How Governments are Winning The War on Social Media and Content Marketing

content marketing, corporate blogging, whitepaper creation, ebook creation, social media content marketingWhen it comes to having an enormous amount of content online, local, State and US Federal Governments must rank high in the vast amount of information available on the world wide web. They even offer a website where you can assure yourself that social media sites advertising that they are from our government, are in fact, actually a part of the .gov family.

But these government agencies often struggle with social networking, similar to the medical and financial industries, they are bound by a completely different set of rules and regulations than the average business. Yet still, there are some notable successes when developing smart strategies for content marketing success.

Here are some examples of how our local, State and Federal governments are teaming up to keep us informed and well-educated, from sea to shining sea, during some very difficult times:

Major Construction Ordeal in San Francisco

Many years after repairs were made to the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge following the devastating damage from the Loma Prieta Earthquake, a massive project was launched to replace a huge, unsafe section of the bridge. The eastern span replacement was the largest public works project in California history, with an estimated cost at over $6.4 billion dollars, it took over eleven years to complete, eventually making it the widest bridge in the world.

This “Bay” bridge carries one-third of traffic from all the California state owned bridges combined and the resulting gridlock, traffic jams, temporary closures and detours were challenging to say the least. Although the bridge re-opened in 2013, during the decade long construction and transition, the City of San Francisco teamed up with CalTrans, Bay Area Toll Authority, California Transportation Commission, local news services and social media to keep the public informed during this harrowing process. Although minor repairs continue, it is a beautiful site on the SF Bay, comparable to many other great bridges in our nation.

The First Lady’s Nationwide Campaign

Mrs. Michelle Obama has been very busy promoting her “Let’s Move” campaign against childhood obesity and endorsing her platform for a more active, health-conscious, future for our nation’s children. Initially, upon launch back in 2010, she was quoted as saying, “The physical and emotional health of an entire generation and the economic health and security of our nation is at stake.”

The First Lady has been effectively utilizing Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to promote a healthier, more active lifestyle for our children. Posting recipes, videos and pictures from her campaign across multiple channels, Mrs. Obama has also gained celebrity endorsements from famous chefs, comedians and actors across the nation.

Federal Assistance

Our federal government is often there to lend a helping hand, especially during times of tragedy, but there are also over 120 agencies listed on the fed’s website that show their connection to social media, everything from agriculture to The White House. Here our nation’s citizens and small businesses can get assistance from a variety of different branches of our government and see which social media platforms they are utilizing:

  • Consumer Financial Protection
  • Consumer Product Safety
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Federal Housing Financing
  • Medicare and Medicaid
  • Minority Business Development
  • Securities and Exchange Commission
  • Small Business Administration
  • Veterans Health and Benefits


While awards are commonly given for big government contracts, perhaps the City by the Bay and our First Lady are worthy of consideration for their achievements with a different kind of recognition. They have both overcome tremendous challenges using content marketing and social media to reach their important audience and ultimately their goals.


Megan RitterAuthors Bio:

Megan Ritter is a proud graduate of Marketing from The University of California. Since then she has been working at various Marketing agencies while always submitting informative articles on websites, drawing from her research and experience. Get in touch with Megan on Facebook, Google+ and Twitter.



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How To Make It in the Blogging World

content marketing, corporate blogging, whitepaper creation, ebook creation, social media content marketingBlogging has become far more than just a passing hobby.

The functionality and relevancy of the blogging platform has grown to the point where it is so closely interconnected with internet retail and affiliate marketing, that it’s entirely possible for a well-built and maintained blog to become a full-time job, or even a company.

Darren Rowse of Problogger and Brian Clarke of Copyblogger are two excellent examples, as they’ve taken their websites and developed them into massively successful and influential blogs.

How did they do it?

If you find anyone who tells you that getting into blogging full-time is easy or fast, they’re absolutely lying to you. Blogging is a slow burn, requiring that you have the means to support yourself while you build your base of content.

