How Governments are Winning The War on Social Media and Content Marketing

content marketing, corporate blogging, whitepaper creation, ebook creation, social media content marketingWhen it comes to having an enormous amount of content online, local, State and US Federal Governments must rank high in the vast amount of information available on the world wide web. They even offer a website where you can assure yourself that social media sites advertising that they are from our government, are in fact, actually a part of the .gov family.

But these government agencies often struggle with social networking, similar to the medical and financial industries, they are bound by a completely different set of rules and regulations than the average business. Yet still, there are some notable successes when developing smart strategies for content marketing success.

Here are some examples of how our local, State and Federal governments are teaming up to keep us informed and well-educated, from sea to shining sea, during some very difficult times:

Major Construction Ordeal in San Francisco

Many years after repairs were made to the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge following the devastating damage from the Loma Prieta Earthquake, a massive project was launched to replace a huge, unsafe section of the bridge. The eastern span replacement was the largest public works project in California history, with an estimated cost at over $6.4 billion dollars, it took over eleven years to complete, eventually making it the widest bridge in the world.

This “Bay” bridge carries one-third of traffic from all the California state owned bridges combined and the resulting gridlock, traffic jams, temporary closures and detours were challenging to say the least. Although the bridge re-opened in 2013, during the decade long construction and transition, the City of San Francisco teamed up with CalTrans, Bay Area Toll Authority, California Transportation Commission, local news services and social media to keep the public informed during this harrowing process. Although minor repairs continue, it is a beautiful site on the SF Bay, comparable to many other great bridges in our nation.

The First Lady’s Nationwide Campaign

Mrs. Michelle Obama has been very busy promoting her “Let’s Move” campaign against childhood obesity and endorsing her platform for a more active, health-conscious, future for our nation’s children. Initially, upon launch back in 2010, she was quoted as saying, “The physical and emotional health of an entire generation and the economic health and security of our nation is at stake.”

The First Lady has been effectively utilizing Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to promote a healthier, more active lifestyle for our children. Posting recipes, videos and pictures from her campaign across multiple channels, Mrs. Obama has also gained celebrity endorsements from famous chefs, comedians and actors across the nation.

Federal Assistance

Our federal government is often there to lend a helping hand, especially during times of tragedy, but there are also over 120 agencies listed on the fed’s website that show their connection to social media, everything from agriculture to The White House. Here our nation’s citizens and small businesses can get assistance from a variety of different branches of our government and see which social media platforms they are utilizing:

  • Consumer Financial Protection
  • Consumer Product Safety
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Federal Housing Financing
  • Medicare and Medicaid
  • Minority Business Development
  • Securities and Exchange Commission
  • Small Business Administration
  • Veterans Health and Benefits


While awards are commonly given for big government contracts, perhaps the City by the Bay and our First Lady are worthy of consideration for their achievements with a different kind of recognition. They have both overcome tremendous challenges using content marketing and social media to reach their important audience and ultimately their goals.


Megan RitterAuthors Bio:

Megan Ritter is a proud graduate of Marketing from The University of California. Since then she has been working at various Marketing agencies while always submitting informative articles on websites, drawing from her research and experience. Get in touch with Megan on Facebook, Google+ and Twitter.



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3 Social Media Marketing Goof-ups You Probably Have Fallen Prey to

b2b social media marketing, best social media marketing, define social media marketing, guide to social media marketing, inbound marketing, learn social media marketingI would be sounding too mainstream when I say social media marketing has transfigured the approach we had towards marketing the products of a brand.

The conventional ways to advertise the offerings of companies had become obsolete, to say the least. We needed a fresh approach that would reboot our stratagem and generate a curiosity and interest among our customers one more time. And this is what social media helped us to achieve, ever so seamlessly.

But with all said and done, there are a number of goof-ups that brands unintentionally fall prey to, which fail to bring in the results. While some page owners complain that their page and the corresponding posts fail to get as many likes and shares as they would want, others have complains of an altogether different, but much too common, nature. They are worried about that fact that even though they get some incredible response from their followers on social media in the form of Likes, Shares, Retweets, etc. they do not see much improvement in the sales.

Simply put, the number of hits on their social media accounts do not translate into buyers, and that is something that bothers them – justifiably so.

