6 Reasons for a corporate blog to get business leads

Corporate blogs are now of the prominent inbound marketing strategies to gain targeted web traffic.

Almost all the major businesses online have a corporate blog where they share their latest product information, latest product news, information about new launches etc. In other ways, it is one of the effective efficient inbound marketing strategies to improve search engine rankings.

This article provides advantages of corporate blog and how it helps in driving targeted web traffic to your business website.


1. Advantages of having Corporate Blog

Corporate blogs are gold mines for business online. Corporate blog is recommended by top marketing consultants in Internet today. The major reasons for going for a business blog for your business online are

2. Blogs are search engine friendly

Search engines like the latest content and always look for fresh content. Adding an important update in your corporate blog or about a product launch etc. will help in getting recognized online by search engines. This is best possible through business blog.

3. Show your expertise and Authority

If you are looking to get recognized online, then one of the best way to show your expertise in your niche through corporate blog. All the major companies have corporate blogs or even whole corporate blog networks which are managed by top layer of the companies. Blogs are one of the best ways to show your authority online.

4. Share and Improve relations with your customers and clients

Corporate blogs helps in sharing insights and also improving customers for your blog. Blogs can be used to give pre-defined answers and queries which solve your clients questions. This helps in having more customer orientation and at the same time increasing trust in your clients.

5. Increase your brand Image

Business blogs helps in improving brand image and also helps in getting recognized by customers. Now every customers look for reviews of your website. It is through business blog your customers can know much about your business growth, launches, reviews thus helping to improve brand image for your organizations.

6. Decrease marketing budgets

Corporate blogs helps in driving targeted web traffic for your blog. As you get more traffic from search engines, you can get more leads for business lead generation campaigns. This helps in decreasing marketing budgets for driving new leads.

Start your business blog today and see the major advantages by adding latest blog tools.

Do you have a corporate blog in use and how are your experiences? Please leave your comment below!


More important resource about corporate blogging:

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Easy tips how to get content for your blog

This is the most asked question executives ask when corporate blogging is mentioned.

Blogging is one of the most powerful ways to attract new customers towards a business website, products and services.

With blogging businesses can build trust and credibility with their audience. Studies show that businesses who blog get up to 55% more traffic to their website than businesses who don’t blog.

Each published blog entry is an outpost of a company and an additional chance to get found, seen and get leads online.

The more blog articles, remarkable content you publish, the more chances you have to get found from your audience online.

But how often should you blog and what topic should you blog about? How to get ideas for remarkable articles?

How often should you blog?

In the beginning of your blogging activities when you start with your corporate blog you could start with two blog articles per week.

The rule is, the more articles you publish, the higher are your chances to get found.

How to get ideas for remarkable articles?

As your business is full of information and know how you can squeeze out tons of content to write remarkable and helpful article to attract your audience.

To get ideas to write blog articles you could use some sources which are actually available for you like this below:

Email, in email you can find a lot of content potential. For example a customer request for support and your answer. I am sure you could make a 300 word article for a blog from out this email.

Industry related forum posts, Forums are a great source to learn about the issues and questions of your target audience. Read through forum posts and I am sure there will be questions and answers which you can compile to a helpful and remarkable article.

Event Video, when you have been on an event or trade show than you could use your impressions to write an article about news and trends of your industry.

Interviews, with customers can be great content resources as a customer reference is very trustworthy information which for sure will attract interested audience to your blog.

Company news, you could write about news, innovation and inventions of your company and how the benefit your target audience.

Your personal thought, could be very valuable for your customers. It shows you and your business as human and this gains you trust and credibility too.

I am sure when you go through these tips you will find more sources in your company to get content ideas for your corporate blog.



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Do you know the marketing effectiveness of your website?
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Is your website a liability or a real estate

Today still most websites receive less or even no traffic. Those websites are not marketing optimized and offer no user experience!

More fatal they don’t offer any kind of valuable and remarkable content. They have no lead generation process implemented.

Content is the key to attract target audience, to generate lead and to convert those lead into revenue!

First thing which you should consider when you plan to setup a marketing optimized website, is not to ask a web designer!

You should talk to a pro, to internet marketing specialists which are qualified to help you.

Internet marketing specialists are able to help you plan your marketing optimized website in a more specific marketing strategy in mind that best converts visitors into leads and leads into customers.

A marketing optimized website, done through internet marketing specialists can become a true magnet for customers and sales.

They help you to establish the whole platform as a smart marketing hub for your business.

