Study shows: 20 of 100 of your customers are researching on Google

google marketingMore interesting is that 20 percent of searches on Google each day have NEVER been searched for before. So every day 20 percent of chances are completely new with new search terms which include products and services.

“Udi Manber, Google’s VP of Engineering, gave a brief 15 minute presentation where he also explained that 20 to 25% of the queries we see today, we have never seen before.”

People hear from their friends’ info about products and services and then they go to their favorite search engines and try to find more information on.

What does this mean for your business? More and more people research online on search engines before they buy products and services. The chances are good that an interesting amount of your target audience is also looking for products and services on the web which you also have to offer.

The chances are also good that those people do not know your business and what you have to offer.

And here is your big opportunity to profit from this fact.

Here are some tips how you can get more seen on the web:

To get found online you need to be active and visible there where your audience is. The best and proven way to get seen on the web is content marketing. Content marketing is very simple and easy to do.

You should publish interesting and share worthy content on the web and market it in social media.

Content is everything you have from your business which can be published online. For example photos, articles, videos published on Flickr, forums, social networks like Facebook, LinkedIn, document and video sharing platforms like Slideshare and YouTube.

But it is not enough to publish the content. To tag it right with long tail keywords and include a keyword rich description can also help to get it found on the search engines.

By publishing content through a corporate blog every blog article you publish becomes an outpost of your business online.

Market your blog articles in social media. Social media content is indexed by major search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing and your social media activities increase your chances to get found on search results of search engines from people who are looking for products and services you also have to offer. Social media marketing has become the new SEO!

Companies who blog generate more traffic and more business leads.

Find further spaces to publish other kind of content and repeat this. Make content marketing to an important part of your marketing strategy.

The more outposts you establish online the more chances you have to get found from future clients.

Published content increases the brand recognition of a business and can earn a trust and credibility with its target audience. The more interesting content a business publishes on the web the higher are the chances that people will find it also interesting and share worthy and share it with their friends and their social network. This spreads your brand to undefined reach and attracts attention from people which did not know you before.

This effect multiplies! The more content, the more outpost, the more chances to get shared and to get seen from new people the more potential clients you will attract to your business!

Companies which do the content marketing strategy seriously get the most traffic through their outposts on the web. The content there is indexed by search engines and appears in search results when the used keywords are typed into search engines!

Smart companies direct this “outpost traffic” to optimized landing pages to generate business leads, to get new customers and increase revenue!


Marketing takeaway tip: Start to publish interesting and share worthy content on the web and market it on social media. The more content you publish, the more your chances will increase to get found from future customer.

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Inbound Marketing with or without marketing strategy to reach business leads goals

A strategy is a great way to have some kind of roadmap which can guide you through the opportunities and pitfalls of internet marketing.

To achieve your marketing and revenue goals you need to know which way to go and what exactly to do when you establish an internet marketing strategy.

In today times when things are changing in real-time, even not over night anymore you also should keep a certain level of flexibility to adjust your marketing tasks and correct your course if necessary to reach your internet marketing and revenue generation goals.

As social media and content creation are important parts of inbound marketing you need to keep the flexibility to react on your customers demand. To simply stay on a previous decided way without taking into account that things can change or have changed could lead your marketing efforts in the wrong direction!

How to have a flexible strategy?

Set an editorial Kalender, where you write your content ideas down, where you plan your events and press release distribution. But do not obsess about it.

As content creation is the backbone of inbound marketing you maybe should establish your marketing as some kind of content marketing! Why content marketing?

Go through your social media channels and listen to the conversation. Listen what kind of questions your audience have and what kind of problems they are looking to get solved. Here you will get your content inspiration in real-time. When you carefully listen you can be helpful and contribute in real-time to your audience and make them aware of you.

Also you can use this Q&A as resources to write a blog post, eBook, whitepaper or a simple how-to, to solve the problems of your audience in real-time!

When you produce interesting, helpful and remarkable content you should market this content through appropriate social media channels to get it noticed by your audience, in real-time.

Marketing takeaway tip: Solve the problems that bother your audience in real-time as they appear. This will set you apart from your competition, make you outstanding and will attract more curious potential new clients to your offers.