Smiley face

So, how do they go past these barriers, which in the first place, they don’t know the cause for being there? However, when your social media marketing endeavors is not bringing the desirable results for you, or for that matter, failing to make any impact, it is most likely that the problem lies within your strategies around it. Here are the 3 mistakes you might be making:

Being Too Fancy, Too Funny

Let’s say, if you are managing the page of a Cola brand, you have a target audience that mostly consists of youth. So, posting fancy and funny stuff might just do the trick. But when you are managing the Facebook page of a multinational automobile brand, there has to be more sophistication on the page. You can’t post jokes around Rajnikanth or Justin Bieber and expect more people turning up at your counter to buy cars. Posting funny stuff isn’t bad, but you should make it more attuned to the taste of your audience, which aren’t there just to like and share your posts.

They may have joined you on social media to keep themselves updated with the latest offerings and services by you. Make it a point that at least twice in a week you post something that creates a brand recall value.

Not Interacting with the Followers

Wasn’t that the purpose of the whole exercise? To create a platform that helps your customers interact with you in a more amicable environment? So, why are blatantly ignoring their comments when they enquire about certain products? Once you have created a brand page, you need to ensure that you get involved in one to one conversations and reply to each comment that pertains to your services and products. By doing this, you are only making your customers feel more welcomed. Otherwise, you aren’t making full use of the platform.

Doing Excessive Promotion

So, there is another extreme end of the spectrum. At this end, there are page managers who keep bombarding their followers with the strictly product-oriented posts. Agreed, that was the intention, but when every posts of yours is centered on product promotion, and there is no fun at all, the Unlikes will soon start pouring in. So, try to be on a balanced ground.

Drive these 3 mistakes out of your social media marketing stratagem and you just might have the results you are looking for.

About the auhor:

000860cMaria Mincey is a PHP Development expert who seamlessly delivers focus in her writings. She works for Xicom Technologies, a Offshore PHP Development Company. You can connect with Maria on LinkedIn, Google Plus, Facebook  and Twitter.




inbound marketing assessment us 5 Critical Steps for Creating a Lead Generation Strategy

The Perfect Photo Will Get Your Blog Shared

Two photo editors working on a computer in their officeFacebook posts with pictures receive 10 percent more engagement than posts without a photo, according to the marketing team at Webliquid. That’s a big difference in audience response. Are you sharing important visual cues with your audience?

Take the time to choose a photo

Whatever you do, don’t skip the photo. Ever go on to a dating site or craigslist to look for some furniture? Odds are you will only click on those posts that have a photo. You want to know what you’re in for. The same goes for blogging. Readers want to know what they are going to read, and your photo will do that for them, if chosen correctly.

Make it relevant

A picture of a cute dog might elicit interest, but if your article is about Internet security, then you lost your audience. Those interested in dogs will make a note to never read your blog, and internet security people will shake their head and wonder why they should read your blog at all.

If your goal is to get your blog read and shared, you need to have a professional and accurate representation of your subject. Consider photos not as decoration, but as visual aids to increase your audiences understanding. The University of Alabama at Birmingham reveals that visual aids, “help you to reach your objectives by providing emphasis to whatever is being said.”

Here are some tips and pointers to find and use the right photo that works for you and will get you more shares:

  1. Does it look professional? (not blurry or out of focus)
  2. Does it appear well composed? (there is balance in the photo)
  3. Does it directly relate to your article? (I.e. a picture of a beach with a blog about a beach vacation)
  4. Does the photo enhance your blog? If you are writing steps to complete a project, do you have photos of each step? Does it capture reader interest?

Finding a photo that works for your blog

  1. Search through Creative Commons. These photos generally require you to note the name of the photographer.
  2. Utilize high volume resources like iStockphoto.
  3. Consider reading photography articles and learning more about what’s out there, and how to use images.
  4. Use a photo of your own that can be used without too much editing.

Keep it simple

And, as a final note: Make sure to post your photos in a size appropriate for your blog. If you don’t compress your photo, it can take a long time for a large photo to load. This will cause readers to get impatient if they have to wait to read your blog and see your photos. Peer 1 Hosting reports that the “optimal load time for a web page was four seconds before users started moving on.