Some benefits which a marketing optimized website should offer to you:

  • Should make your Marketing quick!
  • Empowers you to to update your pages as you need.
  • It is made with average, less technical folks in mind and for you simple to use
  • Empowers you to make website changes all by yourself, whenever you need to!
  • Allows you to optimize for search engines, like URL structure, page titles, and headers.
  • It allows you to easily add your own Meta description and Meta tags which increase the likelihood that a page is noticed in search engine results by a human eye and clicked.
  • Is build with a marketing strategy in mind and allows you to do a website redesign or changing your website’s structure yourself.
  • Empowers you to make a new site yourself with a specific marketing strategy in mind that best converts visitors into leads and leads into customers.

A marketing optimized website solution should give you the best tools available to get found and generate leads, to achieve your revenue goals the smart an easy way!

And this is definitely some sizes to big for a simple web designer!


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6 Tricks how to increase backlinks and grow your pagerank the smart way

Mostly, all the intrepreneurs who are in the internet  will have their marketing strategy for getting found online with the search engines.

This is almost imperative in order to grow your business. And in that too, one would like to grow search engine rankings so that the chances of their business improve with search engine marketing.

This article provides 6 potential ways to gain significant back links:

#1 Share useful and relevant content that match your keywords

Always feed more and more attractive and valuable contents because content is the key for attracting visitors to your website.

If content satisfies your visitors, then definitely there are chances of getting repetitive visits for your site and also increase traffic. Famous websites providing social interactions to the customers also have huge content in the form of blogs, articles and so on.

#2 Link only to relevant websites

Another important factor is that the contents which you provide must have links to relevant websites.

For this purpose inbound marketing agency should get to work and extend that as much as it can. Inbound marketing experts can help you to gain significant backlinks from relevant sites easily and effectively.

#3 Inviting Guest Writers from similar niche

Inviting other authors who can write contents appropriate to your website will be very much useful for generating search engine traffic.

Others may have ideas which might be valuable for your business. So look for such persons who can write for you in this way. That really gives tremendous response for your articles and also helps in linking with these writers blogs.

#4 Writing Guest Posts in Other Sites

Again, be open to provide links to blog writers so that you can have more content for your visiting.

Be attached to the social media sites too. This task can be allotted to social media marketing agency. So that nothing relevant is missed.

#5 Frequent Press releases helps in link building

Never forget writing and publishing press release.

However, you can find some free examples on the net but one must try something of one’s own that will be the best. One must include everything regarding business like search engine strategies and ensure their submission is aso search engine friendly.

#6 Identify reliable link network for your link building

And the last is that one must build a whole network of the links provided with the content. Internal links must be included also.

Appropriate search engine keywords must be used with these links with the provision of search engine services that will be offered to the visitors and maintain that.

Marketing Takeaway Tip:Above six link building techniques will help you to grow your page rank in a smart way and help you to get into top pages of search engines.

Related Links
Spotted 5 ways to increase back links
Five tips to increase your back links


inbound marketing assessment us My prospects aren’t using social media, so I don’t need to be there!


Internet Marketing to get more Prospects and Leads

Internet marketing has become the best platform for business as it can reach the people all around the World through contributing with very limited resources in respect to time, money, human resources etc compared with the traditional outbound marketing.

Advertising of products or services through Internet is becoming very popular in the field of business as it is creating more leads and increasing the brand value.


Likely, developing a well optimized Website of your company or blog, analyzing what are the various ways in getting the customers for your business, are the leads converting into customers of your products or services, social media networking, increasing of traffic in your website etc are the various activities of Internet marketing.


Creating the business leads through Internet marketing:

Business leads are nothing but reaching the targeted customers of your products or services through Internet marketing.

So you can reach your targeted customer through various activities which includes:

Starting your own company blog
Developing a company blog makes you easily available to the people all over the World who are need of your products or services.

Having a company blog also helps you in increasing the brand value and also maintaining a close relationship with your customers , you can also post and advertise the new updates and offers of your business to your customers.

Search engine optimization and increasing your page rank
After developing a blog or website with good informative posts it should be tagged with the keywords related to your posts and likely your website site map should be submitted in the search engines like Google, Yahoo etc so that, when people search for your products or services you can easily be found by them.

Your Website can be easily found in the early pages of the search engines when you acquire a good page rank for your website which is given by the search engines based on the traffic, qualitative content in your website etc.

