How to reach B2B Executives? Get mobile!

mobile marketingNew studies of Google and Compete found out that that 28% of US B2B C-level executives used mobile devices to research business purchases.

By the growing use and demand of mobile apps companies also become more dependent of them. Popular services like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Yelp, Foursquare, Groupon and other are using apps to stay in touch with their audience.

A new way of search has emerged where B2B executives to look out to find future business partners the more efficient way. Mobile devices have spread around the world and statistics show that about 260 million devices are in use actually and this number will grow by 2014 to more than one billion.

The peace of mobile use among B2B executives is much higher compared to consumers, as they are always looking for ways to do their purchasing process easier and cost efficient.

When B2B executives are on their mobile device they do not go to the web browser to research for products and services your business also as to offer!

According to research data from Oracle and Endeca, from November 2011 one-quarter of B2B ecommerce professionals worldwide agreed that mobile is one of the most influential to get in touch with their customers.

By taking into account the complete penetration of mobile devices among B2B marketers, it is logic they use these devices for their purchase decision making process. They use these mobile devices during their purchasing process to save time.

The trend shows that search engine search traffic will decrease and companies who are active on mobile devices, social media and location based services will get an increase of traffic as B2B executives use them preferable.

Here is a great opportunity for businesses to get in touch with these B2B executives to establish a relationship which can help to make business together. Companies should establishing a mobile web presence and optimizing their communication to reach those B2B executives.


Infographic: Mobile Marketing


If you are not active in mobile marketing than you miss a large opportunity to make B2B executives aware of your company. Take action before your competitor does.


What can you do to get in touch with B2B executives the mobile way?

1st Register with all important location based services like Yelp, Foursquare, Neer, Loopt and SCVNGR. Engage here with your audience, build and customize these digital outposts.

2nd Be active in social media sites like Facebook, Linked, Twitter and others important to your audience.

3rd Jump start your mobile marketing the smart way. Collect the mobile phone numbers from your customers. Establish a database where you store all important information about them to later have the ability to custom tailor personalized messages to reach them the right and human way. Look out for a two SMS marketing software which enables you to do and to control your messages.

4th Optimize your website be reachable in mobile devices and give those interested B2B executives the opportunity to get with in touch quick.

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Get your Share of the 123% Growth in Mobile Purchasing

Or How Mobile Devices will Make 90% of Your SEO Efforts Obsolete in the Future

mobile-purchasingIn the past it has been important for a business to have good SEO in place to get found on the search engines through their target audience. Businesses optimized their websites and published content with keywords on a frequent basis.

In the last years content marketing has emerged and a new era began on how to manage it to get found from customers who research on search engines and than in social media. At this time buyer persona content creation is a must for businesses to increase their chances to get found on the web.

Companies need to spend enough diligence to identify their buyer personas because of to reach their lead generation goals. Smart content marketing is a critical factor to attract the right buyer personas to a company website and convert them to leads and during a lead nurturing process to revenue!

But a new way of search has emerged where some of these tactics above does not fit anymore. Mobile devices have spread around the world and statistics show that about 260 million devices are in use actually and this number will grow by 2014 to more than one billion.

When people are on their mobile device they do not go to the web browser to research for a restaurant or retail store.

They rely on their mobile apps from Foursquare, Yelp, Gowalla, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other which give them information instantly and also location based information where how to hit a great location. Also in the B2B sector more CEOs are researching for products and services on their IPads, IPhone; Blackberry and Android. This trend is increasingly growing.

Search traffic will decrease and companies who are active on location based services will get an increase of traffic as people use them preferable.

Consumer Trend in Mobile Purchases

2009-2010, % of consumers making 1 or more m-purchase

Source: Oracle / ATG


What does it mean for businesses?

For a business this means to get engaged on those social networks and services which already are very popular and have mobile apps active. This is the way to get and most important to stay in front of the future customers.

Infographic: Mobile Warming


Marketing takeaway to profit from this increasing mobile trend:

  • 1. Optimize your website to be accessible from mobile devices
  • 2. Sart to collect mobile phone numbers to enable your mobile marketing through personalized SMS
  • 3. Adjust your email marketing and the email messages to be easy readable from mobile devices
  • 4. Build your digital outposts and get engaged in social media, in location based services and rating sites
  • 5. Develop your own mobile app to stay in touch with your audience directly


With this above activities you can significantly improve your visibility on mobile devices and attract more future customers to your business.

What do you think? Are you actually active to reach your target audience on their mobile devices?


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SEO goes mobile and you should embrace this trend of location based marketing

The use of mobile devices is increasingly growing. Tablets and smart phones have become state of the art technology around the globe. People are consuming video, audio, social media, games, news, books and periodicals on the run.

By the growing use and demand of mobile apps people become more dependent of them. Popular services like Facebook, Yelp, Foursquare, Groupon and other are using apps to stay in touch with their audience.

As their audience is actively using their apps when they are on the road the chance decrease that they separately open their browser to research on Google for products or serivces. They will use their location based services and the recently activated apps to discover, products, services, locations, deals and things they are interested in.