About the author:

RichardJohnson How Your Web Host Affects Search Engine OptimizationRichard Johnson is a veteran with over 8 years of service and multiple combat tours. He has multiple degrees in business and marketing from Arizona State University. Currently he is taking some time away from work to raise his kids and enjoy the outdoors.




inbound marketing assessment us How Your Web Host Affects Search Engine Optimization

Expert Video: How to Create Your Future Customer Engagement Strategy

brand image, Customer Loyalty, how to generate business, How to Increase Backlinks, Original ContentConstellation Research CEO and Principal Analyst R “Ray” Wang visited the Software Advice offices during the 2013 South by Southwest Interactive Festival to talk about some research he released called “Building Your Interaction Strategy with the 9 C’s of Engagement.”

In today’s world, we face constant demands for our attention — from social media to news alerts and loyalty programs. Wang asserts that companies must find ways to cut through this clutter if they want to compete in the future. To do this, they need to create a true engagement strategy based on authentic, natural and trustworthy interactions.

A lot of organizations think they know what this means: sending a coupon on a customer’s birthday, or liking a post about you on Facebook. But most don’t look at the big picture, or they just end up coming off as “creepy” in their engagements.

Instead, he suggests following the “9 C’s of Engagement” when building your interaction strategy. These fall into one of three categories:

  • People Centric Values: Culture, Community, Credibility
  • Delivery and Communication Styles: Channel, Content and Cadence
  • Right Time Drivers: Context, Catalyst and Currencies

In this video, Wang describes how companies can use these three pillars to build an effective engagement strategy.


About the author:

Ashley Furness 5 Jobs for Tomorrows Customer Service TeamAshley Verrill is a Market Analyst for research firm Software Advice. Her professional experience spans journalism, sales, advertising and SEO marketing. She’s a seasoned writer having produced copy for business journals, a sports magazine, daily deals advertising and industry blogs. She can be contacted at ashleyverrill[@], or by calling 512-582-2314512-582-2314. LinkedInTwitterGoogle +
inbound marketing assessment us 5 Jobs for Tomorrows Customer Service Team

5 Jobs for Tomorrow’s Marketing Team

marketing employment, marketing predictions, future of marketingIf you want to see the future of marketing, just take a look at recent job postings. Recruiters increasingly request such new generation skills as SEO, analytics, mobile, social media and content in lieu of mass media and direct mail acumen, for example.

At the same time, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics expects marketing payrolls to swell by at least 13 percent between 2010 and 2020. So what does this shift in desired skills mean for the industry? What new positions to experts expect will be created during that time period? This week, I asked more than 30 marketing and recruiting specialists what they see in the industry’s employment future.

Here are five of the most common new roles they envision.

“The industry needs to emulate, then stimulate, consumers’ nonlinear, multi-screen, in-control purchase behavior,” Protagonist Partner Tom Cotton said.

1. Cotton and others I interviewed see companies recruiting a Marketing Integration Planner in the future, or someone that would identify ways to deliver a single marketing message, campaign or branding effort across multiple digital channels. For example, using a pay-per-click advertising campaign to promote a viral video, or using SEO keyword analysis to help craft a press release.

Marketing consultant Jocelyn Saurini said “people don’t call directly in from an infomercial or click a banner and immediately buy items.” Instead, they search for reviews, interact with brands on social media and pay attention to trending topics in the industry. So marketing teams need to make sure they utilize every channel at once with a unified message.

2. Other experts I interviewed introduced this idea of a Crowdsourcing Specialist. This plays into the idea that companies can no longer dictate their brand identity to the customer. They need someone–in this case the Crowdsourcer–to monitor conversations happening on the Web about the brand and develop messaging that responds to customers’ voiced expectations.

That person would also use the crowd to promote and send out calls to action, such as inviting customers to compete to create the best video about the brand, and perhaps tying the theme to something trending on Twitter.

3. Marketing automation, browser history, on-demand advertising, Google analytics and other data gathering tools have armed marketers with more return on investment resources than ever before. For this reason, companies will look to one expert, a Vice President of Marketing Data Analytics possibly, to decide when, why and how marketing data should be tracked. Their goals would be to improve marketing performance and predictive modeling, and continually refine the company’s definition of the ideal customer.

This information would be shared with brand and campaign strategists who design promotions.

