An Easy Way to Reach One Fifth of the World with your Brand Message

Simply become active in Facebook!

social media marketing agencyFacebook has about 830 million users worldwide which means it reaches one fifth of the global population.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg predicted there will be 1.43 billion social network users in 2012, 63.2% of internet users will visit a social network at least once a month, rising to 67.6% in 2013 and 70.7% in 2014.



The top ten largest countries are:

  • 1. United States 155,886,800
  • 2. India 45,018,540
  • 3. Indonesia 43,521,320
  • 4. Brazil 42,199,700
  • 5. Mexico 33,599,040
  • 6. Turkey 31,526,380
  • 7. United Kingdom 30,484,380
  • 8. Philippines 27,718,720
  • 9. France 24,100,240
  • 10. Germany 23,251,880


The search volume on Facebook has overtaken Google. And there are not only consumers who research there. B2B is also using Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ and other social networks to research for products, services, industry related information and new business partners.

Social media is a great way to showcase a business and to offer a more personal insight view. A company has great opportunities to show personality to attract the right buyer persona and to get in touch with the right new future customer when this one is looking out for products and services.

Social media has proved in the past years that it can bring positive ROI when it’s done right.

Some successful business examples are Intrepid Travel, Easy Lunch Boxes, and SnapRetail just only to name some of them.

As businesses understand that social media is no short term sprint than more something like a marathon they engage with more diligence to plan their steps to reach a long term ROI.

A study from Wildfire Interactive shows that social media helps grow brand awareness, increase sales and partnerships and helped to reduce marketing costs.


Infographic: Small Business + Social Media Use

Infographic Small Businesses Using Social Media

Engaging in dialogue with customers via social media has become an important part of successful companies.

Smart marketers measure the value of social media channels as well. They want to know which one has the best results for their business. One of the most popular channels is Facebook. About 44% of surveyed marketers say that “Facebook is valuable because they help with new customer recruitment”.

A proven working strategy is to add lead capture pages to your in social published articles and to track the traffic, leads, lead to customer rate and revenue per generated lead. So you get a good picture of your cost per lead and adjust activities to increase your profits.

Studies show that companies which relying on online lead generation is two times more profitable than those who do not. Those companies achieve up to 62% lower costs per lead.

Get active and establish your outpost in social media today!

Seven steps to establish your brands social media outpost:

  • 1. Start a social media presence. Complete your profile there.
  •  2. Research for industry related B2B groups and people. Become a member and invite those people to your network.
  • 3. Listen to their discussions. If you have something valuable to contribute than do it, otherwise go on listening.
  • 4. Start a corporate blog. Write about topics your B2B audience is interested in. Share your blog articles in social media and ask for feedback for your publication.
  • 5. Build landing pages and offer exclusive and valuable content for download. So you generate laser target high quality industry related B2B leads.
  • 6. Measure your activities.
  • 7. Improve your activities and repeat.


What do you think? How do you use social media?

Further Resources:

Facebook Helps Get One in Five People Worldwide Socializing on Online Networks


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How to reach 43 percent of all online consumers with your brand message

Social Media brand messageStats show 43 percent of all online consumers are in social media. Is your business there too?

78% of online consumers research online before they buy! They research preferred in blogs and their social networks.

Can your future or existing customers find you in social media? Are they able to find you when they research on Google, Yahoo or Bing?

By engaging in social media you increase your chances by about 54% to get found from your target audience when thy research for products your business also has to offer.

By listening to the social media conversation you can discover what’s talked about your brand and what kind of expectations, challenges and interests your target audience has for your.

To be active in social media makes people aware of your brand and gives your business the opportunity to step into a real time two way conversation with your audience.

You get the opportunity to gain trust and credibility and to be there with helpful and share worthy information before you ask for business!

Moreover this 2 two way communication shows you the expectations of your target audience for your products and services. When you listen carefully your audience tells you what, when and how they want buy from you.

You can tailor custom products and services to fulfill your audiences needs and expectations and you can improve existing products and your support to solve your audience’s problems and serve their demand when they need it!