People are about three hours online on their mobile devices compared with one hour from their pc.

The more people research this way, the more the search engine research will decrease.

This trend is creating a growing demand for businesses to be visible in these services and their apps as well. Also to think about to produce own mobile apps to be and to stay connected to their audience.

What can a business do to participate from I call it “Mobile SEO”?

1st Register with all important location based services like Yelp, Foursquare, Neer, Loopt and SCVNGR. Engage here with your audience, build and customize these digital outposts.

2nd Be active in social media sites like Facebook, Linked, Twitter and others important to your audience.

3rd Jump start your mobile marketing the smart way. Collect the mobile phone numbers from your customers. Establish a database where you store all important information about them to later have the ability to custom tailor personalized messages to reach them the right and human way. Look out for a two SMS marketing software which enables you to do and to control your messages.

4th Get even smarter and develop your own mobile app for your audience. To get ideas look through the industries and get inspired how others have done it.

Infographic: Mobile Marketing


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22 Percent of your future clients research through mobile devices

local-mobile-marketingWith the growing mobile market more people research from their mobile devices to find products and services. Nearly 60% of the world has access to a mobile phone.

So you need to have a mobile strategy. Not only to be accessible mobile but to attract mobile users to your brand with an app for example. The mobile devices have become the most personal marketing platform today.

On a mobile device you can reach your customers anywhere.

ComScore reports (2010) that about 31, 4% of those users download applications for their mobile device and 21,8% access social media sites through their mobile devices.

AdMob reported (July 2010) that those mobile device users spend more than 30 minutes on apps daily. Those users engage two times more than web users (Facebook).

What can you do to make the mobile trend work for your business?

First off all, every action you take you should keep your target audience in mind and to benefit them with your doings.

For example if you are a retail store or a chain you could use an app to keep your audience updated about specials and offers. To get them engaged with you and downloading your app you could offer exclusive specials for your app users. This would ensure that your audience is regularly using the app because it offers them great advantages.

Watch this Video: Starbucks Holiday Cups Come to Life With Augmented Reality App

You should also consider do your website as a mobile version to make it easier for your audience to browse though to see what you have to offer.

The easier you design the access to your business the better for your revenue.

Mobile marketing will grow and the more companies discover this opportunity the harder it will become for businesses to get their app placed to their audience.

Mobile apps and a mobile optimized web presence are done today in a reasonable time and for reasonable budget. You do not need to give an arm and a leg to step into mobile marketing.

If you are not sure what kind of app you could offer to your audience than research what kind of problem you could solve to help your audience. As you identify a major problem which you could solve with an app than sit down and draw a blueprint on a paper, the old fashioned way.

As next step look out for qualified help for development and marketing to help you to make your now mobile strategy successful.

You should start today and use this growing trend to save your position before a competitor overtakes you.

Some tasks you can do to jumpstart your mobile marketing:

  • A. Collect the mobile numbers of your customers.
  • B. Build a mobile app.
  • C. Lead them to your mobile site.
  • D. Deliver RELEVANT offers.


Mobile Marketing Infographic


–How about you, do you have a mobile strategy in place already? I am looking forward to your comment.

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How to Take Advantage from Mobile Marketing & Location Based Marketing

location-appsIs mobile marketing recently a part of your inbound marketing strategy?

More and more people worldwide use mobile devices daily to access the web, to shop and to network on social media sites. Social sites like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn have apps out there to make it dump easy to communicate and update the network from the run.

To ignore this growing mobile marketing trend could be a very dangerous failure for your business!

To get your piece of the pie from this trend the first thing you need to do is to optimize your website and email communication for mobile use!

Did you thought about to make use of mobile apps to improve your location based marketing?


Services like Foursquare are best examples how businesses use location based marketing to reach a wider audience.

Some facts:

People are increasingly use mobile devices to access content on the web!

  • In March 2011, nearly 39% of US mobile subscribers were browsing the internet using their mobile device. That’s up by 2.2 percentage points from just 3 months prior.
  • Mobile apps are almost as popular as browsers; 37% of subscribers used downloaded apps.
  • Subscribers are also increasingly using social networks on their phones. In March, 27.3% indicated they used a social network on their mobile phone, up from 24.7% just 3 months prior.

Source: HubSpot

Actually about 30% of companies who are using Mobile Marketing do strategic lead generation through this! With only one third of the companies you and your business still have wide opportunities to position in this area!

As this trends evolves more and more businesses get ready to get there communication done in the mobile and location based marketing area, you should not wait to get active here. Otherwise you are put on risk to get left behind.

An uphill battle later could cost you more than to be with the trend now!

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Mobile Marketing Goes Online?

By Alexander Gregori

Not so long ago marketers were excited at the prospects of a new tool: online marketing.

They could send out personalized emails directly to leads via email at almost no cost, create a store front of their business with websites, place banner ads on other websites , create newsletters and blogs.

Then the whole thing became more sophisticated with tools like Google AdWords, social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter and e-commerce.

