It is no secret that companies who publish valuable content on the web get more attention from their existing and potential customers.
Companies that utilize the opportunities of publishing valuable content get more attention, traffic and generate more leads.
As attention of the target audience is important to gain trust and credibility, the best way to do this is to show expertise and to be helpful.
Companies that publish content online in their corporate blog and social media make them self more visible to their target audience.
Search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing are indexing the content which is distributed online through social media and increase the chances for a company to get found when potential customers looking for products and services they also have to offer.
A HubSpot study made of data of 4,000 companies shows: The more content you have the more traffic you get. This evaluation shows that companies who blog daily (20x a month), with 400+ indexed pages and 31+ landing pages get the most traffic and leads online.
Here are some tips how you can produce content and landing pages to increase, traffic and leads
Look out for content sources and ideas in your company.
Useful sources to get content ideas are:
With these valuable sources you can do 300 word blog articles or write How-to papers or do videos which you put behind landing pages to generate business leads to help your customers to solve their problems and to show your products in action.
Engage all employees to produce helpful content with your target customer in mind. The more employees are engaged the more content your company has to offer.
The more helpful content you produce the more your chances will increase to position on the web to get found when people are looking on the search engines for products and services which you also have to offer.
You simply increase your visibility and get you better found from your target audience!
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