Imagine which kind of impact such knowledge could have on your business and your competitive advantage you can gain over your competition by simply engaged in social media.

An average Facebook user has about 130 friends. When they share your brand to their friends and his friend’s share your brand to their friends and so on, can imagine how far your brand can be spread online?


How can you reach those 43 percent of all online consumers with your brand message?


1.) Start a blog

Companies that blog get about 55% more traffic to their websites. More than a half of them generate new customers through their blog.

To find blogging topics is easier than you think. Just go through your customer requests and questions your audience has about your products and services. For example, you can write How-to’s and publish them in your blog.


2.) Engage in Facebook

67% of B2C and 41% of B2B report that they got new customers through Facebook. Simply go to Facebook and register a personal account first. Complete this and start a business Page as the second step. Find your audience in other business pages and groups and start listening. If you have something helpful to contribute to the conversation than do it otherwise listen and learn.


3.) Engage in Twitter

42% of companies report that they have got new customers through Twitter. Register a Twitter account and start listening to your audience. The same procedure on Twitter: If you have something helpful to contribute to the conversation than do it otherwise listen and learn.

Make yourself interesting and attractive by publishing interesting and share-worthy content on the web through your corporate blog and in social media. Ask your audience for their opinion ask questions about their opinion about your brand and your products. Get the conversations starting and keep it running.

The more content you publish on the web, the more outposts will be online which can be seen and lead traffic to your website.

You will not reach all of the 43 percent of all online consumers with your brand message, but much more than before.

social brand messaging

— Do you have experiences with social media marketing for your business now and how are they? Let me know what you think and leave your comment below.

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Show me the social media Return on Investment

The Return on Investment of social media is measurable and this is much easier than you think.

There for you need the right platform which displays all tasks, traffic, lead sources and includes them into CRM and financial software.

Socia lMedia ROITo get this done social media needs to be seen as part of an integral strategy called Inbound Marketing.

Inbound marketing includes Blogging, social media, Lead Conversion, Lead Nurturing and Closed-Loop Analysis.

Inbound marketing is the marketing strategy that focuses on getting found by customers when they research online for products and services your business also has to offer.

With inbound marketing businesses earn their way to the customer, by publishing helpful information on a blog, in social media and forums.

A seriously executed Inbound Marketing strategy saves up to 62% of the marketing budget and increases lead conversion rate by up to 55%.

A study done by the “MIT – Massachusetts Institute of Technology – Sloan Institute” has discovered that businesses which use Inbound Marketing can reach up to 13% revenue growth in a time period of 18-24 month, depending on the target market.

To get measureable results and even your up to 13% revenue growth for your business out of Social media you need to do some more things than only to have a Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn account.

Social media is a communication channel. So you need to communicate with your target audience!

About which topics you should communicate with your audience? Simply about anything related to your market which solves your audiences’ problem!

To do this effectively a corporate blog can be a great way to publish  helpful information and start the conversation through blogging and on social media as well.

You should also consider to distribute helpful and share worthy information in any channel where your audience could do research online for products and services in your industry.

When your audience researches for products and services from your industry they go to Google first. Here they are able to take a closer look to different topics for their search term.

google search topicsEverything, here all the search results appear for the requested keywords.

Images, here all the search results which appear for the requested keywords and are related to any picture published to the web.

Videos, here all the search results which appear for the requested keywords and are related to any video published to the web.

News, here all search results which appear for the requested keywords and are related to any news published to the web.

Shopping, here all search results which appear for the requested keywords and are related to any shopping published to the web.

Books, here all search results which appear for the requested keywords and are related to any book published to the web.

Blogs, here all search results which appear for the requested keywords and are related to any blog article published to the web.

Discussions, here all search results which appear for the requested keywords and are related to any discussion published to the web.

When you go through these search options, than you can discover communication opportunities, to position yourself where your competition actually is not active.

Simply type in your company URL address and see what’s coming up under these above search options about you.

When you are done, repeat this with your best competitors URL address.

Marketing Takeaway Tipp: Discover creative ways to reach your target audience to set you apart of your competition.



