If you are using social media marketing as your important online marketing methods, you should carefully focus on measuring the results to know the effectiveness of the marketing campaign on your business.
You should be able to judge whether it is worthful for your business for your time and effort involved in making your marketing strategy successful.
Here are the 3 reasons why you should measure your inbound marketing for getting better results in future.
1. Measure your inbound marketing for better traffic
You should first of all judge your inbound marketing by observing the traffic to your website. Inbound marketing provides you with lots of traffic and you should effectively able to figure out that whether this traffic is targeted or not.
You can effectively measure your traffic by using some free tools available online. The number of times your content is retweeted on Twitter also gets you knowledge of how much targeted traffic you are getting and how many people likes your content.
2. Measure your inbound marketing for better leads
The traffic from the particular keywords and by search engine marketing is the great source for targeted traffic and you should focus on getting those visitors for your blog and web site.
You should measure the number of targeted group invitations that you receive and the number of friend requests you get from different social media platforms.
3. Measure your inbound marketing for converting leads into sales
Measuring up the sales that inbound marketing provide may take little longer for you. The time it takes to convert leads into sales may vary across different sources and across different social media marketing tactics you are using.
Whatever be the reason for measuring the inbound marketing, you should still focus on getting adequate time to thoroughly track and measure the effectiveness of a social media source you are using.
Do you have any tips on how to Measure Your Inbound Marketing? What are they and how do you Measure Your Inbound Marketing for your business?
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I didn’t realise the importance of tracking the inbound marketing especially when it comes to figuring out which marketing strategy is working best. Thanks for the advice!
To measure results is essential. This shows what works for you.
Tracking your visitors on your page is incredibly fun! I love looking at heat maps and trying out designs and layout! Experimenting with squeeze pages, texts and so on is also fun but most of all really get you hard data on what works and what doesn’t.
Today a standard to measure different data from different Social Media Sources is still not exisiting. The most work has to be done manually.