Google+ abilities of real time marketing and lead generation

Google+ launched on June 28, 2011 and had about ten million users 2 weeks later!

google girlGoogle+ integrates social services such as Google Profiles and Google Buzz. It will also be available as a desktop application and as a mobile application.

When you look on Google+ the new social network than you might think, oh another one where I have to register and maintain relationships as I already have tot do in Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and other one. And Google has failed in the past with its efforts to come up with some king of big thing in social media. For example take Google Wave or Google Buzz.

So why you should bother about Google+?

Within the first week Google+ was able to gain 10 million new members. When you look at the dominance of Google than you can imagine the growth potential which Google+ has.

Google has added the +1 button before the launch of Google+ and offered a powerful tool to recommend a website to friends, as like the “Facebook Like Button” but with higher volume depending on the Google search results. So everybody can rate any website with the +1 button and show it to his network of friends. Also the +1 button becomes visible in the ads and once clicked it can increase the attention o the ad which increases his visibility and so on.

Most of the corporations don’t allow its employees to access Facebook from their office. Not so with Google, it is available for all with no restrictions.

Google+ actually offers features which Facebook does not. For example the feature to communicate vie web cam with up to ten persons of your circle.

With this strategic move Google made the Google profile to an online asset. Now you can see the people in your social circles who and which search listing they like.

As a marketing person you can profit from this when the people visit your search listing like it with Google +1. Site which earn legitimate +1 will be rewarded by Google and they relevancy will increase.

The best way for your business to gain relevancy in this new Google world is to create relevant content and get as many Google +1 rating as you can. By following this opportunity your business gains a competitive advantage.

Your social activity will set you apart from your competition and gain you an advantage in the Google’s ecosystem and evolving social search strategy.

This existing Google tools offers you as a marketer a big advantage which you should use to get seen and t get found from your target audience.

Here is a Google cheat sheet you can utilize for your Google+ daily tasks

google cheat sheet


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Do you get found and get leads the smart way?


Do NOT Drive Traffic Away From Your Website

Do NOT Drive Traffic Away From Your Website

Business online mainly depends on effective Inbound marketing by increasing profits through lead generation campaigns.

For successful lead generation campaigns, there is requirement for massive number of leads. These leads can only be converted into sales if you have good content and attract readers with your lead capture pages.

This article describes how you may lose potential customers by driving them away from your website without proper approach.

If you are driving away traffic from your site by mistake then you should keep following points in mind so that you can stop such kind of mistakes and build potential customers for your business.


Do NOT Drive Traffic Away From Your Website

Provide Accurate Contact Information

One of the points which you should consider is providing sufficient information about your company so that visitors of your site can contact you.

Customers may lose faith on you if they do not receive a proper response for their requirements and if any wrong contact information is provided in your website.

Easy Navigation for your website

Another important thing that may drive traffic away from your website is improper website navigation.

Visitors may not able to search all the required information which they need then they will surely stop visiting your site. This may waste all your efforts that were made to drive them to your website. If your site is loaded with lots of information, try to redesign your website in such a way that readers can easily attain required information.

Pop-ups and Broken links

Unwanted pop-ups and usage of different software forces your visitors to get confused and stop visiting your site. Generally visitors are expecting something from your website and if they don’t get anything from your site then they are not going to come back again.

Updated Content

Never keep information outdated on your website otherwise you can easily lose your client.

Visitors are expecting change every day so the information which they get from your site is outdated then they will surely refuse to come to your site again. It is one of the biggest challenges creating web presence today in the Internet world.

Unnecessary Registration Requirements

Keeping registration process mandatory is another factor which is not considered to be good idea as there are chances of losing potential customers.

If your website is having more number of broken links and poor grammar is used then also you will drive traffic away from your site.

Start NOW and get Your FREE Website Analysis Today!

For more on Social Networking sites and using them to drive traffic to your site rather than to drive them away from your site, visit the similar articles given below:

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Inbound Marketing To Generate A Massive Amount Of Leads #IMU

Inbound Marketing To Generate A Massive Amount Of Leads #IMU

Inbound Marketing To Generate A Massive Amount Of Leads #IMU Inbound marketing is one of the best ways to get found easily by the customers through your website on the search engines when they search for the information about your products or services or any other information related to your business.

One other most important fact about inbound marketing is its ability to create massive leads.

When you develop remarkable content, submit it to social media sites and indexed by the search engines, people start knowing you and your business products and services worldwide.

This means your presence will be expanded all over the World. This is one of most important benefit for your business through inbound marketing.