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Make the Most of Social Media Marketing

There is no doubt about it; social media is here to stay. While the thought of venturing in into the realm of social media can be intimidating, the thing to remember is to start small, start with a purpose, and work to grow your social media marketing strategy over time.

The Facts

The trajectory of social networking continues to rise and gain momentum.

In fact, in 2010, 9 out of every 10 U.S. Internet users visited a social networking site each month and in 2010 social networking sites accounted for 12 percent of all time spent online, with an average Internet user spending more than 4.5 hours on these sites each month.

Social networking has become ingrained in our lives and is quickly becoming the preferred form of communication for countless individuals.

Facebook, the social networking behemoth, accounted for 10 percent of U.S. page views in 2010, and three out of every ten Internet sessions included a visit to this site.

(2010 U.S. Digital Year in Review: A Recap of the Year in Digital Media)


Why Use Social Media?

Aside from the fact that these sites are widely popular, they do provide numerous benefits to companies and organizations that are willing to invest in this type of marketing strategy.

These sites can assist in recruiting new employees, helping to establish trust with customers, working to build positive word of mouth buzz and establishing your company as an authority in your field of business. They can also assist with garnering research on your customers and testing out new product ideas.

Internally, they can also increase employee communication and feedback, assist with business process improvements and work to streamline project management efforts.


Where to Begin

As stated earlier, start small, but start smart.


Determine which sites to target

Figure out which sites your current and potential clients are visiting and focus on utilizing those for your social media efforts. Also assess what your competition is doing and don’t be afraid to review the efforts of large, successful companies. You can often glean tips and tricks to utilize on a smaller scale.


Establish goals and set metrics

Are you trying to raise brand awareness, sell more products, build relationships, position yourself as a thought leader, or all of the above? It is extremely important to evaluate how successful your strategy is. Measure how much your social media sites are being utilized and survey customers about their knowledge of them.


Align your tone and messaging

Since your vehicle for communication is changing, you also have to consider how you should change the tone of your messaging. Social media is much more casual than traditional marketing and it is also much more indirect.


Become a thought leader

Individuals see right through a campaign that is all about you and your business, instead, focus on sharing how your products and services can make the lives of your customers better and easier.

Don’t be afraid to share information that isn’t specifically about your company. Sharing valuable information establishes trust with your customer base; it shows them that you care about their success.


Make the time commitment and be timely

Social media is about starting and maintaining a conversation. You need to be active in order for social media to benefit your business. Set aside time each day to review what people are saying and to partake in the conversation.

Integrate your social media strategies with each other and with your traditional marketing plans

Ensure your messaging and branding remains consist. The last thing you want to do is jeopardize, weaken or dilute your brand.


In Conclusion

Take a deep breath and jump right in because you have to start somewhere. As long as your content is valuable, you will see that people are interested in what you have to say.

Author Profile

Keith BarrettKeith Barrett is a leading search engine optimization expert, with specific interest in social media marketing. His company, Search South, offers small business SEO services, as well as a wider range of approaches for businesses of all sizes.


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Leverage your employees to quadruple your business leads

To get attention in social media it is necessary to be visible where your audience is on the web. The more your business is visible the more potential customers will become aware of your business.

Marketing on the web is a numbers game. The more you put in the more comes out. 😉

To get the most out of your internet marketing, you should involve your employees in your lead generation activities!

For example: On Zappos the shou company, every employee is tweeting. Zappos has hundreds of employees.

Imagine the buzz for your business through this massive tweeting!

Encourage all of your employees to share company content in their social media channels and to write for your corporate blog about things they are interested in. Tell them to share company related special news or job vacancies.

By involving your employees in your social media marketing you leverage your chances to get seen online and to attract the right people to your business. This means that your chances increase massively to generate more leads and more revenue.