4. Also as a result of new data, companies have increasingly moved their marketing budget strategy from quarterly allotments for print, direct mail and media advertising to constantly-shifting spending from one channel to another. This could develop into a ROI and Marketing Budget Officer position, experts said. This person would constantly track ROI from all promotion channels and adjust spending based on those results.

5. “The idea is to get marketing tactics out there quickly, track results, then continue with ones that work and dump ones that don’t,” says crowdSPRING co-founder Mike Samson. “The idea is to try a bunch of things and learn through constant trial and error.”

6. Finally, content creation is likely one of the fasted growing skills in marketing teams today. Every expert I interviewed mentioned companies wanting to hone their content strategy. Eventually, this might be led by one Content Marketing Manager or Officer that would plan websites, blog, video, infographic, webinars, social media and other content vehicle development. The individual would decide how that content would be promoted and cross-promoted, then track its performance.

Three Ships Media CEO and founder Zach Clayton described it this way: “the people who are able to create a lot of value in the marketing organization of the future think in terms of content, not channels, and in terms of insight, not data.”

Research for this article as provided by

Photo courtesy of Victor1558.

About the author:

marketing employment, marketing predictions, future of marketingAshley Furness is a Market Analyst for research firm Software Advice. Her professional experience spans journalism, sales, advertising and SEO marketing. She’s a seasoned writer having produced copy for business journals, a sports magazine, daily deals advertising and industry blogs. She can be contacted at Ashleyfurness[@], or by calling 512-582-2314512-582-2314. LinkedInTwitterGoogle +

b2b marketing articles,b2b marketing solutions,b2b marketing plan template

How companies are using social media for marketing research

How to do social media for marketing research? In fact this is the first part of a social media marketing strategy.

First, it is important to learn more about your customer and the social media places they are hanging around and why they are there, what they are interested and what they are talking about.

When you have done your previous social media for marketing research right, than you have discovered your different buyer personas and how to get their attention to attract them to your offers.

Now you can digg deeper and discover your competition and what they are doing in social media. You could take a closer look at your competitors and see if they are successful with their marketing. What their customers are saying about them and much more.

You could also focus on trends in your industry. This gives you the opportunity to offer custom tailored products and services to your target audience to server there demand better.

Here are some tips how you can use social media for your research:

Learn more about your target audience on Facebook!

To learn more about your potential marketing on Facebook you can use some FB tools like FB Groups, Pages and FB Ads.

Facebook Groups: In Groups you can get the real time communication of your target audience. You can see which things they are interested in and what the like and do not like. You should become a member of the most groups which are important to reach your audience.

Facebook Pages: The same opportunity here with company pages. Look out for company pages of your competition and “Like” them. So you can observe the discussions on your competitors pages and gain important information on what they are doing and customer satisfaction.

Facebook Ads: With Facebook Ads you can do segmentation for your audience. The segmentation shows you how many people of your target audience are on Facebook. This numbers gives you a more inside look into the marketing potential and possible success of your Facebook marketing.

Learn more about your target audience on LinkedIn!

LinkedIn is great especially for B2B marketing. With its 100+ million users they are not as big as Facebook, but for B2B they are the number one player in the marketing.

You can learn more about your potential marketing success on LinkedIn when you utilize some LinkedIn tools like Groups, Answers and LinkedIn Ads.

LinkedIn Groups: Research for In Groups LinkedIn where your buyer personas could be around. Become a member of these groups and observe the discussions and communication there. Introduce yourself and your business and offer help and assistance. Comment if you have something important to contribute. Groups are great way to get seen from your target audience.

LinkedIn Answers: On LinkedIn you can showcase your knowledge. Research for your industry related keywords and phrases and give advice to the people who have asked. Listen carefully to the questions asked, because this is what your audience is interested in. You can get a lot of information for product and marketing improvement from LinkedIn Answers.

LinkedIn Ads: As Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads give you a more clear picture and numbers about your audience and market potential on LinkedIn. The segmentation LinkedIn shows you how many people of your target audience are registered from how many countries. Equipped with this numbers you can increase your chances on LinkedIn.

Learn more about your target audience on Twitter!

With its 100+ million users Twitter is the biggest micro blogging platform online. Most major businesses utilize Twitter for their customer support and interaction.