Email marketing
You can collect the E-mail ids from the people who ever visits your website and from your customers there by you can provide the regular updates and offers of your products and services to them.

You can make use of social media networking sites
You can increase the traffic in your website by building a good relationship with the people in the social media networking sites and make them visit your website and later convert them to your customers.

You can reach your targeted customers through opting some paid services
There are some agencies which help you in meeting your targeted customers but you need to pay some amount.

They offer various packages like pay per post, pay per click etc this can also help you increasing traffic to your website and also the customers.

Marketing takeaway tip:
Internet marketing is a strategy of marketing where you can easily measure your Return on Investment (ROI) by observing the number of leads created by it and can also make quick improvements in making your strategy successful. Start using latest internet marketing strategies for your business online.

For more on Internet marketing and generating more prospects and leads, visit the links given below:

How to identify your internet marketing strategies
Social media trumps SEO

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How to get more Clients and Sales with Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is one of the prominent strategies of Internet marketing.

Social media networks like facebook, Myspace, Twitter etc. are the places where you can find different people from various countries.

Here the people interact with others in order to make friendship, share information, hobbies, make a professional relationship with others(B2B, C2C, B2C).

Thus social media networks are major sources for generating business leads and getting introduced to new clients.


Social Media sites are places where people search for their needs and requirements in web.
That is the main reason social media networking sites has become so popular nowadays.

They are now available in all the major mobile phones and now using them has become very easier.

Developing your business in social media sites helps in generating new leads and also getting them informed about your latest product launches, releases etc.

Tips for generating sales through social media

Various activities which are required for getting more clients and Sales through social media marketing:

Well optimized Website:

A well optimized website with qualitative content tagged with good keywords are required in order to provide the links in these social media networking sites and thereby increasing your traffic and business leads.

If you are expertise in your field of Industry then make use of it:

If you are expertise in your field then provide suggestions to people in these sites by introducing yourself and also you can even provide email id in order post any queries if they need you.

By this you can build good relationship and gain trust by the people.

You can also stay in touch through the various forums of your industry this way you can increase the back links too and find clients too.

Increase the traffic by submitting your posts in these sites regularly:

You need to submit the posts regularly, posts the news of your industry and also the new upcoming products and offers of your Business.

This helps in increasing the traffic as well as business leads.

Comment and share your opinions:

You can build a friendly relationship by sharing your opinions, comments etc on the pages of others in your network when they posted the useful content or supporting there comment etc.

You can take the help of social media marketing agency:

You can even take help of the various social media marketing agency where they help in driving the traffic to your website, finding the targeted customers, staying online and submitting the posts regularly etc are the various activities done by this agencies which help your business to improve.

You can increase the brand value and stay in touch with your customers:

Through the social media marketing you can increase the brand value of your firm in the world of business and also can take the feedback from your customers regarding your products or services and taking an active action helps in building the relationship with your customers.

Marketing takeaway tip: Of all these strategies, you need to check whether your efforts are converting into leads for your business.

If not, you need take corrective action in time thereby making your strategy of social media marketing successful for your business.

For more on generating sales through social media, visit the links given below:
5 ways social media can generate sales
How to use social media networking sites to generate sales


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How to get found from Customers online

Getting found by customers online helps in increasing revenue for business online.

One can set up a blog and learn effective ways of internet marketing to get found from customers online.

This will effectively help you in achieving success from your business blogs.

There are some top blog platforms that provide you with well designed themes and plugins that can help in developing a business blog.

Business blog helps in getting exposure online thus helping to get recognized online by customers.

With better internet marketing and tools available, you can attract more and more customers and improve profits.
Quality blog content will help you in getting found from customers online.
Here are some of the ways by which you can get found from customers online.

Write Compelling Content

Write compelling content and post regularly. This can help you brilliantly as people over internet are in regular search of useful content online and can get attracted by your interesting and regular content.

Submit your blog to blog search engines

Secondly you have to submit your business blogs to the blog search engine so that you can get better search engine rankings and better targeted traffic to your blogs.

Use social media networking and social bookmarking sites

There are new ways for internet marketing that includes social book marking, article marketing, directory submissions, etc. that effectively help you drive traffic for your business blogs and to get found from customers online.

You should also have to pay attention towards better designing of your business blogs which attracts the customers more. Keep your blog simple and clean so that it is always easy to find what you offer to your customers.

Don’t stuff your blog with Ads

Do not add more ads to your blogs. Ads more than the content can be frustrating for your visitors and can lead to drop down of your traffic. It is therefore important that you keep least ads on your blogs.