7 tipps how to proceed now:

1. Establish a social media policy. So you clearly define which kind of information can be published and which not.
2. Register a corporate Twitter account and for each employee a separate one, for example: “Frank-yourbusiness”. Follow each other twitter account.
3. Setup a network of blogs for your business. Give every employee an access to write blog posts which decides to do so.
4. Connect the employee blog with their corp. twitter and private account and their private facebook profiles and your corporate facebook fan page.
5. Choose two people for your Facebook corporate fan page as administrators.
6. Publish only interesting information. You should avoid talking about yourself, means your business only. Instead of publish helpful information and share those online and encourage your employees to do the same.
7. Establish effective landing pages with a compelling call to action you can offer free information like whitepapers, eBooks, how-to’s and training videos to encourage your visitors to register. So you generate leads through your activities. Promote that free information in you network of blogs, on facebook, twitter and on any other place where your target audience is around!

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How to generate business Leads through LinkedIn

Getting your business in LinkedIn helps you to gain more leads and prospects for your business all over the world.

One of the main advantages that businesses have from social media and professional sites like LinkedIn are to generate new business leads.

Generate Business Leads:

One of the main reasons your business should be identified in LinkedIn because it has huge business user’s base. There are hundreds of Prospects and Leads that are still search for business partners. So it is easy to generate business leads if you know how to use LinkedIn.

Some simple tips that can help you generate business Leads in LinkedIn

Develop your business profile in LinkedIn:

Create a well developed profile for your business showing all your business products, your business branches and how you are serving your customers.

Start your Internet Marketing through LinkedIn:

LinkedIn is good source for your business to do internet advertising. Getting your business in LinkedIn brings you targeted web traffic instantly.

Link other social media marketing profiles with LinkedIn:

There are many sites that help you to integrate your LinkedIn profile. Link your business and personal profile with LinkedIn.

Build business group in LinkedIn:

Create your own business group in LinkedIn and start spreading your business updates. Invite your business and prospective leads to join the group.

Build credibility and expertise:

Share your expertise with other relevant communities in LinkedIn. This helps in generating more leads for your business and also generating new customers as your business have improved credibility by sharing your expertise. Respond to customers queries and respond to them promptly.

Taking a premium membership helps you to get more benefits from LinkedIn.

Marketing takeaway Tip: LinkedIn is a top professional community. It is targeted by businesses to generate new contacts, leads and customer. Start using LinkedIn implementing those steps above or if you need help by hiring an Internet marketing consultant who can help to use LinkedIn and stay ahead of your competitors.

What are your experiences with LinkedIn and how do use LinkedIn to attract new customers?

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How to choose your internet marketing consultants wisely

Internet Marketing is a powerful way to generate new customers and increase business performance online.

There are many ways to generate leads for your business online and bring new customers in.

In order to generate new leads for your business, it is very important that you hire an internet marketing expert that can increase your business leads and also increase your online visibility, leads and profits for your business.

There are a lot of internet marketing consultants in web and this article provides some of the important points that you should consider when hiring an internet marketing consultant.

Points to be considered while choosing Internet Marketing consultants


It is very important to know about the experience any Internet marketing company or consultant has before recruiting him for your business. Learn about how they have been successful for other businesses and how they can help your business improvement.


Many people ought to hire internet marketing consultants that are local. But as now internet is global, try to innovate by hiring some of the best Internet marketing consultants all over the world. With web, now it is very easy to share your business with experts.


There are different packages provided by Internet marketing consultants. Learn about their packages, what is the best internet marketing consultant package that is suitable for business.

How they are going to help you:

This is one of the important point that needs to be considered while hiring. There are many ways of promoting your business online through Internet Advertising and web marketing. Ask about the latest Internet marketing strategies that they will be using to improve your business.


Some Internet marketing consultants provide you with a free trial or one or two weeks of appointments. If you are not sure whom to opt for, select a Internet marketing consultant whom you think can satisfy your business needs and who will be available all time depending upon your business needs.

Once you hire your required Internet marketing consultant, your business would grow more prominently and also generate more revenue in long term.

Marketing takeaway Tip: Internet marketing consultants can help you to identify your business market and use prominent marketing strategies to generate new customers. Let them show you if they practice what they preach.