Suddenly the whole world was connected and marketers had unleashed an animal. Not only did online marketing become actual work for which companies had to employ staff or a specialized agency, but now clients, customers and consumers could also praise or bash their brands, products and services.

This posed, and still poses, considerable challenges for marketers.

Enter from stage left: mobile marketing!

Oh my gosh. What is THAT? Another tool that seems to confuse more than be helpful.

Yet MORE work and yet another specialized discipline that has to be learned and mastered. Well, mobile has come a long way and clever marketers quickly understood that INTEGRATION is the keyword.

They supplemented their existing marketing tools with simple, yet effective mobile marketing tools to maximize the ROI of their marketing strategy and objectives.

Others were not so “lucky”. One of the mistakes made was the lumping together of online- and mobile marketing, based on the true but misleading fact that both are making use of the Internet.

Granted, a simple SMS campaign does not involve the Internet but if you want to run an integrated campaign, instead of wasting your bucks on creating databases with worthless cell phone numbers, the Internet comes into play, e.g. with mobisites and apps.

Well, the truth is: online- and mobile marketing are two different disciplines. They have different rules and objectives, and they both work best when they are integrated into an overall marketing strategy.

Imagine this scenario: a company has built a website and used newsletters to build an opt-in database with whom they communicate regularly. They are cutting edge, so they also have a LinkedIn group, Facebook page and Twitter account. Now they heard that SMS, or texting, is much more personal, that only 10% of SMS’s are spam (versus 90% of emails) and that 98% of SMS’s are opened and responded to within 60 minutes (versus 5% of emails).

So they decide to send SMS’s to use their opt-in database, for example to alert their leads of a new special. SMS’s only allow 160 characters, so they include a hyperlink to their website for more information.

First problem: clicking on a hyperlink to a website from a mobile phone will, for most phones, not display the website correctly. In fact, it will be so bad that it can be regarded as useless. Lead and potential sale lost!

So the company decides to build a mobisite, which would render properly on the mobile phones of users but a mobisite has different objectives to a website, so they get entangled in the intricacies of its function and design.

The result is a mobisite that works great technically (in some cases) but does not produce an acceptable ROI because it is not geared towards user expectations and preferences. In short: users are not using it!

The result is that this company takes the “informed” decision that mobile does not work for them.

Sadly, they are thus losing out on what is arguably the most exciting, cost effective and valuable communication tool since the invention of marketing. And it could all have been different if that company just understood that online and mobile are two different tools.

If I argue that mobile goes online then I point to the integration of these two marketing tools. Think of the millions of consumers who are using traditionally “online only” social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter from their mobile phones.

If you want to stay ahead of the pack you have to embrace this reality and offer your potential and existing customers the opportunity to remain in the mobile environment when they continue their dialogue with you by e.g. clicking through to your website.

To do this right requires professionals with the knowledge of both the online AND mobile environment (and a principle understanding of traditional media would’t hurt either). So don’t remain stuck with your traditional-, online-, or even digital agencies. Make sure you have someone on your team who understands mobile as well!

About the author Gregori (BA) is a visionary, entrepreneur and mobile marketing specialist. As Mobile Marketing Winner$ team leader he is an internationally published author on mobile marketing and m-commerce and co-founder of the Thinking Mobile Conference Series.

His company is Contact him on tel +27 (0)11 704 0937, fax +27 (0)86 503 6868, email, skype alex.gregori, read his blog and connect with him on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.



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How to create mobile friendly emails and get more response

Current analysis show impressive statistics where millions of people will be using advanced email ready phones.

Morgan Stanley Research predicts that sales of smart phones will exceed those of PCs within 2 years.

Internet Trends 2010 by Morgan Stanley Research

  • According to Juniper Research annual sales of smart phones over 300 million by 2013.
  • Sales of smart phones will exceed those of PCs within 2 years.
  • Studies also show that people surf about four hours in social media compared with one hour from their PC.
  • 30% of consumers are already using mobile devices to read personal email.

The importance of mobile email is growing rapidly and is playing an increasing role in email marketing.

When you send out email to your leads and customers than that information above should lead you to seriously consider to adopting mobile marketing strategies.

When you create mobile friendly email by adopting new tactics tailored specially for mobile devices than you increase your chances to get your message read.

To get started follow these Tipps:

  1. When you do an email template, and then also do a text version of your message. For the mobile template set width 320 pixels with a single column.
  2. Keep your images small and brief and describe them using the ALT tag.
  3. Space your clickable links to make them easier clickable.
  4. Put the most important content on the top, where it can be seen very quickly.
  5. Make your subject line and your message attractive, short and compelling. [According to Marketing Sherpa, the average user only spends 15-20 seconds looking at your email]
  6. Test you email look and feel here Litmus and Previewmyemail.
  7. Ad a mobile option to your newsletter subscription form, for example a checkbox “get mail on mobile”.

Marketing takeaway tip: When you make it easy and possible for your subscribers to read your message on their smart phones than more and more of them will take action. Those points above are easy to get done. Just do it!

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