Watch the video: Brain vs. Budget = Inbound Marketing

How can you create massive amount of leads through your website

Some of the best ways to create massive amount of leads for your website through Inbound marketing solutions are given below:

It’s all about your web presence

You can create massive leads by your web presence. Your website presence will also reflect the leads. So having a creative and well optimized website is necessary for creating massive leads to your business.

Your website can create leads when your website is said to be well optimized. One best way to create well optimized websites is to post good content in your posts and tagging with unique and good keywords.

Massive leads through social media

Social Media Marketing also helps in generating massive amount of leads for your business online.

Social media can be treated as basket of leads

Social media is another most important source for creating massive leads to your business. This can be done by forming groups or network of people through building relationship and trust and sharing the link of your website which consists of information regarding your products and services.

This not only increases the leads but also increases the brand value of your business through word of mouth.

Massive leads through activities in inbound marketing

Good words Massive leads

Your keywords tagged to your posts are the main important source to get found by customers through search engines. When you have good keywords which people generally use for search, you can easily be available in top pages of search engines.

Don’t forget to share the information in the social networking sites

When you update your website with new information about the products or services, you should share the information in the form of link to social media communities. This helps people in searching for relevant information and getting to know more about your business products.

Start NOW and get Your FREE Website Analysis Today!

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Why To Integrate Social Media Into Your Website #IMU

Why To Integrate Social Media Into Your Website #IMU

social_media_drives_business_inblurbsSocial Media networking sites is the best platform in driving traffic to your Website which helps in generating massive leads and also increases the brand value of your products in the world of Internet Business.

As major search engines have started indexing social media, this helps businesses to reach top pages of search engines with social media.

Apart from your challenged web presence in the search engines, you have to perform certain activities which are necessary for your website to be available in the top pages of the search engines and also in order to promote your brand of products.

One thing you have to do is increasing the traffic in your website. So,

The activities that should be performed in integrating the Social Media into Your Website:

Be Expert in your Industry so as to provide solutions in social media:

In latest generation web browsing, Public search for information, products or services in search engines and social media networking sites. By having a social media agreement by your website in these sites you can easily provide the solutions for their queries and generate massive leads for your products and websites.

Your Activities in Social media increases the brand identity:

The activities in social media like building a network of people, sharing your opinions and regularly updating your website improves your brand visibility. Sharing in social media networking sites helps in increasing the brand value of products which ultimately generate massive leads to your products.

FREE eBook: 9 Easy Steps to Facebook Success #IMU Download our Free eBook: 9 Easy Steps to Facebook Success

Content motivates Social media to engage with your Website:

Try to post quality content in your posts which attract the people to visit your Website and follow you for your next update.

Social media helps as a communicator between you and your customer’s even employees:

People used to search for products and there used to be very little competition. Businesses are going in search of buyers as there is a huge competition from their competitors from all over the World.

So now you should consider customer satisfaction as the building block for your business and try to provide solutions and services by communicating through social media. This also helps in building relationship with your employees also which increases your brand value.

So it depends upon your challenged Web presence and your activities on these Social media networking sites that make your business successful.

Start NOW and get Your FREE Website Analysis Today!

For more on social media integrationinto your website please visit the links given below:

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How to Make Inbound Marketing Work For You #IMU

How to Make Inbound Marketing Work For You #IMU

INBOUND MARKETING is all about getting found easily by your potential customers online and establish your business online with its powerful marketing strategies.

Inbound marketing is developed if you have a well designed website which makes the customers find you and your business. It also helps in reaching targeted customers who really are interested about your products.

So inbound marketing is beneficial as you are not interrupting your customers by making cold calls and sending unwanted emails. It is all about you should be able to found by the customers when they are searching for services, products and information.

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For effective inbound marketing the things which are required are:

Now the days has come where the people search for the products, services and other information through the search engines. Hence you should be able to found easily on the first page of search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing.

The  SEO optimization, reviews, website, blogs ,social media networks play a vital role in implementing of strategic plans of Inbound marketing of your company and all this can be done through having

Identifying the right keywords for your business:

Keywords play a vital role in getting found easily by search engines when people search for products, services and information. Identifying the right keywords for your business and developing content for your products is important for getting in top pages of search engines.

Build relations with the social media networking sites:

Social media networking sites acts as word of mouth which helps in generating leads and builds the brand loyalty. For building public relations, Social media networking sites are the best place.

Always update with the new strategic plans:

Always try to update the plans and try to measure the leads and if the website is not creating any leads try to rectify the problem and properly implement it and also observe what other are doing so that you can remain updated with the new strategic plans and be found easily by the customers on the search engines.