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A good Page Rank on Google only doesn’t bring you revenue

To have a good PR – Page Rank on Google is not enough to be successful with your business online.

A huge amount of traffic is also no guarantee for a successful online business.

You need to have the right traffic, and a huge amount of it.

You invest effort and money to generate traffic, why not attract the right traffic with the right people to your business?

To attract your target audience to your business you need to show expertise, gain trust and build credibility.

People only buy from people and businesses they trust.

People mainly go online to research and not to buy!

If you are not able to showcase your expertise and build credibility with your target audience than they will not click to buy, no matter which PR o how many traffic you think you have!

You can showcase your expertise; build trust and credibility with remarkable content you publish online.

Build trust and credibility before you try to address your products and services. Social media is a great source to build trust and credibility.

Social media has also become the new SEO!

The more you are active in social media, means the more you interact with your audience, build and distribute remarkable content like blog posts, video, eBooks, Whitepapers and Articles, the more trust and credibility you will build with the people you like to attract as your future customers.

Search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing are actively indexing content from social media.

Those results increasingly come up on search results when people research online in search engines! If you are not active in social media than you waste a big chance to build trust, credibility and to get found online.

“On the web you are what you publish!” –David Meerman Scott

Marketing takeaway tip: Be there before the sale. Build trust and credibility. Be there and they will come!


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Learn – Spy link building from your competitor

Backlinks are important for your business to get better found online.

Search engines rank your site importance depending on the Backlinks which come from other related websites and blogs.

The more Backlinks from related websites you have, the higher the search engines will preferred rate your website or blog.

Means your chances increase to appear on the first page of the search results.

But what if your competitor I rank higher for every search term you also need to rank high as well to get better found, to get more traffic leads and revenue?

There is an easy solution to overcome this issue.

Asses where your “next higher ranked competition” is positioned in the search engines. When I say “next higher ranked competition” than I means the one directly before you.

Do not try to attack the biggest elephant in the jungle with a stone in your hand. Begin with the small one in the jungle, the “next higher ranked competition”.

When you have assessed the Backlinks of your “next higher ranked competition” than you can build a list of activities, websites, blogs, comments and article topics which have lead to his amount of Backlinks.

Now follow the clear footsteps of your “next higher ranked competition” activities and copy his doing. Look out for the next bigger target in the internet jungle when you are done with your first strategic job.

Just repeat this strategy until you achieve your ranking and traffic goals.

But be aware, this strategy is no secret. Others will follow you to outperform you with these tactics. You should include some creativity to build other valuable marketing tactics to set you apart from your following competition.


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Top 10 Keyword Research Tools

Nowadays, a keyword research tool is very important to compete in the arena of internet marketing as without it, there is no way to survive in the arena of internet marketing.

Therefore, there are a plethora of keyword research tools, but the most top 10 keyword research tools are below.

targeted web traffic,search engine submission,business leads,search engine ranking,increase web traffic,search engine keywords,search engine traffic,search engine services,search engine strategiesGoogle Keyword Research Tool: This is one of the most important keyword tools as it is free to use, and by using this tool, you can easily search for keywords, but the most important thing is that you can search keywords more than 40 languages.

It has feature of high quality, frequently updated and clean keyword database.

Yahoo Keyword Research Tool: It is another most popular keyword search tool as it helps in generating and maintaining its own database of keywords to match Google.

It is free to use and having its own keyword research tool.

The Wordtracker Keyword Research Tool: It is another free as well as popular keyword research too today and it has limit of just more than hundred results; moreover, it manages a free highly detailed database.

Google search based keyword research tool: It is Based on actual Google search queries and matched to specific pages of your website with your ad and search share; apart from it, it is new to adwords account and better to add official product introduction

Google AdWords Keyword Research Tool: It is another best keyword research tool because it is very useful to get new keyword ideas.

Google is very dominating search network, so it provides you keyword search volume statistics for Google search network.

Google Insights Keyword Research Tool: It is another powerful keyword research tool as it is used in viewing status by year or a specific time for seasonal niches and also it helps in viewing status by country, state and even city for regional niches.