Offer Free Educational and Marketing Resources

Offer your customers free marketing and educational resources such as eBooks. Free eBooks are always a better way to enhance the traffic and customers attraction. This is also a brilliant way to attract more customers and to get more and more business leads.

Marketing takeaway tip:
Getting found from customers online is very difficult if you don’t know where to start with. Start with corporate blog and use your blog to provide compelling content and get recognized online by customers.

For more on how to get found from customers online, visit the links given below:
How to get your local business found online
How to get found online
10 tips for being found connecting with customers

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Setup a corporate blog to get traffic and sales

Setting up a corporate blog to get some traffic and sales can be a good idea to expand your online business.

Today at times when each and every single thing is marketed online and is available for you at online shops, it is very easy to expand your business and to get some sales and profits. But this can be achieved with effective marketing strategies and techniques.

Setting up a corporate blog is one such marketing technique which brings you revenue and also generates new business leads.

Corporate blogging needs some tactics and lots of efforts to get started and to get traffic.

You need search engine submission to get some search engine traffic and business leads by which you can actually sustain competition in the market and business.

Traffic which is referred to as a fuel of the blog is necessary to run your blog and business smoothly. The better is your fuel, the better will be your business running online. Or you can say that more targeted you get the traffic, better will be your sales and business leads.

Internet marketing is today very easy and affordable with the help of tools and tactics that you can use free of cost. But what you pay is what you get, so you can get better businesses if you can invest some time and money into it.

Also it is important that you concentrate on some of the brilliant social networking and bookmarking sites that helps your corporate blog to get search engine traffic. These are one of the best ways to market your online business.

These are cost effective and very affordable techniques to drive more business leads for your corporate blog and thus increasing traffic and sales.

Here are some more tips by which you can setup your corporate blog and start getting some traffic and sales.


  • Post valuable content that is interesting and knowledgeable. This should satisfy the needs of people who are in search of answer to the particular query.
  • Be consistent and give time to your corporate blogging. Give your readers some valuable information regularly for which they will be returning back for latest updates and news.
  • Learn some SEO and do link building to promote your corporate blog in web. You can also hire inbound marketing experts for this job that can serve you best for increasing your traffic and sales.
  • Your blog should be designed in such a way that people can easily navigate through your corporate blog.

Marketing take away tip: Corporate blog helps in giving better information about your business latest updates to your network. As searching engines started indexing social media content, submitting your corporate blog to social media helps in driving new business leads and increasing sales.

For more on starting corporate blog and driving traffic and sales, visit the links given below
How to setup a B2B corporate blog
11 tips to get more traffic for your corporate blog
Benefits of corporate blogging


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3 Tips to Choose Business Blog Software

Business Management is necessary for businesses to promote their business online.

To promote their products online, there needs to be a proper business blog design so that blog can help in promoting inbound marketing and SEO strategies for their business.

3 Tips to Choose Business Blog Software

This article describes information on how to select the right business blog software for your business online.

Choosing right business blog design for your corporate blog

There are many things that are to be taken care while selecting the best blogging platform for your business online. Some of the factors that are to be considered while you start a business blog are given below:

1. Choosing best blogging platform

Once you have chosen a right website name that best suits your products, the next thing that should be taken care of is selecting the right business blog design.

This starts with selecting the best blogging platform. If you see the blogging corporate paradigm, many website owners select wordpress for their corporate blog due to its extensive features and many flexibilities it provide for Analytical and SEO tools.

So it is important to take a right decision before selecting your business blog.

2. Choosing the right template for your business blog

Template helps in attracting more customers and helping visitors to know more about your website or blog. More attractive is your blog template, more chances are for increasing traffic. So select the best template that suits your business products.

Also you should take care of functionality of templates like providing feature products, featured articles, flexibility of templates for showing related articles, showing top posts and comments in your blog etc.

All these play a major role in search engine rankings. And other things to consider is the load time, cost that is to be needed to get the right template.

3. Choosing best SEO and Analytical tools for your business blog

Next important thing to consider for your corporate blog is to select the best SEO and Analytical tools that helps in identifying the major sources of traffic for your Internet marketing and lead generation campaigns.

These SEO and Analytical tools helps in identifying the sources and increases traffic for your business blog.

Do you have any tips on how about corporate blogging? What are they and how do you menage your corporate blogging for your business?


Let me know what you think and comment below. I’d love to hear from you.

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