Start NOW and get Your FREE Website Analysis Today!

For more on Inbound Marketing strategies and using SEO for your business, visit the links given below:

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Easy and Quick Inbound Marketing with Facebook #IMU

Easy and Quick Inbound Marketing with Facebook #IMU

Social media networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and some more, have become a unique media of communication and marketing in Internet today. 

Among these social networking sites, facebook is one of the best social networking sites which have more than 600 millions of users all over the World. Facebook and its applications attracted business organizations to use it as best Inbound and marketing strategy for their business.

You can make Facebook as a tool of inbound marketing by creating your own facebook fan page and being active in making friends in the facebook and you can make them  visit your website by providing a link and can make your business improved.  A survey reveals that about 1.5 million local businesses have active fan pages in facebook.

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This article provides a quick overview of Easy Inbound marketing with facebook.

You can make Facebook as inbound marketing tool by being familiar with certain things on facebook they are:

Facebook Groups:

Facebook groups are group of people who have similar thoughts or groups developed for particular business or discussion groups. These applications of Facebook can be helpful for viral marketing for your products, news and information regarding your company.

Facebook Fan page:

Facebook Fan page is the most important and popular feature of Facebook. Facebook fanpages are visible to anyone and are also visible to visitors of Facebook who are not registered with Facebook.

Hence this fan page is the best place for you to build a community by which you can stay connected with customers or anyone who visits your page. Through facebook fan pages, you can describe your products, about your company, your brand etc.

One can send updates; create events etc which can be intimated to all your members, fans, customers and readers. You can also promote facebook fanpage with facebook ads which are brought to you by facebook.

Social Ads:

People can run social ads within the facebook which helps to make the people know about your company more easily through your profile.

Social networking sites like Facebook should be used because it increases the brand image and is of low cost:

As millions of users utilizing this site it can be helpful for increasing your brand image with the help of viral marketing this can be done by well optimized and updated activities on these sites and your website.

Low cost and less time:

It is of low cost and the cost is also in the means of using your human resources and valuable time to update and continue your activities.

Inbound marketing is all about drawing people towards their website through search engines and social media networking sites. A well optimized website helps in bringing people who can be turned to customers for your products and services.

For this Social media networking sites helps in increasing traffic to your website which helps in increasing brand image and profits to your company.

Start NOW and get Your FREE Website Analysis Today!

For more on facebook and its advantages for Inbound Marketing, visit the links given below:

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Why You NEED Inbound Marketing #IMU

Why You NEED Inbound Marketing #IMU

Inbound marketing is the modern marketing strategy of e-Business. Inbound marketing is nothing but getting find by the customers easily through search engines and also drawing people towards your Website through powerful Internet marketing strategies such as Inbound Marketing and social media marketing.

This article provides the advantages and need for inbound marketing for businesses online.

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Some of the major advantages of inbound marketing which made it efficient for business organizations online are:

People are utilizing the search engines for information regarding products or services:

With the advent and Increase of Internet usage now the people are searching for the information or products or services through the help of search engines.

To get easily find by the customers you should build a creative website which should be well optimized and submitted in the search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing and the places where the people search for the information.

Inbound Marketing is more effective than outbound marketing:

Inbound marketing is not only modern marketing strategy but also more effective than outbound marketing.

In the case of Outbound marketing you generally make cold calls to the customer, meet directly with the customers and also there is a chance of disturbing and irritating customers where as in the case of Inbound marketing the customer himself comes to you and find information through your website by this you can get a list of targeted customers of your products who really show interest towards your products.

Inbound marketing makes your Company known all over the World:

Inbound marketing not only makes you reach your customers but also makes you popular all over the world because  Internet is used all over the world and hence increases your brand image as well as  your profits by   increasing your customers and expanding your business.

Inbound marketing needs a well built and optimized website:

Inbound marketing strategy for your company can be successful when you have a well built and optimized website with good content and keywords with the information about your company, products, and services. This website should be submitted in the search engines and social media networking sites which boost your website with the traffic.

World has become very fast:

Now a day’s world has become very fast that people are purchasing their products or services through the websites and also the company's are also treating as a service to their customers and also companies are also selling directly and approaching their customers.

Inbound marketing is building trust with the customers:

Inbound marketing also helps customers in reaching your company easily if they need any product, service, complaint or give feedback and these can be done through your website . This increases the trust among the customers which brings the brand image and profits to your company.

So, inbound marketing is needed if you want to make your company remarkable among the World.

Start NOW and get Your FREE Website Analysis Today!