SEMRush Keyword Research Tool: It is the best tool to search competitor’s sites with common goodgle keywords and find the list of google keywords as well as adwords.

And also it finds potential advertisers as well as potential traffic sellers for a site.

KGen Keyword Research Tool: It is an extension of Firefox that helps in looking at what keywords are much more strong on visited on websites and it retrieves every words of webpage and tells us how many times they appear in the page.

Twitter Search Keyword Research Tool: It is one of the best keyword researching tools because it is the most popular among the internet users and it is the source of latest information.

So, there is in built search engine that displays search result that are based on relevancy and sorted out on date time stamp.

Traffic Travis Keyword Research Tool: It is the best keyword tool for SEO strategy as it is a free and gives an assessment of the difficulty of ranking for a particular keyword; besides from it, it removes most of the grunt work of assessing PR and searches as well as back links.

Marketing takeaway Tip: Keyword research tools helps in identifying the right keywords for your business. Learn how your customers are searching for products that are related to your products keywords from these latest keyword research tools.

Further important resources about this topic:


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Getting found online with social media SEO

Getting found online is now very easy with the help of social media SEO.

There are many websites that help you to get found online. And since search engines started indexing social media content, social media SEO helps you easily to get found online.

Get found online with presentations:

It is easy to get found online by sharing your presentations in some top websites which are visited by customers.

By sharing your expertise, you get found online very easily.

Some of the top sites where you can share your presentations are


Getting found online through commenting:

Are you active in social media? Social media sites like facebook and LinkedIn are one of the best ways to share your content and get recognized online.

Actively participate in discussions related to your niche and solve people’s queries.

This helps you to get recognized among group of people and also get found online. Since social media content is indexed, social media SEO helps you in getting recognized very easily

Some of the best sites where you can actively participate in discussions are


Getting found online through Video Sharing:

How to videos are another way to get found online.
Share how to videos in sites like youtube and get found online easily through social media SEO.

As youtube is visited by millions of visitors every day, it is very easy to get found online.

Some of the best places to share your videos are


These are some tips to get found online.

Marketing take away Tip: Getting found online is possible only by sharing your expertise with your niche. Actively participate in social media and get found online easily through social media SEO.


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How to get more Clients and Sales with Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is one of the prominent strategies of Internet marketing.

Social media networks like facebook, Myspace, Twitter etc. are the places where you can find different people from various countries.

Here the people interact with others in order to make friendship, share information, hobbies, make a professional relationship with others(B2B, C2C, B2C).

Thus social media networks are major sources for generating business leads and getting introduced to new clients.


Social Media sites are places where people search for their needs and requirements in web.
That is the main reason social media networking sites has become so popular nowadays.

They are now available in all the major mobile phones and now using them has become very easier.

Developing your business in social media sites helps in generating new leads and also getting them informed about your latest product launches, releases etc.

Tips for generating sales through social media

Various activities which are required for getting more clients and Sales through social media marketing:

Well optimized Website:

A well optimized website with qualitative content tagged with good keywords are required in order to provide the links in these social media networking sites and thereby increasing your traffic and business leads.

If you are expertise in your field of Industry then make use of it:

If you are expertise in your field then provide suggestions to people in these sites by introducing yourself and also you can even provide email id in order post any queries if they need you.

By this you can build good relationship and gain trust by the people.

You can also stay in touch through the various forums of your industry this way you can increase the back links too and find clients too.

Increase the traffic by submitting your posts in these sites regularly:

You need to submit the posts regularly, posts the news of your industry and also the new upcoming products and offers of your Business.

This helps in increasing the traffic as well as business leads.

Comment and share your opinions:

You can build a friendly relationship by sharing your opinions, comments etc on the pages of others in your network when they posted the useful content or supporting there comment etc.

You can take the help of social media marketing agency:

You can even take help of the various social media marketing agency where they help in driving the traffic to your website, finding the targeted customers, staying online and submitting the posts regularly etc are the various activities done by this agencies which help your business to improve.