Related Links:


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8 things for guaranteed inbound marketing success for EXECUTIVES

1. Embrace Sociel Media, even if you don’t understand it. Until you understand it hire Inbound Marketing Pros to do it for you. So you do not loose time and revenue until you got it!

2. Throw away your sacredness. To be scared does not brig you a competitive advantage, more customers or revenue. Be brave and smart, just go for it!

3. If you want to be successful in social media and gain a competitive advantage, than stop asking your lawyers and your peers. If you feel better go and ask your mother. Or much better ask inbound marketing professionals, they could be a more competent source of information.

4. To get your company on the social media thing you need processional help. Somebody who has 300 friends on facebook is not competent help to get customers and revenue out of social media marketing!

5. Don’t expect the things are happen overnight. Social media needs time! To get profit out of it in six to twelve month you need to start TODAY!

6. Be authentic. Don’t communicate what you are, moreover communicate as you are! Just be yourself. Nothing else works in social media!

7. Don’t talks about yourself or your products. Talk about things your audience is interested in. The truth is nobody is interested in your products except yourself!

8. Social Media is not free! Don’t expect to get this social media thing for 10k! To setup a corporate wide blog could cost your business about 100k in the first year!

Important article: Executive micro-management mentality

How to get more clients and sales with social media marketing

How do you use social media for business and how are your experiences? I am looking forward to your comments below.

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How to take advantage of social media as a Small Business

As studies (eMarketer) show the activity in social media through SMBs increases from 2009 to 2011.

The activities in social networking sites and corporate blogging have gained more dynamic in the past years.

As more SMBs are ready to engage, the most do not know how to do it right to gain profits out of their social media work.

To participate in social media as a small business you need to learn more about your buyer personas. You need to learn what they are interested in next to your products or services. What kind of hobbies they have, what kind of other products and services they buy and what products and services their friends and followers from their networks buy.

To know your buyer personas is the most important part of your work. Do this first! Then you will get an Idea where to engage, how to communicate and what to say.

When you have a clear picture about your buyer personas you will become better able to reach them with the kind of message they are mostly interested in.

The easiest way to gain attention from your buyer personas in social media is to publish interesting, helpful, remarkable and share worthy content their where your buyer personas are around in the social networks.

This will gain you trust and pull buyers to your website inbound like a magnet.

How to get more clients and sales with social media marketing

How do you use social media for business and how are your experiences? I am looking forward to your comments below.

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Four steps how to avoid work overload with your Inbound Marketing

When you are doing internet marketing through corporate blogging, pay per click marketing and social media marketing to attract your target audience to your business, than it can become overwhelming to do all of the information and tasks necessary to stay on track.

Like any other business person you have to focus on your daily business tasks, simply to do business and revenue!

To get seen from your buyer personas it is important to be where they are and to get in touch and to interact with them.

The process of identifying your buyer persona is critical for your business. Moreover a good fundamental analysis of your buyer personas will save you a lot of time and money in the future and increase your revenue!

How to get more clients and sales with social media marketing

First step

Focus on find out what your buyer personas are. Find out what your customers have in common, how they found your offer on the internet and why they buy your products and services. Digg deeper and try to find out what kind of interest they have next to your products and services. For example find out what kind of hobby they have and on which social networks, groups and forums they are mostly around on the internet.

Draw a buyer persona sheet for every buyer persona you discover and complete and update the sheet constantly. So you always are on track with your potential customers.

Second step

Visit the social networks, groups and forums and listen first and contribute second there. Be helpful with your comments and ask educated questions to drive attention to you. Publish helpful articles there to drive more attention to you. Invite those members who interact with you and invite their friends from the social networks, groups and forums as well. So you will grow your network step by step.

Third step

Produce remarkable and helpful content. Test the content to see which topics work and focus on them. Produce and offer special content to be downloaded from your website only. Set landing pages and generate leads. As you generate leads you should produce further content to include this into your email messages for lead nurturing. Keep in mind to not to do sales pitches in your content and lead nurturing as well. Be informative and helpful. This will increase your reputation and trust.

