How To Make It in the Blogging World

content marketing, corporate blogging, whitepaper creation, ebook creation, social media content marketingBlogging has become far more than just a passing hobby.

The functionality and relevancy of the blogging platform has grown to the point where it is so closely interconnected with internet retail and affiliate marketing, that it’s entirely possible for a well-built and maintained blog to become a full-time job, or even a company.

Darren Rowse of Problogger and Brian Clarke of Copyblogger are two excellent examples, as they’ve taken their websites and developed them into massively successful and influential blogs.

How did they do it?

If you find anyone who tells you that getting into blogging full-time is easy or fast, they’re absolutely lying to you. Blogging is a slow burn, requiring that you have the means to support yourself while you build your base of content.

We’re talking years, not months, and guys like Brian and Darren are testaments to that, having started their journeys over a decade ago before blogging was really even heard of or widely regarded as it is today. That’s not to say that it can’t be done or shouldn’t be attempted; but it does take work and consistency. Yet those who are able to support themselves while building a valuable base of content and designing a website without getting bored and giving up, have a tremendously rewarding light waiting for them at the end of their tunnel.

Let’s put it in simpler terms. Problogger and Copyblogger have seen success with a fairly basic formula that includes the following strategies:

  • Write high-quality and valuable content.

  • Be genuinely interested and devoted to your writing (don’t just do it to get something posted).

  • Take the time to design a clean and easily navigated website.

  • Be consistent and dedicated to your blog like you would a 9 to 5 job.

These are come of the primary ways that bloggers, Darren and Brian, made a name for themselves through media content.

You, on the other hand, might be wondering what you can do on a more practical level to take your blog from hobby status, to a genuine profit-turner, worthy of a 9 to 5 schedule.

How can I make it?

First, let’s look at a broad truth about professional blogging. You’ll have an extremely difficult time making it in the blogging world if you’re always focused on making money. The internet simply presents too many shortcuts and too many ways to quickly produce content to fight that temptation. Instead, you need to be interested in the topic you’re writing about and genuinely concerned with providing knowledge, you deem valuable, to people. So do your best to keep the dollar signs out of your eyes and focus your energy on writing helpful material. Once you’ve got that mindset down, the following areas are proven techniques for building both your site’s reputation and your own reputation as a writer and expert within your niche.

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Social Media Presence

More than just posting your articles on a bunch of social media accounts, this needs to be an area where you’re active and engaged; not just with your followers, but with other professionals in your area of expertise as well.

If you’re impatient and looking to gain more traffic immediately, there is always the option of boosting your posts online.

Guest Blogging

Aside from writing and publishing on your own site, try to network with other bloggers in your field of interest and pitch guest posts to them. This is a great way to get traffic and gain exposure for your material with an established audience.

Forums, Commenting and Reviewing

This is a tedious, though effective strategy.

Simply go to the places online where people who are interested in your topic like to hang out. Forums and other online communities are great places to answer (or ask) questions and even do research on what people are interested in learning or hearing about.

Stay Focused and Don’t Lose Sight

The most likely cause of your downfall as a blogger will be a simple loss of focus and interest in what you’re doing. If you can stay focused and fight the boredom with writing so often and on such a regular basis, you stand a far better chance of succeeding than most of the people who start blogs now a days.

So don’t fret, you have variety of options to gain exposure for the world to hear your voice!

CamilleCamille McClane is a blogger and web entrepreneur who enjoys writing on social media, online marketing and blogging trends. She hopes you enjoy this article and wishes you nothing but success in your online business endeavors! Connect with Camille  here on Google+ or Facebook.



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5 Things you must know About Blogging

corporate blog, blogging success, aspects of blogging, content creation, quality blog content, remarkable content

Photo Credits: webseoanalytics

Blogging is the latest tool these days that has added certain benefits to the business and brand promotions when it comes to make large audience and promote a brand, blogging is used in different styles and forms. Professional business blogs to small micro blogs are used to attract users to a business. If you have started a business and created a company, then you must start with your own blog. Either you can start blogging yourself or you can hire a professional. In both cases a blogger should know few things before he starts. Check below these core aspects of blogging that can boost your business.

Things to remember for a successful blog:

When you plan to start a blog, focus on these points for making a large user engaging audience and make your internet presence possible.

  • The first thing is to focus on your audience. Keeping in mind the right audience, is very important for bloggers. You can’t write a post for all the internet users. You have to focus on your niche. For example if you own a company of Automotives, then you should focus on the audience that has an interest in buying these Automotives and they like to listen news and offers from your company. Keep you content enriched with the latest updates about your company offers in your blogs.

  • corporate blog, blogging success, aspects of blogging, content creation, quality blog content, remarkable content

Photo Credits : davidhallsocailmedia

  • The second core factor of blogging is to write meaningful content with a high quality. No need to write long articles that are of no use. Only write user engaging content for a targeted audience. Content is the key to success in every internet marketing strategy and blogging is a good strategy that can lead your business successful.

