Learn How To Empower Your Inbound Marketing On Twitter

Learn How To Empower Your Inbound Marketing On Twitter

Social Media Communities has influenced business strategies tremendously in recent years. Top social media communities such as Twitter and Facebook have helped marketers to improve their Inbound Marketing strategies. This article provides an insight of Inbound Marketing and how to empower your Inbound Marketing strategies in Twitter.

In recent years, marketers have been using social media marketing sites effectively for marketing their business online. Marketing budgets has increased for social media marketing and this proves the emphasis for business promotion through social media marketing sites. But budgets can only be worth if inbound marketing strategies through social communities like twitter are followed properly.

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Tools to Empower Inbound Marketing in Twitter

Twitter has been one of the top social media communities which has millions of active users all over the world and which has boosted the Inbound Marketing strategies for business. Twitter provides the flexibility to send DM’s, develop Lists and develop marketing strategies for your business. Using Twitter is a great way to market your products online.

There are some good tools which can boost your inbound marketing through twitter. Some of them are given below:


Socialoomph is one of the best twitter marketing tool which helps your business to link with other social media communities. You can send Auto DM’s, send welcome message, organize lists, get keyword alert for tweets etc. through Socialoomph.

You can add later Date/time as you prefer and it will save you in just gluing you with twitter and allows you to do some more important tasks when you are not tweeting. This is not all but this also helps you out in getting email-alerts according to the keywords you registered and also sends a “Thank You” message to the new followers of yours. It also handles multiples accounts you have.


Refollow is a powerful social media marketing tool for twitter which can help you to drill down your niche with specific related searches. You can get all the people list who used your keyword niches in their bio. Such is the power of this tool.


This is a great Inbound marketing tool which helps the big groups and group of friends to share their tweets with other group of friends regarding the projects, web development ideas, blogging, businesses and much more. This tool also helps you out in receiving client-confidential information. Registering is as simple as creating a group name and making its settings private in Twitter.

Manage Flitter:

Manage Flitter is also a powerful inbound marketing tools for twitter which tells the history of the person who is following you. This tool shows the last 5000 people details who follow you and this API limit of twitter. You can get detailed information about the person who is following your business, whether he is responding to tweets, how active he or she is in Twitter etc.


This is a wonderful tool that not only shows you the last 200 tweets made by your followers and followees but it also helps in organizing the replies that were directed to you, the direct messages, search terms and the latest activities and news. These all are displayed into manageable columns.

Twit Cleaner:

Twit cleaner is another powerful tool which cleans up the spam in your twitter box. This is a free service upto 1000 followers and you have to pay amount if you want more clean up for your twitter list.

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For more on emphasis of inbound marketing with twitter, visit the links given below:

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How Can Twitter Lists Help You To Promote Your Business

How Can Twitter Lists Help You To Promote Your Business

Twitter is one of the top Social Media Communities that are available in Market today. Twitter marketing is one of the successful social media marketing strategy that is implemented successfully by business organizations today.

There are different ways to promote twitter for your business and social media marketing. Twitter Lists is one good way to promote your business online. This article provides the complete information of creation and advantages of Twitter Lists.

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Advantages of Twitter Lists for your business

Twitter Lists are one of the best ways to manage your twitter followers. By preparing lists, you can get separate feed for each list and the latest tweets by your followers. Twitter Lists are displayed at the right hand side bottom of the page.

Twitter Lists allow you to group together different people who are your followers or users of your website.  Twitter Lists can be public or private which can be edited anytime.

Some of the best advantages for your business for maintaining twitter lists are given below:

1.    Lists can be public or private. You can prepare private lists of your followers and also readers so that they cannot be visible to your competitors. Use them for email marketing campaigns and sending Direct Messages which are some of the important social media marketing strategies for your business.

2.    Twitter Lists can provide you access to add or delete any user from list at any point of time.

3.    Subscribing to other User’s List is easy. Get updates about the experts in your niche and learn the new things that are in your business niche by subscribing to their feeds.

4.    Lists can be added, renamed and deleted. So twitter lists are flexible and easier to use.

5.    Maintaining Lists is Simple. It is easy to maintain lists as they are simple and easy to build. Build the lists according to your business categories and products based on results from social media marketing strategies and lead generation campaigns.

6.    Other users can add you to their lists according to your niche. This will increase your business credibility.
7.    You can use Private Lists for your business to monitor others in your niche or for your social media marketing strategies without being seen.

8.    Creating a Twitter list for your business comprised of users relevant to your niche can also be helpful if you make your twitter list public. Twitter users can see on their dashboard that they have been added to your lists. This may inspire them not only to follow you and your tweets but also re-tweet your message.

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For more on Twitter and usage of Twitter lists for business, visit the links given below:

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How To Use Social Media For Customer Service

How To Use Social Media For Customer Service

With an increasing demand of social sites and social media marketing among small as well as large businesses, it is also seen that these Social media has proved to be an ideal place for the customer service.

With increasing names of brands and businesses present online there should be someone who could provide a proper help regarding the selection of these services and products. This leads to the use of Social Media for customer service, where people are free to make discussions about anything and everything freely.

This type of customer service not only builds a strong confidence among the society but also build a strong relation between you and your potential customers.

VIDEO: Industry Report Overview from Michael A. Stelzner

Customer support is not marketing

Customer support is not as such a way of marketing for the businesses but can help them indirectly as a great marketing tool. Once the businesses try to deliver the best customer services with the help of these Social Medias and social networking sites it necessarily leaves a positive shadow.

And when it leaves a positive sign more and more customers are attracted towards the great customer service you offer through these social networks and can become a part of your business by becoming your customers and lead generations.

Social media for improving the customer service

Businesses are today using the Social media like Twitter, Facebook, Orkut, etc. which are very helpful in getting a most effective and quick customer service from these businesses.

Many of the organizations and companies are using these social channels as an opportunity for them to deliver their best customer services through these Social Medias. However achieving this necessitates the integration of social media with other exiting business processes and the recognition that it is more than a marketing tool.

Engaging with many customers at a time

One of the greatest advantages of using Social Medias for customer service also include that it can be used for various customers at a time.

Businesses, organizations and firms using social medias for their customer service can engage with many of their customers simultaneously and thus providing their feedback and help to all of them at a time.

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For more on social media and using it as a marketing tool, visit the links given below:


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