Fourth step

Measure which articles and topics bring you the most response in traffic, leads and revenue and focus on them. So you make your doings much smarter and you save a lot of time.

You should take one hour each day for each task. This offers you the opportunity to do five tasks a week and plan your time much better.


Focus on blogging. Companies that blog get up 57% more traffic to their website than companies which do not blog. Therefore I suggest that you save three hours per week for content creation. Remain two hours you can use to spread your content in your communication channels like social networks, groups and forums and to do conversation with your network.

How do you organize your inbound marketing and what are your results? I am looking forward to your comments below!

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What’s the best way to sell with social media?

It’s very simple: The best way to sell with social media is NOT to sell! Think different!

Why does a customer buy? A customer buys when he trusts you and your business and when he is sure you understand his needs.

There we are. You only can sell to somebody who trusts you.

How to gain trust? Not through sales pitches in social media that’s for sure!

You can gain the trust and credibility of your audience when you are a helpful source and they get the feeling you want to educate them and to solve their problems.

You can gain trust and credibility when you engage with your audience by publishing helpful and share worthy content online.

To better understand this process you should also read Chris Brogans’ and Julian Smiths’ book “Trust Agents”. They describe how and why it is important to earn the trust of your audience before you make an offer.

In simple words: Be there before the sale!

The best way to move from content publishing in social media to real revenue is to convert interested visitors to leads and to paying customers by a lead nurturing process which also consist of the distribution of valuable content and NOT sales pitches!

When you engage in social media and your only goal is to sell as quickly as you can, than you miss some important and more powerful benefits which social media has offer to your business.

With the help of social media you can build brand awareness and loyalty. Brand awareness and loyalty lasts longer than dump sales pitches! Think about it!

To get people engaged you need to educate and to entertain them. The more you are able to engage your audience, the more attractive you will become and the more leads and business you will get out of social media.

Your social media profit depends mostly of your creativity, communication skills and the ability to try out new ways.

How do you do yoursociel media marketing? I am looking forward to your comments below!

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How to make your company message attractive or the Link Building 101 Rap

When you think you business is boring, and you can’t present it in an outstanding and attractive way than you are wrong.

Marketing is creativity and when you put some creativity in your marketing development you can get ideas to present your business is an outstanding and remarkable way too.

For example, would you think there is an outstanding way to present a Self-Cleaning Toilet?

But there is!

The company CWS made an unusual and remarkable video to exactly do that:



Here is a creative example how to present link building.

Link Building 101 Rap

Marketing takeaway tip: Don’t look what’s your competition is doing. Look what other industries do and try to get ideas to do your own thing.

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How marketing consultants can help you increase web traffic

Marketing consultants play a crucial role in analyzing your business, identified new sources of traffic and decreasing your marketing costs.

Not only marketing budgets, they help in finding new customers for your business and also increasing targeted web traffic.

Marketing Consultants show their expertise in implementing various strategies like advertising, email marketing, social media marketing and search engine optimization.

They analyze your business by tracking visitors, using latest blog tools, providing the list of targeted customers for your products, finding new customers etc. This article brings you the advantages in taking advice from an expert marketing consultant.

Advantages of hiring an expert marketing consultant
Marketing consultants are people who have rich experience in various niches and have idea of latest marketing strategies online.

Some of the advantages of hiring an expert marketing consultant are given below:

Marketing Consultants are experts
Getting an expert advice is always beneficial especially when you are not aware of how exactly you can optimize your marketing strategies and increase targeted web traffic. As marketing consultants have relevant expertise, they provide you with an expert opinion about marketing strategy.

Helps in improving your marketing strategies
Marketing strategies if not utilized properly may result in losing huge amount of budgets. To utilize marketing budgets efficiently for your business, it is always advised to take an expert opinion

Helps in introducing new tools
Marketing experts helps in providing you information about latest tools in the market which may help you generate quality leads. These tools help in analyzing your web traffic and where is the potential base for your business and helps in targeting that potential base.

Decrease unwanted budgets and plan a effective marketing plan
An effective marketing plan helps in decreasing budgets predominantly. Marketing consultants provides expert advices in bringing new marketing ideas and promotions which can helps in improving targeted web traffic.