We’re talking years, not months, and guys like Brian and Darren are testaments to that, having started their journeys over a decade ago before blogging was really even heard of or widely regarded as it is today. That’s not to say that it can’t be done or shouldn’t be attempted; but it does take work and consistency. Yet those who are able to support themselves while building a valuable base of content and designing a website without getting bored and giving up, have a tremendously rewarding light waiting for them at the end of their tunnel.

Let’s put it in simpler terms. Problogger and Copyblogger have seen success with a fairly basic formula that includes the following strategies:

  • Write high-quality and valuable content.

  • Be genuinely interested and devoted to your writing (don’t just do it to get something posted).

  • Take the time to design a clean and easily navigated website.

  • Be consistent and dedicated to your blog like you would a 9 to 5 job.

These are come of the primary ways that bloggers, Darren and Brian, made a name for themselves through media content.

You, on the other hand, might be wondering what you can do on a more practical level to take your blog from hobby status, to a genuine profit-turner, worthy of a 9 to 5 schedule.

How can I make it?

First, let’s look at a broad truth about professional blogging. You’ll have an extremely difficult time making it in the blogging world if you’re always focused on making money. The internet simply presents too many shortcuts and too many ways to quickly produce content to fight that temptation. Instead, you need to be interested in the topic you’re writing about and genuinely concerned with providing knowledge, you deem valuable, to people. So do your best to keep the dollar signs out of your eyes and focus your energy on writing helpful material. Once you’ve got that mindset down, the following areas are proven techniques for building both your site’s reputation and your own reputation as a writer and expert within your niche.

Image courtesy of

Social Media Presence

More than just posting your articles on a bunch of social media accounts, this needs to be an area where you’re active and engaged; not just with your followers, but with other professionals in your area of expertise as well.

If you’re impatient and looking to gain more traffic immediately, there is always the option of boosting your posts online.

Guest Blogging

Aside from writing and publishing on your own site, try to network with other bloggers in your field of interest and pitch guest posts to them. This is a great way to get traffic and gain exposure for your material with an established audience.

Forums, Commenting and Reviewing

This is a tedious, though effective strategy.

Simply go to the places online where people who are interested in your topic like to hang out. Forums and other online communities are great places to answer (or ask) questions and even do research on what people are interested in learning or hearing about.

Stay Focused and Don’t Lose Sight

The most likely cause of your downfall as a blogger will be a simple loss of focus and interest in what you’re doing. If you can stay focused and fight the boredom with writing so often and on such a regular basis, you stand a far better chance of succeeding than most of the people who start blogs now a days.

So don’t fret, you have variety of options to gain exposure for the world to hear your voice!

CamilleCamille McClane is a blogger and web entrepreneur who enjoys writing on social media, online marketing and blogging trends. She hopes you enjoy this article and wishes you nothing but success in your online business endeavors! Connect with Camille  here on Google+ or Facebook.



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5 Things you must know About Blogging

corporate blog, blogging success, aspects of blogging, content creation, quality blog content, remarkable content

Photo Credits: webseoanalytics

Blogging is the latest tool these days that has added certain benefits to the business and brand promotions when it comes to make large audience and promote a brand, blogging is used in different styles and forms. Professional business blogs to small micro blogs are used to attract users to a business. If you have started a business and created a company, then you must start with your own blog. Either you can start blogging yourself or you can hire a professional. In both cases a blogger should know few things before he starts. Check below these core aspects of blogging that can boost your business.

Things to remember for a successful blog:

When you plan to start a blog, focus on these points for making a large user engaging audience and make your internet presence possible.

  • The first thing is to focus on your audience. Keeping in mind the right audience, is very important for bloggers. You can’t write a post for all the internet users. You have to focus on your niche. For example if you own a company of Automotives, then you should focus on the audience that has an interest in buying these Automotives and they like to listen news and offers from your company. Keep you content enriched with the latest updates about your company offers in your blogs.

  • corporate blog, blogging success, aspects of blogging, content creation, quality blog content, remarkable content

Photo Credits : davidhallsocailmedia

  • The second core factor of blogging is to write meaningful content with a high quality. No need to write long articles that are of no use. Only write user engaging content for a targeted audience. Content is the key to success in every internet marketing strategy and blogging is a good strategy that can lead your business successful.

