47 Percent of your competitors are not using Social Media for business

social mediaHiscox surveyed US small business leaders and found out that 47% do not use social media for business. Furthermore 24% of the surveyed stated they do it when they have the time and about 14% indicated they don’t know enough about it.

Puuuuh, I don’t know what you think when you read such information but I ask myself: “What do the 24% mean when they say they do it when they have the time and the 14% which indicated they don’t know enough about it?

Does this mean they step into customer conversation when they have the time and the other seem even not to know how to communicate with their audience?

Maybe they do communication through telepathy or any other exciting media. I am just kidding, let’s get serious now.

Social media websites are communication channels. These communication channels are the places where your target audience is around, where they communicate, ask their network friends for product and services opinion and where major brands and thousands of small business worldwide are ready and prepared to step into the conversation with their audience.

Those businesses are aware they need to be active in social media, to get seen, to gain trust, credibility and to attract there audience to their products and services by publishing share worthy and remarkable content on the web and in social media.

Every business which treats social media as a serious communication channel to attract new customers and to stay in touch with their existing customers and their followers (potential future customers) is a step ahead of those 47% which not using social media for business.

Moreover, every business which treats social media marketing with a strategy and obligation instead of doing it when they have the time will profit from it.

Some facts about social media for business:

  • – Customer behavior has changed so your marketing must change!
  • – Internet and social media has changed the marketing push to a real time communication.
  • – 78% of internet users do research online before they buy!
  • – They spent 3x more time on blogs and social media than on email or other publications.
  • – 67% of the b2c and 41% of the b2b companies report to have acquired new customers through Facebook.
  • – 42% of the companies report to have acquired new customers through Twitter.


Social media makes your business found when your audience is looking! As social media is indexed through search engines, the chances are good that your business appears in search results of the big search engines when potential customers are researching on the web!

What does this mean for your business when you are active in social media actually? It’s simple you are a big step ahead of those 47% which are not.

You should improve your social media tasks and fine tune them step by step to improve your results.

Listen to your audience; this will help you to improve your business and products. When you listen carefully your audience will tell you what they want to buy from you. This gives you the opportunity to build custom tailored products and services to increase your customer base and revenue this way.


Marketing Tip: Keep an eye on your competition and look what they are doing, but do not try to copy them. Instead of look through other industries to get ideas and to adopt their creativity with social media marketing to your business! Don’t try to do your social media marketing perfect. It will never be perfect! Just do it as soon as you can and get the word out to your target audience and then refine it step by step.

Further important sources:

47 Percent of SMBs Still Not Using Social Media. Oy.


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Social Media puts your business at risk! Are you prepared?

monitoring socia mediaThe marketing technology company Alterian found out that 80% of companies struggle to analyze their social media data.

As social media marketing is estimated to increase in the next twelve months by up to 25% companies should have clear how the online – social media conversation can impact their brand. Not taking the effort to monitor social media conversation can result in the risk of failing to engage with potential new and existing customers on the web!

How about your business?

Are you monitoring social media to know what conversation is going on about your company?

How do you monitor the web to know in real time what’s talked about your company, your products and your competition online?

No matter if you want to be a part of the conversation or not, conversation about your brand is happening on the web with or without your participation. But when you decide to become a part of the conversation this can offer tremendous opportunities to gain trust and credibility with your audience.

In social media people are talking and an average Facebook user has about 130 friends and they have an average of 130 friends and so on. Good news can spread fast in social media and reach new potential customers. Bad news spread faster.

You need to have a plan how to interact with you audience in good and bad times. You also need to listen and to know what is talked about your brand on the web.

To know what people are talking about gives you the opportunity to jump in to the discussion and explain your point of view. Another underestimated opportunity of listening online is, you get deep insides of your target audiences needs.

In other words they tell you what and which kind of product they deserve and what they are willing to pay for. So you can offer special tailored solutions to your audience and increase business and revenue, only by listening – monitoring.

The customer honors companies which show that they care about their needs and which are willing to communicate.

The ability to know what’s going on and to communicate in real time with the target audience is a powerful credibility builder and supports your branding online.

By knowing what your target audience is thinking and deserving from you sets you in a powerful competitive position. You save time and money for research and you can bring custom tailored products and services to your audience much faster than your competition!

What do you think? Are these above good reasons to start listening – monitoring social media and the web?

To start monitor what’s been talked about your business you can use some free tools:


Like Google Alerts but for social media.

Receive free daily email alerts of your brand, company, CEO, marketing campaign, or on a developing news story, a competitor, or the latest on a celebrity.

Google Alerts

Monitor the Web for interesting new content

Google Alerts are email updates of the latest relevant Google results (web, news, etc.) based on your choice of query or topic.

google alerts

Build your dashboard with Google Reader

Effective social media monitoring starts with a dashboard.

A good way to build a dashboard is Google Reader. The only thing you need is to subscribe to the RSS feeds of blogs and news sites related to your business and industry, Twitter, Flickr, YouTube and you got all at one place. If something comes up which mention your brand or any other interesting news than it appears on your dashboard.


How do you monitor the web and social media? How are your experiences in social media conversation with your customers?

Further important resource: Social media monitoring stumps most businesses: Report

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How to Start a Social Media Conversation

Social media and inbound marketing is the major talk of all businesses today.

It is changing the way people think, talk, advertise, communicate, converse, and much more.
People are today looking for inbound marketing solutions for their business which is perfectly making their business grow in very less time.
How to Start a Social Media Conversation Creating effective web presence is not as difficult as it was before.
Social media and inbound marketing solutions are proving very effective and are among the most vital tools for the business to build an optimized web presence.

If you are running an online business that needs to get promoted to gain massive amount of leads, you should be engaging in effective social media conversation which best helps you to get the required results.

You should learn effective social media marketing tactics from some of the experiences of other companies or your competitors.

You should engage in social media conversation which talks about their successes and their positive as well as negative experiences of social media.

Discussing about their pitfalls and the ways by which they stand firm again can also prove to be very useful for you in your social media marketing campaigns.

Too much and irrelevant conversation is one of the basic reason of the pitfall for many of the online businesses. You should therefore focus on some of the effective social media marketing tactics while conversing on different social media platforms.

Listen to others open minded You should concentrate and listen to others while you are going for inbound marketing.

You should concentrate on sharing your thoughts open minded with them and listen to them open minded.

This will create an effective online relationship between you and your fans present on several social media platforms. 

Say the Truth This is the other factor which many of the businesses fails in doing.

They show the wrong and negative picture of their business to their social contacts and fans which make them fall down very soon when their customers and fans know the truth.

Be Relevant- You should try to converse in a very relevant manner to your social fans.

This will make you credible and your future potential customers will know you better.
Do you have any tips about Social Media Conversation? What are they and how do use Social Media for your business?
For more on social media conversation, visit the links given below:

Let me know what you think and comment below. I’d love to hear from you.

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