Why to attract Generation Y who increasingly spending more money online

Generation Y,young,digital-savvy consumersGeneration Y, young, digital-savvy consumers, are the 18- to 34-year-old age group which has grown up with internet and social media. They communicate about product and services with their friends on social networks. They read and write online reviews and are more likely to recommend products.

They have higher wages and are more likely to spend their money on luxury goods as well.

A survey done by American Express Business Insights find out that Generation Y increased their spending 31% in 2011 over 2010.

Famous brands have discovered this trend and are more active their where Generation Y is around on the web. This is about B2C.


But how about B2B and what can they use this information for?

As Gen. Y goes older they will get more influential jobs and positions in companies and this is what makes them interesting for a B2B approach.

For you if you are in B2B, you should follow the examples of the big consumer and luxury brands and establish your outposts on the web and in social media.

As those Gen. Y users actually do not have influential positions they are an interesting community for you and your human resources to get new talent for now. This also gives you the opportunity to play

You should build a strong network all over the coming years, establish your business as a trusted and reputable source and grow awareness for your B2B activities.

This will let you enough time to learn their interests and to learn their way life, so you can speak their language when it comes to do business with them. This knowledge and the existing connections will make you business much easier within the next twenty years.

Your today’s activities will be your investment in your businesses future. In the first step you improve your human resources and get in touch with talent where they are around on the web and in social media. And for second you learn a lot about their interests and what they appreciate and what they do not like.


millennials,Generation Y,young,digital-savvy consumers

Marketing takeaway tip: Improve you online presence by become active in social media. Start publishing valuable target content through a blog, video, eBooks, and whitepapers. Improve your website and make it a great marketing hub to communicate with your audience and to attract Gen. Y job seekers for your business.

Further important resources:


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