The Medical fraternity + Video Conferencing

video, video email, video marketing, video communications,vmail, life coaches, coaching, coaches, teachers, trainers, skills, training, marketing, advertising, doctors, nurses, staff training, recruiting, global, specialists, Video/Web Conferencing can significantly affect the quality + availablity of Healthcare globally, enabling many positive outcomes.

More + more institutions worldwide are realizing + embracing the value of utilizing this technology, which is now becoming more easily accessible as Mobile + access to the Internet continues to grow across the globe.

Timing + the effectiveness of the initial response is crucial in assuring a positive outcome for patients.

Video Conferencing is playing a major role today  :



  1. Where Specialists are in short supply, they can be tapped into remotely, administering a diagnosis + recommending emergency, life-saving treatment at significant cost savings
  1. Emergency Medical Personnel in ambulances with access to the internet in their vehicles, can use this technology while on the road to communicate with specialists/doctors/their destination hospital or other facility, giving them prior warning as to the prognosis + status quo
  1. Healthcare institutions can provide patients with access to Global Specialists, enabling an improved level of care + patient outcome, by for example, creating a central monitoring station to link up with all other institutions in their network
  1. Rural areas with access to the internet, can also use this technology for diagnostic + other purposes, saving lives + making more efficient use of health care money, where funding is limited
  1. Reduce the need to transfer patients + thus retaining revenue for that institution



It has always been a logistical nightmare to train staff in this industry, as most work different shifts + there exists the crucial need to keep stations staffed at all times. Web Conferencing is proving an ideal solution for staff to receive ongoing training without leaving their posts –

  1. Recruiting top Physicians + Specialists. Web Conferencing, has proven to be an important element in recruiting Physicians + Specialists globally
  1. Recruiting + Training Nurses. Video conferencing helps address the nursing shortage in many hospitals by enabling them to recruit globally
  1. General Staff training in the medical fraternity. New employees can be trained across multiple locations.  In addition, new information can be presented to several locations in a single session
  1. Emergency Medical Personnel – can also be trained across multiple locations
  1. Reduction of meeting overload.  Conducting regular scheduled management + staff meetings makes it easier for staff to attend, saving time, reducing travel costs + thereby increasing patient care + staff productivity
  1. Going Green’   Reducing the amount of travel, cost of accommodation, etc saves time + ultimately money, increasing staff productivity + thereby addresses the associated carbon footprint


FEEDBACK from Doctors/Specialists :

Doctors/Specialists can host live Video feedback sessions, sharing final x-rays + conduct Q + A sessions, so that nurses + paramedics can see the diagnoses + outcomes of the patients under their care + learn lessons for future responses, especially bone fractures, spinal injuries + trauma.



Most Web Conferences can now also be accessed on Pads, Android + select Smartphones

Infographic: Mobile Cloud

video, video email, video marketing, video communications,vmail, life coaches, coaching, coaches, teachers, trainers, skills, training, marketing, advertising, doctors, nurses, staff training, recruiting, global, specialists,


1cdc3d1 The ARTS + VIDEO COMMUNICATIONSHeather de Wit considers herself to be an ‘out of the box’ thinker and is happy to share her knowledge on the merits of utilising Video Email and Conferencing/Webinars. Her experience as a sole Entrepreneur for over 20 years spans marketing, advertising and PR.  She enjoys creative writing, singing at functions and is a self-taught artist.


Get in touch with heather :


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