You can increase the brand value and stay in touch with your customers:

Through the social media marketing you can increase the brand value of your firm in the world of business and also can take the feedback from your customers regarding your products or services and taking an active action helps in building the relationship with your customers.

Marketing takeaway tip: Of all these strategies, you need to check whether your efforts are converting into leads for your business.

If not, you need take corrective action in time thereby making your strategy of social media marketing successful for your business.

For more on generating sales through social media, visit the links given below:
5 ways social media can generate sales
How to use social media networking sites to generate sales


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How to get found from Customers online

Getting found by customers online helps in increasing revenue for business online.

One can set up a blog and learn effective ways of internet marketing to get found from customers online.

This will effectively help you in achieving success from your business blogs.

There are some top blog platforms that provide you with well designed themes and plugins that can help in developing a business blog.

Business blog helps in getting exposure online thus helping to get recognized online by customers.

With better internet marketing and tools available, you can attract more and more customers and improve profits.
Quality blog content will help you in getting found from customers online.
Here are some of the ways by which you can get found from customers online.

Write Compelling Content

Write compelling content and post regularly. This can help you brilliantly as people over internet are in regular search of useful content online and can get attracted by your interesting and regular content.

Submit your blog to blog search engines

Secondly you have to submit your business blogs to the blog search engine so that you can get better search engine rankings and better targeted traffic to your blogs.

Use social media networking and social bookmarking sites

There are new ways for internet marketing that includes social book marking, article marketing, directory submissions, etc. that effectively help you drive traffic for your business blogs and to get found from customers online.

You should also have to pay attention towards better designing of your business blogs which attracts the customers more. Keep your blog simple and clean so that it is always easy to find what you offer to your customers.

Don’t stuff your blog with Ads

Do not add more ads to your blogs. Ads more than the content can be frustrating for your visitors and can lead to drop down of your traffic. It is therefore important that you keep least ads on your blogs.

Offer Free Educational and Marketing Resources

Offer your customers free marketing and educational resources such as eBooks. Free eBooks are always a better way to enhance the traffic and customers attraction. This is also a brilliant way to attract more customers and to get more and more business leads.

Marketing takeaway tip:
Getting found from customers online is very difficult if you don’t know where to start with. Start with corporate blog and use your blog to provide compelling content and get recognized online by customers.

For more on how to get found from customers online, visit the links given below:
How to get your local business found online
How to get found online
10 tips for being found connecting with customers

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7 Top search engine strategies to get a Google Search Engine Listing

Search engine optimization is one of most important aspects that should be researched while designing a website.

Because many websites are designed daily but only few hits the top search engine rankings this is because they are very sure about the search engine optimization techniques.

In which Link building is one of the best search engine optimization technique because 80% of search engine ranking comes from link building.

Through link building you can get other sites showing interest in linking back to your webpage and this links are called as back links. In this there will be quality links and poor ones in which quality link can increase your search engine listing tremendously.

1) Be rational: you can diversify your links but should be rational in their selection. You need to always keep in mind to maintain qualitative links rather than quantitative links. You can also buy links and can make use of various search engine optimization packages

2) Be resourceful: always provide rich content so that people show interest linking with you. If you are resourceful, people will be attracted to your site and refer you through their sites also. So create valuable, informative and enriched pages.

3) Be a writer to other sites of your niche: don’t hesitate to write article for the sites which are in a related niche to yours. Submit articles to good article directories and you will get links directing back to your site.

4) Get registered in directories: make sure about the fact that you are registered in a number of directories. There are number of online directories like yahoo, and Google search directories; avail their services and get listed in your related niches.

5) Write press releases: writing press release can pay you profusely. You can write anything new related to your product or site which may pave the way for good links and invite attention from people.

6) Be social: internet is a social environment so you should be sociable; use the legible social networking platforms like twitter and face book to promote your site. Making friends in the related industry will enrich your pulse and gain inbound links.

7) Be active in blogging: blog commenting is a diplomatic choice to create back links. Your good online comments for others will prove rewarding for yourself in the near future.

Marketing takeaway: In order to implement the search engine optimization techniques you can go for search engine placement companies and search engine services.

For further information, check out
Back links important factors for SEO
How social media influence your search engine ranking

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