Find here further articles related to inbound marketing:

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Blogging and Inbound Marketing #IMU

Blogging and Inbound Marketing #IMU

Inbound marketing strategy is the one of the modern strategy to reach the targeted customers for your business at a low cost.

Inbound marketing is important for your organization to keep your presence in the World of Business where competition is increasing day by day.  Nowadays search engines have become the best resources for the customers to get information regarding products and services.

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This article provides brief information of how to improve inbound marketing and SEO for your website and business.

Inbound marketing is proved to earn the more ROI (return on investment) than other marketing strategies. Social media networking, a very good well build optimized blog, updating of blog and other activities work as tools for inbound marketing of your organization to get find by the customers easily.

Well Optimized Website:

Of all the above, a well build Website is necessary which keeps the information regarding the products, services and other information regarding your company.

Website is useful for getting found by customers:

Website is useful for your company so that when you submit your website in the search engines then the customers when they search for your company or regarding the products can easily find you through your website.

Customers can find your website by good keyword optimization for your posts:

By including all the good keywords and by important information in the posts written in your website which helps easily find by the customers through the search Engines and also you can easily get founded by them on the first page of the search engines.

How can you get found by the customers on the first page of Search engines?

Search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing, generally assign the page ranks to the websites which are submitted to them by observes the Information in the website, keywords, links and traffic generated in the website and also they see whether you regularly update the website by observing all these they assign a page rank this is all nothing but search engine optimization strategies.

When you successfully organize these activities then you can easily be find by the customers on the first page of the search engines so that you increase your customers and also in this competitive world it is necessary to be always the first and best.

Start NOW and get Your FREE Website Analysis Today!

For more on Inbound Marketing and SEO, visit the links given below:

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Let Google Help To Improve Your Website

Let Google Help To Improve Your Website

Business online has advanced with latest advancements in Technology and Internet. There are many online business organizations that are providing services and products through Internet.

In order to promote business online, companies and marketers have to follow different social media market tactics which helps to get their website in top pages of search engines.

Especially it is necessary for businesses to improve their website rankings in major search engines like Google, Yahoo and  Bing. This article provides Social media marketing tips for improving your website ranking in major search engine rankings.

Google Bing and Yahoo Are Indexing Your Social Media Content Now  von inblurbs.

Social Media Marketing Tips to Improve your Search Engine Rankings

Social Media Marketing and Search Engine marketing has been the powerful marketing strategies in Internet Business today.

Especially search engines has major role to play in bringing traffic for businesses online. So optimized social media tactics and tools should be followed to improve the search engine rankings of a website.

Some of them are given below:

Submit your website to search engines:

First step in optimizing your website in search engines is to submit your website to major search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing. Submitting your site needs verification of your site. This can be done by uploading html file or adding meta tag.

If you are using blogger blog for your business, then best way is to add meta tag for Google Site Verification, Yahoo and Bing sites verification. Meta tag should added just after the <body> tag.

If you are using custom wordpress blog for your business, it is easy to upload the html file with FTP software you are using. Otherwise you can use the meta tag manager plugin which allows you to add meta tags to your home page and all the pages.

Submitting SiteMaps:

Next step in optimizing your search engine marketing strategies is to submit sitemap for your website or blog. In Google, you can submit your sitemap at Google Webmaster tools (

Targeting Your Business Customers:

Next step in optimizing your search engine marketing strategies is to target your geographical customers. Identify your business targeted customer and through webmaster tools of Google, try to target audience related to particular location. This will make your marketing strategies more effective and you can target your lead generation campaigns to that particular geographical category.

Develop Content and Submitting to Social Media Networks:

Update your website content periodically, analyze the traffic through Google Analytical tools, identify which keywords are bringing in more traffic and start improving content related to those keywords. Submit your contents to social media networking sites so that your users can know about the latest developments and products launched for your business.

Thus you can improve more customers for your website and business in Google.

Start NOW and get Your FREE Website Analysis Today!


For more on improving your website rankings in Google, visit the links given below:


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The Advantages Of Having Business Blog

The Advantages Of Having Business Blog

Blogging is so common now days that even a child is planning and maintaining his or her own blog and getting some superb traffic without knowing all that basics of SEO and other link building techniques for their blogs.

This has clearly proved a necessity of blogging in this complex world for big business owners also. Blogs are however of great importance for you and your social media marketing. Advantages of Business blogs are well known to all the small as well as large businesses that are today willing to spread their businesses from national level to international levels.