  • A third factor is to eliminate all types of jargon from the blogs. Experts follow the same rule to promote their business. The CEO of Albanese company “Leonard Albanese” followed the same rule when he started blogging. He focused on audience and wrote useful content, free from jargon and users started following their updates and become their loyal customers.

  • Keep your mind active and charged while writing content for blogging. If is not good to write in a bad mood or a down situation that will leave a bad impact on the audience. Do not write blogs when you are in hard mind state. Relax first and then start your writing.corporate blog, blogging success, aspects of blogging, content creation, quality blog content, remarkable content

Photo Credits: thesparksleagency

  • Updating a blog regularly is a key for blogging success and those blogs that are not updated, do not make a large interactive audience. You can only attract people when you post regular updates on your blogs and it is also suggested by the experts that 2 to 3 times blogging in a week is good, otherwise you will overcrowd your blogs with too many posts.

These are simple facts that every blogger should know. Apart from this, there are tips and strategies that are written for the specific blogs. You can follow these tips for your particular blog style.

About the author:

adam prattlerAdam Prattler is a consultant for search engine optimization ny and has been working since the last 6 years. With a degree in engineering and a graduation in design, he believes he has the ability to look at from every aspect, be it technology, content or design. You can connect with Adam on LinkedIn, Google Plus, Facebook  and Twitter.


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My prospects aren’t using social media, so I don’t need to be there!

Social Media B2B, content in social media,Lead Generation Challenge, with Social Media, corporate blogging, content creation, social search


Increasingly prospects shift from traditional to the digital media.

They research about products and services on search engines, forums, and blogs and in social media to get the best products and services for their money!

To get found online when future prospects are looking for products is one of the major challenges businesses are facing today.

Millions of businesses competing for paying customers and it have become a difficult task for most of them to stand out of the crowd and to make future customers aware about their offers.

Trust is a major factor when it comes to get new customers acquired.

Companies need to understand that they need be there before they ask for a sale. They need to establish themselves as an authority and trusted source in their industry.

Social media platforms are today serving as a great inbound marketing tool for building credibility, brand awareness as well as community of people with same interests. These people than become aware of the businesses products and services and can become paying customers.

The most popular channel to share content is social media, the advantages of platforms like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn for business and to win customer loyalty are known. About 76% of marketers say they used a social network as the main channel for content distribution.

Successful companies use every possible communication channel to get in touch with their target audience. They are interested in what their recent and future customers are thinking and communicating about them.

In a recent survey conducted, 72% of the marketing consultants have agreed that they are using social media marketing for their businesses online.

This tells the importance of social media marketing tactics and inbound market solutions for businesses online.

A new research of Pew Research Center shows that 69% of adults use social media!

What do you think how are the chances that none of your prospects are included in that majority of adults using social media?

If you still have doubts that your prospects are active in social media feel free to try the advertising targeting platforms of any of those social networks. There you can segment your target audience at no cost. Then you will see by yourself.

Social media is a powerful communication channel to get and to stay in touch with prospects, future and current customers and to build relationships with industry influencers. You can also connect with reporters who are looking for industry experts on upcoming stories like you to interview them. This could improve your credibility and bring you additional free exposure, prospects, leads and customers for your business!

As simple as that!


Infographic: Lead Generation

busines lead generation infographic, Social Media B2B, content in social media,Lead Generation Challenge, with Social Media, corporate blogging, content creation, social search

What do you think about social media for business? Let me know your toughts in the comment section below!


Read also these related articles:

  1. Why marketers Increase their Social Media Marketing Budgets?
  2. How to Track and Follow Up on Social Brand Mentions
  3. 5 Ways How To Gain A Huge Profit From Facebook Sponsored Stories
  4. B2B Marketing Social Networks for more Business Leads
  5. How to grow your revenue through Social Customer Support


inbound marketing assessment us Lead Generation with Inbound Marketing and PPC Advertising done right!


On the web you are what you publish… What are you?

Content and social media have become successful ways to get attention from future buyers.

