How to save 62 percent of your budget with inbound marketing

Get found, Convert, analyzeEvery business wants to succeed. But not every business is doing what it needs to succeed. As for the past years corporate blogging and social media has increasingly earned popularity because auf its successful use, there are still a majority of businesses which still do not engage in these said marketing opportunities.

During the past years inbound marketing, which consists of strategic and buyer persona oriented content creation and content distribution like corporate blogging, engagement in social media, lead generation and lead conversion through lead nurturing and measurement through closed-loop analysis has grown in popularity.

The increase of inbound marketing popularity is no fad but the outcome of  measurable and proven results which studies like the MIT study certifies.

ROI of HubSpot: An MIT & Babson Joint Study


Furthermore it is a proven fact that companies which rely on online lead generation are 25 x more profitable than companies who do not.


Some examples why inbound marketing is so successful:

Content creation

Companies who operate a corporate blog and update it frequently have 55% more website visitors. 57% of companies which operate a corporate blog report to have acquired new customers through their blog.


Social media

67% of B2C and 47% of B2B companies report to have acquired new customers through Facebook. 47% of companies who use Twitter report to have acquired new customer through it.


Lead generation

Inbound marketing has a 62% lower cost per lead than traditional marketing strategies. Inbound marketing way generated leads have an 55% higher lead conversion rate than lead generated through traditional marketing strategies.

As inbound marketing strategy consists of buyer persona oriented content creation, social media engagement, lead generation, lead nurturing and closed-loop analysis; it covers the necessary areas for a successfully operable strategy.


Some suggestions to jumpstart your inbound marketing:

  • 1. Identify your buyer personas. (Download this free buyer persona sheet)
  • 2. Produce remarkable content (blog articles, whitepapers, eBooks, photos, video, press releases and FAQs) for your buyer personas.
  • 3. Distribute your content online through your corporate blog and in social media.
  • 4. The more you publish and share the better. As you increase the amount of pages of your website and blog articles you get increasingly more digital outpost to get found better online.
  • 5. The more articles you publish the more opportunities appear to get Backlinks from other websites and blog who also like your publications and you will be recognizes as a trusted source.
  • 6. Build relevant landing pages and clear call to action to generate leads.
  • 7. Nurture those leads with important information and not with sales pitches.
  • 8. Measure what you do, optimize and repeat.


Infographic: Inbound Marketing vs. Outbound Marketing



—What do you think about inbound marketing?


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How to combine SEO and social media to generate web leads

When businesses research for research for lead generation opportunities then they are often directed to social media.

Social media is often sold as the only way to sustain and to generate business leads.

But nobody tell those businesses that social media is only one piece of the puzzle.

To attract future customers to a business it needs a little bit more than a facebook page or a Twitter account.

It needs interesting, helpful, remarkable and share worthy content. To get this kind of content businesses need to understand their audience in full.

This is best achieved by taking the effort to research the different buyer personas which are interested in the products and services of a company.

Such a research shows that those future customers are, where they are around on the internet, which kind of solutions they are looking to solve their specific problems and some more.

When a business has done this kind of buyer persona analysis, then they know how and where to approach the right future customer.

With this buyer persona analysis businesses become able to produce SEO ready content which attracts their buyer personas and publish and distribute this content on social media as well.

Search engines do index social media content, and when a business is distributing their content in social media, the chances are good that there content appears in the next search results on Google on the first page. Social media is also called the NEW SEO!

To gain profit from content creation and distribution there should be effective lead capture – landing pages with compelling offers and clear call to action be in place to convert those prospects to leads.

Now when they are leads they should be nurtured to make paying customers out of them during the time.

It is clear that social media is an important part of the puzzle, but only one part. To get the right picture on the end of the day businesses need to use the whole above mentioned tools. This ensures a social media profit on the end of the day.

The best strategy to get all of this done with a positive result is inbound marketing. Inbound marketing has proven that it offers an up 62% lower cost per lead than traditional advertising.

How do you manage your content creation  to increase your lead rate? I am looking forward to your comments below!

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Do you know the marketing effectiveness of your website?
How many sales leads does your website generate?


Nobody will buy from you. Exempt your Buyer Personas

Companies sell more to individuals and multiple decision makers.

It’s critical to attract all of the people involved in the buying decision.

For example, if you sell products or services to businesses, there are decision makers that have different roles within a company.

When you sell to consumers, you need to sell to different people in a family a different way. There are children which needs a different approach then their grandparents for example.

They all have different motivation to buy your products or services.

You need to know more about them, before you market to them!

Therefore you need to create Buyer Personas. Buyer Personas are great to build customer profiles.

Find out what motivates your Buyer Personas to buy your products or services.

Create a profile of this Buyer Personas and give it a fictional name.

Fill this profile with age, gender, family, title, company role, interests, skills, goals, and attitude. The more detailed information you fill in the better. Add as many criteria as you can.

Create as many Buyer Persona profiles as you need.

Review these profiles on a regular basis. You need to do this to make sure that your marketing is reaching your buyer persona the right way.

Adjust your Buyer Persona when necessary.

Here are some descriptors you can use to start.


  • Buyer Persona Name:
  • Age:
  • Gender:
  • Family Information:
  • Role in Company:
  • Hobbies:
  • Job Frustrations
  • Other:

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Do you know the marketing effectiveness of your website?
How many sales leads does your website generate?

Identify your buyer persona first, and then start marketing

Business online is successful if you follow the basic techniques and use latest marketing strategies.

Basic techniques involve identifying your target market, where exactly you can generate more business leads, how to attract these visitors and generate business leads for your business.

Identify your buyer persona,buyer persona,inbound marketing agency,social media marketing agencyThis article describes a few tips of identifying buyer personal first and use marketing strategies to generate business leads.

The first step in promoting your business online is to identify the buyer personas.

Buyer personas are profiles on the distinct market segments (for example customers, prospects, mainstream media, bloggers) where you plan to reach and influence.

Identify your buyer persona
To have a successful marketing campaign, it’s important to understand the needs, goals, and preferences of each of your buyer personas and develop your content and messaging accordingly.

This helps in attracting your direct audience and makes them feel that your business is very much responsive to their interests.

Some of the ways to attract direct customers are answering their questions, addressing to their concerns and using their language. This helps your business to be more engaged with customers online.

Access primary data of your customers
Another way in identifying target market is to gather the primary data of the current customers. This helps in analyzing which group of people are actually interested in your business online.

This also provides some insights into the requirements of customers from your business thus helping to identify the target groups.

Use Analytical tools to know about your customers
Now there are very good business and analytical tools that help you in identifying the people who visit your website. These tools helps in identifying geographical targets for your business and also helps in developing marketing strategies that can target these geographical regions.

Marketing Takeaway Tip:
It is very much important to know about the buyer persona first for your business online. This helps in decreasing your marketing budgets, use your marketing strategies efficiently. It is advised to hire marketing professionals to help you identify buyer persona and decrease marketing budgets.

For more on identifying buyer persona first and then do marketing, visit the links given below
How to identify buyer persona discussion
Buyer personas key to sales marketing alignment

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