No doubt this will give them more and more profits and potential customers but it needs great social media marketing ideas and social media marketing strategies which can get this into reality. Businesses who blog gain more customers!

attract more customers, blog Content, blog posts, blogging, Blogging Tasks, blogging tips, business blogging, Creative for Blogging, Get found in social media, lead generation social media, Motivated for Blogging, social media marketingMore and more Business are getting into blogging

Today in the world of internet all the businesses which were not online yet are finding themselves under rocks and willing to get their online visibility soon because this can give them vast profits. Good Social media marketing tactics has opened the doors for the businesses to get themselves a great business blogs and start spreading themselves worldwide. This will get them more exposure as millions and billions of their potential customers are daily surfing through these social networking sites and can give them more lead generation for their products and services.

Advantages of Blogging over other Marketing strategies

As blogging and marketing on social networks are comparatively easier and cheaper to use than any other tactics used for marketing, they are proving as great sources of marketing for businesses today’s competitive marketing field.

Word of mouth

Various businesses across the globe are getting exposure to the millions of the potential customers present online, thus getting more and more profits from them. One of the greatest advantages of business blogs is that, they can spread and distribute their information’s in seconds to the whole world and to all their customers and service seekers.

Spread your business with RSS feeds

Once, you are done making your blog, you want to distribute it, Pinging and RSS which is also called feeds can be used effectively to share out information instantly to your readers, directories and search engines.

Small businesses also using their business blogs to win the race

In this fiercely competitive world and global markets, it is becoming necessary to take part in a race and win it. Smaller companies are using these top social media marketing techniques to keep them ahead and are also trying to win the race by capturing more and more international markets with the help of their business blogs and using perfect social media marketing strategies.

Start NOW and get Your FREE Website Analysis Today!

For more on necessity of having your own business blogs, visit the links given below:

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Google Opens Social Search To Find YOUR Business

Google Social Search, social media marketing strategy, social networks, inblurbs, inbound marketing Google has begun experimenting with Social Search. And has open up in beta for all Google users. Google Social Search will surface search results from social streams like bookmarks, blog posts, photos, video and social networks. This is a very big step.

Before a couple of month Google, Bing and Yahoo announced to include search results from social media. These steps from Google, Bing and Yahoo can help you to get better discovered online. Because of social media marketing strategy this Google Social Search and the inclusion in the search results of Bing and Yahoo can become a booster which additionally spread your content online and helps you to become more and more visible in front of your buyer persona!

More and more businesses have understood that it is important to engage in social media or they will be left behind of their customers. If you are out of sight of your customers you practically do not exist for them and they forget you and you can loose business. Moreover more and more people have friend networks for example on Facebook and these connections can benefit you if you are only on their radar.

If you are within these connections, to spread your message to your potential and future clients is a breeze and you possible reach more and more people with the power of networking, recommendation and word of mouth.

For your business you can do these steps today to ensure Google, Bing and Yahoo will include your messages and your content you spread through, your blog, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

Step 1. Produce valuable and remarkable content and post it to your blog. Think about what your customer benefits. Don’t try to sell! Inform, teach and be helpful. When your potential clients recognize you as a valuable source and as an expert in your field they will trust you and buy from you!

Step 2. Spread your content to Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn How to do this with LinkedIn? LinkedIn offers an ‘Associate Your Blog’ feature, where you can associate your self hosted WordPress blog. Each update of your blog will automatically be visible on LinkedIn also. If you use a self hosted WordPress blog, than simply associate it with LinkedIn.

How to spread your content to Twitter? With this WordPress Plugin ‘Twitter Tools’ you can update your Twitter account hands free every time you post a blog! You simply go to your WordPress Plugin section and search for ‘Twitter Tools from Author: alexkingorg. Crowdfavorite’ and install and activate it. Now go to Setting and insert you Twitter name and password and you are done! Now every published blog post will be automatically delivered to your twitter account. [If you have no self hosted WordPress blog, or even you have no blog, than you should consider implementing one for your business. You can go to and download it for free. The installation takes up to five minutes.]

To deliver your posts to Facebook is easy as well! You login into Facebook select to associate your Twitter account with your Facebook profile [You later do the same for your Facebook Fan Page] and also here will appear your new blog content.

This solution set above is free to use, you only need to do it. Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn are free, WordPress and the offered Plugins’ are also free.

These three and very easy steps from above need about one hour to make them work. Thereafter this system works for you night and day 24/7 and can bring you additional exposure, additional prospects and clients, as long as you produce quality, helpful and remarkable content.

Do you have any tips for how to use Opens Social Search? What are they and how do you use Opens Social Searchfor your Business?

Free report: Get found and get leads the smart way.

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