Content creation, marketing and content distribution in social media are proven ways to make interested people aware of your business.

Millions of businesses competing for paying customers and it have become a difficult task for most of them to stand out of the crowd and to make future customers aware about their offers.

When people want to buy products and services they turn to the web, to search engines like Google, Yahoo, social media and their friends and relatives to get information and recommendations about products and services.

Original content builds you trust, customer loyalty and can position your business as trusted experts in your field. It offers the so called value ad for customers

Content marketing has established as a powerful way to engage customers. An increasing number of B2C and B2B marketer are faced with the challenge to produce and publish buyer persona oriented interesting and remarkable content to attract customers to their products and services.

By publishing interesting and remarkable content other blogs, news sites and content curators will link to you which increases your Page Rank and improves your search engine visibility also!

So when you publish expert content on the web you will be recognized as an expert in your field.

On the web you are what you publish… Think a minute what do you publish on the web and in social media? … Exactly! That’s what you are on the web!

If you miss the opportunity which content marketing offers to you, your business will vanish in the dust.

The best way to start content marketing for business is to start a corporate blog.

Recent and future customers can interact this way with your business. You show expertise and offer valuable information to solve your audience’s problems. This gains trust.

Blogging has great advantages and here are the most important:

  • 1. Blogging companies get up to 55% more Traffic
  • 2. Blogging companies get up to 97% more Inbound Links
  • 3. Blogging companies get up to 434% more indexed pages in search engines
  • 4. Blogging companies get up to 25x times more business leads


A seriously executed content marketing strategy can be responsible for 25x times more business leads and boosts your revenue by up to 40%!


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Why do you have a Facebook profile if you don’t want to communicate?

content in social media,Lead Generation Challenge, with Social Media, corporate blogging, content creation, social searchWhen I communicate in Facebook and Twitter, then I like to share interesting and valuable content.

Sometimes there are users in my network who make the impression they are bothered through this information. Social media is for connection and for communication. People who don’t want to be “bothered” by information which they don’t like for this moment should take into account that maybe this information they don’t like at this moment can benefit other people.

Social media is a democratic way of communication and this means that everybody is free to publish any information which can benefit others.

Not each piece of content which a business or a private person publishes in the social media channel is of interest or value for all. But the more content and information is published the higher are the chances that under this mass of content parts exist which benefit other people.

To publish and to share content is a sign of generosity. And if there is content or any information you don’t like than you are free to express your personal opinion on this, but keep in mind your opinion must not be universally applicable.

Content sharing is an essential part of knowledge and communication and improves the online reputation.


Infographic: Social Sharing Trends

content in social media,Lead Generation Challenge, with Social Media, corporate blogging, content creation, social search


What do you think, how does content sharing in social media benefits you?

 b2b marketing articles,b2b marketing solutions,b2b marketing plan template

How to Master Your Lead Generation Challenge with Social Media

social media for businessSocial Media has proven to be a source of targeted high quality leads for B2C and B2B. An increasing number of marketers see lead generation as their greatest online marketing challenge.

Marketers which experienced the business value of social media marketing know that social media is one of their most successful and cost effective marketing channels.

Studies show that companies which relying on online lead generation are two times more profitable than those who do not. Those companies achieve an up to 62% lower costs per lead.

In social media B2B marketers are focusing mostly on LinkedIn which is the most successful channel for B2B lead generation followed by corporate blogging.

A study from Wildfire Interactive shows that social media helps grow brand awareness, increase sales and partnerships and helped to reduce marketing costs.

How can you profit from this trend?

  • 1. Start a social media presence. Complete your profile there
  • 2. Research for industry related B2B groups and people. Become a member and invite those people to your network
  • 3. Listen to their discussions. If you have something valuable to contribute than do it, otherwise go on listening
  • 4. Start a corporate blog. Write about topics your B2B audience is interested in. Share your blog articles in social media and ask for feedback for your publication
  • 5. Build landing pages and offer exclusive and valuable content for download. So you generate laser target high quality industry related B2B leads
  • 6. Measure your activities
  • 7. Improve your activities and repeat


Read this article also: Get social to get found from your future customers


Infographic: Digital Marketing Budgets


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Get social to get found from your future customers

Content marketing social media copywritingGoogle, Yahoo and Bing increasingly include results from social media discussions in their search results. Especially Google+ results are likely more visible on Google results pages. Bing favors Facebook and also search results on Facebook are also from Bing too.