With its feature like @Mentions, Retweets, Searches and Lists you are able not only to see what your audience is talking about you, moreover you can set more of your industry related keywords and phrases to see trends and important discussion and also you can observe your competitors through Twitter.

These tips show you how to using social media for marketing research in an easy and smart way.

Monitor your social media in less than 10 minutes a day

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Internet population has crossed 2 billion

The UN’s telecommunication agency released a statement that the number of internet users in the world has now touched the 2 billion mark.

Around 6.8 billion people are on the planet currently. The statement shows that about a third of the world population surfs online.

The exact figure stands at 2.08 billion at the end of 2010, compared to 1.86 billion a year before.

The Arab region (88 million) achieved the greatest growth and the countries of the former Soviet Union.

Asia and the Pacific are the leaders, with more than 857 million internet users.

When you take a look at this number of more than two billion users online globally; than you do not need to be a genius to understand, to be engaged in Social Media will open you doors to more potential customers for your products and services.

Facebook has crossed the 600 million mark, Twitter has more than 100 million users, LinkedIn has 75+ million and they all are worldwide steadily growing.

You should take action before your competitor does!


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Write Whitepapers to Capture Leads

Online business should be ready for competition from competitors.

Competitors may use different marketing strategies that may capture your leads.

So companies should plan their marketing strategies and build an effective marketing plan to stay ahead of their competitors.

One efficient marketing strategy is to write white papers and attract leads towards your landing pages.

This article describes how to capture leads by crafting effective white papers.

What is a White Paper?

Writing a informative white paper isn’t easy. And creating a white paper that attracts leads is more difficult as it should not be like a marketing product. Although there is no standard definition for creating a well formatted white paper, different people develop them in various styles and content.

White papers are usually developed concentrating on a specific topic and providing indepth information of that topic. It is just like a research paper written by researchers which is published in web to show your expertise.

Now companies are using white papers as an effective marketing strategy to capture quality leads.

How are White Papers written to capture leads?

White papers generally provide meaningful information for readers who are looking for a specific topic. Whitepapers cover in depth information regarding a particular topic which makes readers attracted towards them. Generally a white paper is around 5 to 20 pages and it covers major topic.

Tips for writing Potential White papers

White papers provide in-depth information related to particular topic. Different people write white papers in different styles. In whatever style it is written, white papers ultimate aim is to provide meaningful information to readers and also provide options for businesses to capture leads.

White papers are written in professional manners and also on a serious tone. Don’t make readers bored by promoting your products in between white papers. Use white papers as your source of marketing at the beginning phase itself by promoting them for free and getting lead information.

Success of generating leads with white papers is through good landing pages. Landing pages help in generating quality leads before they download your white paper.

Whitepapers helps you to get recognized online. Make your white papers substantial and show your expertise in the field by writing potential white papers that are liked by readers.

Marketing Takeaway Tip: Whitepapers are potential sources for generating quality leads. Get consultations from Inbound marketing experts to get some white papers for done your business.

Do you have any tips about Whitepapers? What are they and how do you use Whitepapers for your business?

For more on writing whitepapers and capturing leads, visit the links given below:

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Why to have a great Business Blog design for your Corporate Blog

Corporate blog is essential for your website if you want to get fast online exposure.
It is therefore essential for you to design your corporate blog well so as to attract most customers and business clients.
Having a great business blog design that looks professional is must for you to go professional.
One of the most advantageous parts of using great business blog design for your corporate blog is it attracts more traffic.
You should therefore try to make your blog look casual and at the same time professional because you want your business to get more and more exposure as a professional and not as a beginner.
You should focus on creating a great business blog so that you look as a well established and reputed online corporate blog.
People need to look through very neat and clean picture of a business blog when they are finding some useful stuff on internet. You should therefore focus on designing your business blog so that it looks neat and professional. It should have the ability to serve what your visitors are finding. 
People today like to deal with real people who can effectively help them in growing their business needs and interest, thus your blog design for your corporate blog matters much when you are designing a blog for your business.
Casual and professional looking blog design can also help you in acquiring great relationships with your clients and potential customers. This also helps you in attracting your customers’ attention that result in providing you high revenues.
Your blog design should be such that your customers feel welcomed at your blogs. A compelling and smart web design for your blog develops ongoing relations with your customers which also helps you in communicating with your customers.
One of the most important things you should consider while designing your blog is your target market. You should keep a focus on who are your visitors and what they want. You should properly define their needs and try to serve them better.
As it is now clear that your blog design matters a lot, you should make sure that the person you are working with for your blog design should be a professional and knows all the strategies of making your blog successful.