Use latest marketing strategies to target large customer base
Marketing consultants helps in reaching to some of the large customer bases which helps in increasing business leads. You can get to know about the latest social media marketing tools which can boost your search engine rankings and also helps in search engine marketing.

Thus marketing consultants helps you in finding new business leads for your firm and thereby helping your business improve and earn profits.



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The web marketing value of Facebook like Button

Profits of any company depends on how effectively their products are visible in Internet and how effective are their marketing strategies for getting targeted web traffic from search engines.

Social Media buttons like facebook, twitter and linkedIn have huge web marketing value and also play a major role in social media marketing.

Advantage of Social Media Buttons for sharing

There are different ways you can share your website or online blog articles with people online. Social Media buttons for Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn have huge marketing value and your popularity increases when users started sharing your articles in these social media.

Businesses display the number of times articles in their blog are shared in major social media communities. More are the number of shares; more is the popularity of any site in Web.

How to add facebook Like Button for your blog or business

Facebook like button is one of the most powerful sharing social media button in Internet today. Most readers use this facebook like button to express their interest in particular information. Some best ways to market your products and website through facebook are given below.

Facebook Widgets

Now with lots of customized business and blogging tools available, your online blog can easily be integrated with facebook. If your business has a facebook fan page, then you can add widget of your facebook fan page to your blog. This is one of the efficient web marketing strategy to show your website popularity to readers of your blog.

Addthis and Share Buttons

You can even add Add this or Share buttons. These buttons helps in getting your website or business blog added in social media very easily.

Customized social media buttons

Customized Social Media buttons for major social media communities like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn brings more creativity for your blog posts. Customization like a Facebook Like Logo, numbers of shares adds more interactivity to the posts and readers can also identify the popularity of that particular blog.

Latest Facebook Applications

There are hundreds of facebook Applications developed in recent years. Use these latest applications to promote your business online.
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Do you know the marketing effectiveness of your website?
How many sales leads does your website generate?

Inbound marketing is not for you if you are not committed

Inbound marketing can help a business to get seen, get found and to get leads!

But inbound marketing is a strategy which requires a lot of work, creativity and focusing on goals.

With Inbound marketing you can become outstanding attractive and get found by your target audience, leave your competitor far behind you and increase your market share and revenue.

For the last six years inbound marketing has proved to be the most powerful internet marketing strategy to gain trust, leads and customers with a decrease of marketing spending’s of up to 60% and an increase of lead conversion of up to 55%.

Inbound marketing has proved to be the best strategy available toget outstanding attractive and make more revenue with lesser investment.

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Inbound marketing is the marketing strategy that focuses on getting found by customers. Inbound marketing is related to permission based relationship marketing.

With inbound marketing businesses earn their way to the customer, by publishing helpful information on a blog, in social media and forums.

Inbound marketing includes Blogging, Social Media, Lead Conversion, Lead Nurturing and Closed-Loop Analysis.

Inbound marketing can help you to:
A. Save up to 60% of your marketing budget.
B. Stand out of your competition.
C. Generate a massive amount of leads.
D. Get up to 55% higher lead conversion rates.
E. Increase your customers and sales.

Businesses need to learn that they can’t deport inbound marketing tasks and responsibility to an inbound marketing agency.

They are also required to work together with the hired inbound marketing professionals as a team with goals,  to make their business found of their target audience and to get leads out of these activities!

Businesses have to work together with their hired inbound marketing professionals and to be helpful by delivering all necessary information and support to achieve the previously mutually agreed goals!

To hire an inbound marketing agency without communication and commitment to inbound marketing is the same like to go to a hairdresser without telling him which kind of hairstyle you want.

If a business prefers “consent” more than “advice and help” with their inbound marketing, than they better avoid inbound marketing!

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cover 12 ways Easy tips how to get content for your blog12 Powerful Ways How To Get Massive Traffic To Your Web Presence


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Do you know the marketing effectiveness of your website?
How many sales leads does your website generate?

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