Why Marketers should do Brand Massaging in Real-Time

real-time brand massagingIn the past marketers have been dependent on static inflexible campaigns and surveys which took days, weeks or months before companies get an understanding of how consumers are responding to their brand messaging.

To keep up with the today digital pace is a challenge which every marketer is facing by doing brand messaging.

Also it is not necessary anymore to wait for days, weeks or months to get an idea how brand messaging work and if the recent results are going into the right direction.

By taking the advantages of social media into account marketers have the opportunity to get unfiltered real time feedback from their audience about the impact of their brand messaging. Also they have the opportunity to refine their brand messaging in real time by carefully listening to their audience and offer buyer persona tailored information to make their brand outstanding.

This messaging can be improved online in real time and on daily base to lead the messaging towards the company goals.

Brand marketers need to move beyond campaign mode and post campaign measurement and take advantage of real time feedback and metrics on brand messaging performance.

The first question which marketers face to answer is: How far is the reach of my brand messaging?

To get an idea you need to know some metrics about social media and sharing.

  • LinkedIn
  • Each LinkedIn user has an average of 60 connection and messages there are shared on average 0.3 times.
  • Facebook
  • Each Facebook user has an average of 130 friends and messages there are shared on average 0.65 times.
  • Twitter
  • Each Twitter user has an average of 300 followers and messages there are shared on average 1.5 times.


Calculation example “Facebook”

When your company Facebook page has 1000 likes, it means your messages are visible on these 1000 peoples wall as well in the moment when they are published on yours.

We have learned that an average Facebook user has 130 friends.

Your potential brand message reach: 1000 (Likes) x 130 (each one of them) = 130,000 – 1000 (Likes) = 129,000 (possible additional people to see your brand message)

We have also learned that an average Facebook user shares a message on average about 0.65 times. This could increase your visibility to additionally 83,850 people. Your estimated brand messaging reach could be 212,850 people.

Infographic: How Engaged is Your Brand?


You can’t buy a good branding anymore you need to earn it day by day.

To earn reputation and a trustworthy brand to reach an increasing amount of people you need to offer valuable information – content there where your audience is around on the web and in social media. Remarkable and valuable content can be shared from people in the networks and travel on light speed around the globe.

On the web you are what you publish. What are you?

—David Meerman Scott


To take advantage of the real time opportunities the web and social media offer, you need to transform your marketing from static campaign mode to real time mode and make use of daily news, events and the social vibe your audience gives you as a feedback.

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