Get your Share of the 123% Growth in Mobile Purchasing

Or How Mobile Devices will Make 90% of Your SEO Efforts Obsolete in the Future

mobile-purchasingIn the past it has been important for a business to have good SEO in place to get found on the search engines through their target audience. Businesses optimized their websites and published content with keywords on a frequent basis.

In the last years content marketing has emerged and a new era began on how to manage it to get found from customers who research on search engines and than in social media. At this time buyer persona content creation is a must for businesses to increase their chances to get found on the web.

Companies need to spend enough diligence to identify their buyer personas because of to reach their lead generation goals. Smart content marketing is a critical factor to attract the right buyer personas to a company website and convert them to leads and during a lead nurturing process to revenue!

But a new way of search has emerged where some of these tactics above does not fit anymore. Mobile devices have spread around the world and statistics show that about 260 million devices are in use actually and this number will grow by 2014 to more than one billion.

When people are on their mobile device they do not go to the web browser to research for a restaurant or retail store.

They rely on their mobile apps from Foursquare, Yelp, Gowalla, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other which give them information instantly and also location based information where how to hit a great location. Also in the B2B sector more CEOs are researching for products and services on their IPads, IPhone; Blackberry and Android. This trend is increasingly growing.

Search traffic will decrease and companies who are active on location based services will get an increase of traffic as people use them preferable.

Consumer Trend in Mobile Purchases

2009-2010, % of consumers making 1 or more m-purchase

Source: Oracle / ATG


What does it mean for businesses?

For a business this means to get engaged on those social networks and services which already are very popular and have mobile apps active. This is the way to get and most important to stay in front of the future customers.

Infographic: Mobile Warming


Marketing takeaway to profit from this increasing mobile trend:

  • 1. Optimize your website to be accessible from mobile devices
  • 2. Sart to collect mobile phone numbers to enable your mobile marketing through personalized SMS
  • 3. Adjust your email marketing and the email messages to be easy readable from mobile devices
  • 4. Build your digital outposts and get engaged in social media, in location based services and rating sites
  • 5. Develop your own mobile app to stay in touch with your audience directly


With this above activities you can significantly improve your visibility on mobile devices and attract more future customers to your business.

What do you think? Are you actually active to reach your target audience on their mobile devices?


More important resources on mobile marketing:


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