effective way to get traffic and you can say that it is very useful for an inbound marketing because a business leads quickly with the help of blog commenting.

Moreover, it tells us how to get customers involved in our business.

1. Research the blogs that your customers are reading

The first way is to research of which business blog customers are reading.

Suppose you are businessman, you should look for business consulting blogs.

There are so many business blogs that are very famous, so you can comment on those so that you can get more traffic to your business blog as well as company website.

2. Be regular in reading and commenting
Another way is to be regular in reading business or corporate blogs as it is very useful.

We must spend at least one hour in leaving comments on corporate as well as business blogs.

3. Find Relevant bloggers by twitter
The best way to find bloggers is twitter as millions of people are on twtter, so we can get to know about more bloggers so that we can comment on their blogs.

4. Know mentality of the bloggers
As much as we read business or corporate blogs, you get to know the mentality of bloggers so that you can provide the comment according to their mentality.

It will make them paying more attention to our comments.

5. Provide insightful comments
Always leave an insightful comment on a company or business blog and the comment must be informative.

You must leave a comment after reading the post completely so that you can leave a comment on basis of content of a company or business blog and comment must be relevant.

6. Follow up with a question
Another important thing is that we must always ask question to a blogger at the end of comment so that he can pay attention to your comment and your company’s blog.

Follow up with a question means that you read a corporate blog carefully and it is great impression of you for the bloggers whom blogs your read.

7. Leave your url with comment
Whenever you comment on corporate blogs, you must be leave url of your company website or your company blog.

By doing this, you can get more traffic towards your company url that is very useful for your company’s website or blog.

Marketing takeaway Tip: Social networking and blogging goes hand in hand to improve your business online. It is very easy to empower your social networking with blog commenting.

Related Links:

Some resources to help you to become succesful in social media marketing:

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4 Easy ways to make your brand more social

If you want to make your brand more social, you can look at marketing consulting or business consulting sites and take advice from the marketing consultants.

There are so many business blogs regarding how to make your brand more social.

You must know about inbound marketing agency to make your brand more social and how to get customers attached to your brand.

Here are some points that you have to keep into mind for it.

#1 Consistency matters for social media updates:

Everybody in these days is tech savvy, spends a lot of time on internet and gets interacted with tones of information. So majority forgets that information in minutes.

So the question is how to remember your information and then consistency comes into picture. It means spread the information on social media websites consistently.

The reason is that more people will see your information, the more will attach with you.

#2 Do things responsibly:

There are so many social networking sites such as, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Digg and StumbleUpon and many other.

You must be regular on these social media marketing websites and also you can share your company blog’s post regularly here.

You must do things responsibly such as, post, read, follow, solve problems, thank people, listen and learn.

You should not wait for people to come to you; in fact, you should think of how to reach them. If you have such kind of approach, your brand will become more social easily; as a result, your business leads.

#3 Share with social networking sites:

It is one of popular ways that increase web traffic in internet advertising world as social networking sites are the part of social media marketing agency.

If you want to make your brand more social, you need to share the promotional video of your brand with social networking sites.

You should post that link to every social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Digg and StumbleUpon and many other.

Besides from it, there are video sites like YouTube, you should also post that link to here and you should not limit your link to only YouTube. You can post that link to Dailymotion and Vimeo as well.

#4 check your performance:

The main thing is you must know about performance of your brand so that you can work on making your brand more and more social.

There are so many tools that are available in internet and you can use one of those for measuring or checking the performance of your brand in internet.

Without using these tools, you will not know how your brand’s performance from starting is.

Marketing takeaway Tip: Social Media Marketing is very important for improving your brand image online. Getting your business updates regularly in social networking sites improves the brand name and helps in getting found online by customers.

Related Links:

Some resources to help you to become succesful in social media marketing:

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Social Media increases the pressure for better customer service

If you are active in social media and you only talk about your self and do not listen to your target audience than you are definitely going into the wrong direction!

More and more companies discover social media as a marketing channel.

Social media marketing opportunities are limitless. But when you think the only thing you can do with social media is to blow out your marketing message, than you are missing a great part of the possibilities social media is offering to your business.

Ben Nesvig, marketing manager of Fuzed Marketing said: “Businesses that don’t actively answer support questions via Twitter and Facebook will feel the sting in 2011. Smart companies have already taken advantage of these tools, but look for small businesses to become more involved.”