  • A third factor is to eliminate all types of jargon from the blogs. Experts follow the same rule to promote their business. The CEO of Albanese company “Leonard Albanese” followed the same rule when he started blogging. He focused on audience and wrote useful content, free from jargon and users started following their updates and become their loyal customers.

  • Keep your mind active and charged while writing content for blogging. If is not good to write in a bad mood or a down situation that will leave a bad impact on the audience. Do not write blogs when you are in hard mind state. Relax first and then start your writing.corporate blog, blogging success, aspects of blogging, content creation, quality blog content, remarkable content

Photo Credits: thesparksleagency

  • Updating a blog regularly is a key for blogging success and those blogs that are not updated, do not make a large interactive audience. You can only attract people when you post regular updates on your blogs and it is also suggested by the experts that 2 to 3 times blogging in a week is good, otherwise you will overcrowd your blogs with too many posts.

These are simple facts that every blogger should know. Apart from this, there are tips and strategies that are written for the specific blogs. You can follow these tips for your particular blog style.

About the author:

adam prattlerAdam Prattler is a consultant for search engine optimization ny and has been working since the last 6 years. With a degree in engineering and a graduation in design, he believes he has the ability to look at from every aspect, be it technology, content or design. You can connect with Adam on LinkedIn, Google Plus, Facebook  and Twitter.


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5 Factors Which Can Influence Your Revenue Forecasts

Can You Do A Revenue Forecast Based On Your Online Activities, Or Do You Just Guess?

Success of every online business depends on its growth and forecasting its future. Without any forecasting measure, it generally makes no sense to invest the money. For measuring of forecasting the company’s generally fixes targets for each marketing campaign and periodically analyze the results of these marketing campaigns.

Now a days online business has gained more importance because most of the company’s thinks that return on investment on online business activity is higher than that of offline marketing campaign so this can also work and also it may not work for certain company’s.

5 Factors Which Can Influence Your Revenue Forecasts

For forecasting your revenue on online activities your business organization should observe certain things as follows:

1. Whether there website is able to reach public: That is information provided in the website must be able satisfy the queries of the customers and it should reach their satisfaction.

2. How many visitors are converting into new customers for there products: This is to analyze on what products the demand is there from the customers and what made them separate from their competitors so that they can improve more than present and meet the standards of their customers.

3. Satisfying with the service provided to the customers: customer satisfaction based on their needs is one driving factor for success of any online business. Forecasting your customer requirements through analysis tools helps in developing your business.

4. Knowing the competitors activities: Constantly monitor your competitor’s business tactics and their Internet marketing strategies to market their products. Learn about the prices and discounts offered by them to grab customers. Learn more about quality and service provided by them to their customers so that if there is any negative aspect in our organization we can improve them.

5. Calculating the Return on investment on certain campaigns of marketing: Pay per click is one of the online campaigns which provide huge traffic for your website or online business. Calculate the return of investment and progress of these campaigns and compare the results with other campaigns. This helps you in forecasting the success of future campaigns and deciding on revenue budgets for future campaigns. To forecast your revenue on the online activities you should consider the above factors to get the best of success for your online marketing strategies.

Do you have any tips about Factors Which Can Influence Your Revenue Forecasts? What are they and how do you use this Factors for your Business?

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6 Factors For Providing Remarkable Content

Why to create remarkable content?

In the competitive world, remarkable content always makes a difference with your competitors. Especially in Online business, unless you are remarkable, strategic, sustaining to competition for your online business is very difficult. Here are some disadvantages if you don’t have necessary remarkable content for your website.

NO remarkable content no traffic!

If there is no remarkable content, there will not be much attention paid on your site by the visitors and also there is no chance of getting back links which is useful to get page rank from search engines like Google, Yahoo etc. Hence, remarkable content in your blog brings huge traffic for your online website through which you can improve and attain more profits for your business. Not only that you and your company will have good name in your social communities.

6 Factors For Providing Remarkable Content

1. Useful information: The information you provide in your website or blog should be in a way that the visitors must be satisfied with the information provided.

2. Using of words which are easy to understand: The words which are used in describing a particular subject should be easy to understand by the people and articles should be human in nature so that it interests your website visitors to bring them back again..

3. Content with in the Head lines: The visitors should be able to understand the content inside the post by reading the headline or side headings of the post. This will make a remarkable difference from the other competitor websites.

4. Updating website: website or blog should be regularly updated with regular posting. Updates your website regularly allows search engine crawlers index your website for new information which improves your website remarkably in search results.

5. Using of good keywords: keyword relevancy for your website should be appropriate and should appear in your keywords meta tag so that it is easy for search engines to recognize the content in your website. Keywords should be place appropriately to make your article remarkable and should not be filled only with keywords. It results for keyword stuffing which may make your website banned from search engines

6. Asking reviews from visitors: This can be like a feed back to your content you posted in the blog and by accepting the reviews of the visitors you can also improve the blog as well as feel them that you are respecting there views this makes your blog quite remarkable.


Do you have any tips for Remarkable Content? What are they and how do you use Remarkable Content?

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