Do you have any tips about Corporate Blogging? What are they and how do you use Corporate Blogging for your business?

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How Corporate Blogging can help Small Business owners

Today most of the reputable and bigger online business websites rely on corporate blogging to deal with their online customers and clients.
Blogging is not only a great way to market your services and business it is also a great way to expand your business by effectively dealing with your business clients and potential customers.


It is therefore become essential for you to start up a corporate blog for your site if you don’t have yet.

Corporate blogging also allows you to target your audience and helps you increasing your sales by knowing your customers and their needs well. As you can deal with your customers, can interact with them and can effectively communicate with them, you have better opportunities that help you to know what your customers want.

This enables you to serve them better and results in higher sales for your business.

One of the biggest advantages of corporate blogging for small business is that, they can increase their online presence and reputation from it. As blogs index faster in search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing, than any website you get higher chances to grow fast through the corporate blogging.

Corporate Blogging is especially designed to attract the customers to the main websites where companies sell their products and services. It is a brilliant way to advertise and market their online business.

The most compelling and mind blowing content is effective enough to attract more and more customers and is helpful in getting better rankings in search engines.

Corporate blogging is a fresh idea and unfortunately not many of the businesses are into it. But if you are dealing in some new online business it is a best opportunity for you to start with.

Corporate blogging is in all serves as a great marketing tool for creating perfect online reputation for your business and also helps greatly in customer interactivity.

Today there you find tons of business blogs and to run yours successfully it needs much efforts and patience. Of course you need better content and reputation for your online corporate blogging that is most useful to gain success in your small businesses.

It’s not too late for you. So just start your corporate blogging and see your business growing fast.

Do you have any tips about Corporate Blogging? What are they and how do you use Corporate Blogging for your business?

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Inbound Marketing Summit – Boston – October 6-7, 2010

Inbound marketing is one of the important marketing strategies that is helping businesses to promote themselves in Internet.

Inbound Marketing Summit – Boston – October 6-7, 2010 One of the important Summit that is related to Inbound marketing is Inbound marketing Summit.

This article describes information about Inbound Marketing Summit, why it organized and what the advantages of inbound marketing Summit are.

Inbound marketing Summit is the place where Online marketers from all the parts of the world gather together to discuss and solve today’s marketing and business communication challenges.

This Summit brings brightest minds in business from all over the world including world-renowned authors and practitioners, Inbound marketing experts as well as head of top companies who are using latest inbound marketing tools and strategies for their business.

This helps in discussing about existing business communication strategies and how to adopt new inbound marketing strategies in the coming years.

Inbound Marketing Summit
October 6-7, 2010

Advantages of Attending Inbound Marketing Summit:

Inbound marketing summit is one of the best opportunity to learn about latest Inbound marketing strategies and tools, how to properly utilize inbound marketing for your business.

You should be attending Inbound Marketing Summit if:

  • You are an Inbound Marketing expert looking to share your expertise in using latest inbound marketing strategies and tools.
  • You are marketing professional seeking solutions to solve your online marketing challenges.
  • You are a social media marketing consultant or online marketing professional.
  • You have in thought of new inbound marketing thoughts or solutions.
  • You are going to provide information about the latest challenges that would be coming in place in future months. 

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The Social Media ROI Journey

The Social Media ROI Journey Social media platforms are today serving as a great inbound marketing tool for building credibility, brand awareness as well as community of people with same interests.

It also helps in creating effective web presence which later helps in getting massive lead generation. But all this cannot be achieved and successfully measured easily.

You always need to have a clear picture of your ROI (Return on Investment) which can be achieved by your internet marketing consultants and SMM (Social Media Marketing) firm.

People always wanted to know about whether or not SMM can increase their sales and improve their growth ratio.

They always wanted to know about what they are getting as a result of their efforts and investments. But it has been cleared that using social media platforms effectively and wisely enables a business to be more visible and helps them to grow with their online marketing.