Customers online in social media communities expect from a business to interact with them and to listen and to respond to them.

With social media companies can offer better service and support. Service and support are the underestimated secret weapons to be a step ahead of your competition.

When businesses interact with their target audience they can learn more about how they think and about their wishes and expectations from a company and their products.


<a href="" _cke_saved_href="">LinkedTube</a>

In deed companies who carefully listen, can build products bespoke to their customers needs and set them self apart from any competition in their whole niche!

A careful interaction builds trust, increases the reputation of a company and increases the revenue and leaves your competition far behind you.

Some resources to help you to become succesful in social media marketing:

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Do you know the marketing effectiveness of your website?
How many sales leads does your website generate?

What’s your Social Media ROI?

Do you measure your social media activities and whats the ROI?

More and more businesses worldwide and are validating
daily the business impact of social media in building brands.

How about your business? Is social media part of your marketing plan now? In 2011 social media will be in use of any smart entity!

More great data which show the ROI of social media is emerging daily and these data will encourage further companies to get started with social media as an important additional marketing channel to attract further customers to their businesses.

Also the people in charge for social media marketing within the companies will experience the need to showcase results, reports, data and ROI to their CEOs.

They will need to replace their buzzwords and hype with more exact results and reports.

Start your inbound marketing the proven and easy way!

Some proven facts about inbound marketing:

A. Saves you up to 60% of your marketing budgets.
B. Makes you stand out of your competition.
C. Generates you a massive amount of leads.
D. You get up to 55% higher lead conversion rates.

Some resources to shorten your learning curve:

A great way to sowcase your results to your CEO is the HubSpot Marketing Software Solution.

It’s simple. HubSpot:

  • helps you get found online by more qualified visitors.
  • shows you how to convert more visitors into leads.
  • gives you tools to close those leads efficiently.
  • provides analytics to help make smart marketing investments.

Watch this video: HubSpot Product Overview


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Do you know the marketing effectiveness of your website?
How many sales leads does your website generate?

5 Things you should do in 2011 to generate more business

Business will not come to you until you are visible and in communication with your target audience!

We have put together 5 things you should do to make use of the steady growing and global internet market.

1. Use Video to address your message
Show dont tell! The more you are able to show your products, services and references from satisfied customers them more trust you can earn!

You can show how the product works. This is more powerful than to offer a simple and boring online brochure to read. You make your products and serives a real thing and you can encourage your target audience to buy!

It’s not necessary to make them like Hollywood clips.

Just do video with the cam you have and upload them to YouTube and other video channels. The more visiblity the better.

Also include a breef description and TAGs in your video to make it better visible for search engines.

Last but not least, include the video in your website.

2. Mobile Marketing
If you are in B2C business a mobile marketing strategy would be a great idea. Produce a mobile app which offers great value to your target audience and stay in touch with them through important and valuable information. So you will attract them to your products the smart way.

Promote your mobile app on your website, blog and in social media!

3. Monitor Social Media to learn what customers say about you
Start monitor Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and industry related blogs and forums.

Respond the same way you have been mentioned. If you have been mentione in a blog, simply comment back.

If there is a video made about you, simply respond with a video by your self and comment on this video in the comnment section.

If there is a Twitter discussion about you, simply respond on Twitter.

Allways respond professionally. Every discussion, positive or negative about you and your brand is great.

It is your big chance for you to explain your point of view and show how professional and trustworthy you are!

I think you got the picture!

4. Leverage your Marketing through Affiliates
Let others help you to make more revenue. Affiliate programs are a great way for a company to expand their marketing reach with zero budget risk!

You can do a program which pays affiliates per sale so you are on the secure side.

Companies like Amazon do about 30% of their business through affiliates.

Lookout for affiliate networks to help you and start your program!

5. Sell there where your customers are
You should do smart offers on facebook for example and offer your audience to directly buy from your fan page on facebook.

Offer special and exclusive deals and coupons for your facebook friends.

Marketing takeaway: Start with a blog. Next Start with social media like Facebook (Fan Page), Twitter, Linkedin and other industry related forums! You need to build your network very quick. Show your expertise and start the conversation with your target audience!


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Do you know the marketing effectiveness of your website?
How many sales leads does your website generate?

inBlurbs Inbound Marketing Agency