Better social media marketing tactics should be employed for the online business for getting faster results.

Social media is a one of the greatest hub marketing solutions and an inbound marketing tool that several businesses and organizations are using to get popularity and profits at the same time.

But to go back to the question of ROI journey, you would first need to determine the criteria and your goals against which you want to measure your online marketing campaign’s success.

Using social media platforms for your inbound marketing solutions need you to constantly feed your media with unique and original content that highly attracts your potential customers.

Measuring ROI with any precision is a challenging and difficult task. But if you know your goals better you can measure it accurately to some extent.

Defining your goals will make you more focussed on these goals and you can decide that whether your goals are reached after some specific time. Simply saying once you know what you want to measure, you can probably find a way to do it.

You should also not forget that SMM just like SEO takes some time. You should therefore give some time before you try to measure your success through social media marketing.

Do you have any tips about Social Media ROI? What are they and how do calculate your Social Media ROI for your business?
For more on social media roi, visit the links given below:

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The Social Media Success Criteria

Social media marketing and inbound marketing is today a way of expanding businesses online.

People are today using and implementing better social media marketing tactics to get more of the positive results out there. But how can you fix that the results you are getting are positive enough.

The Social Media Success Criteria You would be having a big question in mind about what will be your best social media success criteria for measuring your success through various social media platforms.
So to get started with, you should first of all confirm your goals and achievements. Your social media marketing should be effective enough to build an optimized web presence and gain credibility for you.
You should therefore start with the business goals that you might be seeking to meet up in near future.
Defining your success criteria for your business via social media becomes important for you if you want to gain success in less time.
Having known your goals you should define your success criteria for each and every goal and focus on them individually. Various businesses may have different goals for them.
May be you want to get more of new registrations, or maybe you are looking for getting massive amount of leads through the social media platforms.
Defining your goals and success criteria for each of them will help you in looking for each goal differently.
  • You should then plan your strategies and pattern that you will implement to reach out these goals.
  • You should consider on the points on how to achieve your goal from beginning to end.
  • You have to also focus on better tools and processes for you that make all the things easy for you.


These are essentially needed to plan and manage your social media strategy, and processes for conducting it. This also helps you in defining your success in the social media.

You should target on your potential customers that are needed for your success.

Try to learn more about them and how they are getting you back in social media. This makes you aware of the success which is following you via social media marketing and also through various hub marketing solutions.

Do you have any tips about Social Media Success Criteria? What are they and how do use Social Media Tactics for your business?


For more on social media marketing tactics, visit the links given below:

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How to Market your Event the Social Media Way

How to Market your Event the Social Media Way Event organization is in some way or the other using inbound marketing today.
You can easily plan your event in a very cost effective and inexpensive way which is contributed by social media platforms.
Many of the businesses and organizations are planning several events regularly which help them to build an optimized web presence and help them in getting attention.
More and more new contacts follow them and approach them with their events and these events serve as a very effective way of social media marketing for them.
It does not matter at all that whether you are planning a real event like a conference or political gathering or a virtual event like a webinar or tele-class.
Social media platforms have turned out to be a most effective way for hub marketing solutions to all.
To make your event successful you should know the basic social media marketing tactics that will help you to promote your event. People should get aware of your event to go it successful.
You can choose Twitter or Facebook marketing solutions to market your event with the social media way. This way you get huge group of people attracted towards you which helps you in getting success.
Marketing your event should be the prime concern of yours to get success. You can choose LinkedIn or your own blog for online marketing of your event.
You should create posts and announce the events and other opportunities on your blog to get more and more exposure creating effective web presence.
You can also enjoy organizing your event by inviting more and more people towards it.
If your event is not taking a speed you should be bit patience and try hard to gather more people on various social media platforms to get it successful.
Event planning is much about educating people and sharing each other’s knowledge. It is more about building an online community for people.
Social media in many cases allow the attendees to find & follow some new colleagues from their relative niche which further helps in improving strong relationship between them. This way more new contacts starts building up and new trend of marketing your business appear.
This all further helps you in getting more potential customers to your business, which results in massive amount of leads and profits for your online business.
Do you have any tips about Social Media? What are they and how do use Social Media for your business?
For more on social media conversation, visit the links given below:

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