But how to get into those results the smartest way?

The easiest way to get better found on search engines is content marketing. As content marketing has become the most powerful marketing strategy to increase brand awareness, trust and credibility with the audience.

As content is only a part of an integral marketing strategy there is more part of the marketing puzzle important to be used.

The most powerful internet marketing strategy which also has proven to be successful and to bring guaranteed results for businesses is Inbound Marketing.

Inbound marketing consist of content creation like Blogging, Social Media Marketing, Lead Conversion, Lead Nurturing and Closed-Loop Analysis.

Inbound Marketing has proven to:

• Save up to 62% of a businesses marketing budget.

• Make a business stand out of their competition.

• Help to generate a massive amount of leads with up to 55% higher lead conversion rates

• Increase customers, sales and revenue.

Content creation

Content Marketing has become a significant part of online marketing strategy. Content marketing has proven to be the best and most cost effective way to drive traffic to a company website and convert this traffic to leads and customers.

The most popular ways of content marketing are blogging, social media and video. Studies show that 57% of companies which operate a corporate blog get customers through their blogging effort!

Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing has become a powerful tool to spread remarkable content to reach a wide audience.

For companies who engage in social media and show presence in these channels can open wide opportunities to get in touch with their audience. This leads to an increase of credibility and unfiltered feedback of the target audience and can lead to an improvement of products and services.

New studies show that up to 65 percent of today’s consumers expect a brand to listen and to respond on questions, comments and complaints in social media. Studies also show that companies which use social media actively to communicate with their audience are more successful than companies who do not.

Lead Generation

Inbound marketing has a 62% lower cost per lead than traditional marketing strategies. Inbound marketing way generated leads have a 55% higher lead conversion rate than lead generated through traditional marketing strategies.

Lead Nurturing – Lead Conversion

Effective lead nurturing increases lead conversion by up to 55%. Which does not mean that lead nurturing consist of sales pitches. Moreover effective lead nurturing is also a communication process with the future client in which the lead receives helpful and valuable information too. This grows the trust and increases the chances that a lead buys when he is ready to do so, because he knows the source as a trusted and reputable one.

Closed-Loop Analysis

All marketing tasks need to be measured to ensure you are walking the right way. During this closed loop analysis you increase successful tasks measure, improve and repeat. This ensures a step by step quality increase and a gradually decrease of marketing costs up to 62%.


Infographic: Content creation


Keep your inbound marketing flexible to react on real-time news! Always keep the news in focus. As news appears they can offer a tremendous opportunity for you to jump on this bandwagon to use it as your own marketing push the piggy pack way! But you must react quickly, in real-time!

Simply be the first who tweets, shares or likes the story and also take into account to write a blog article from your point of view ASAP! This can help to increase your brand awareness.

Did I missed something, what do you think?


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How to save 62 percent of your budget with inbound marketing

Get found, Convert, analyzeEvery business wants to succeed. But not every business is doing what it needs to succeed. As for the past years corporate blogging and social media has increasingly earned popularity because auf its successful use, there are still a majority of businesses which still do not engage in these said marketing opportunities.

During the past years inbound marketing, which consists of strategic and buyer persona oriented content creation and content distribution like corporate blogging, engagement in social media, lead generation and lead conversion through lead nurturing and measurement through closed-loop analysis has grown in popularity.

The increase of inbound marketing popularity is no fad but the outcome of  measurable and proven results which studies like the MIT study certifies.

ROI of HubSpot: An MIT & Babson Joint Study


Furthermore it is a proven fact that companies which rely on online lead generation are 25 x more profitable than companies who do not.


Some examples why inbound marketing is so successful:

Content creation

Companies who operate a corporate blog and update it frequently have 55% more website visitors. 57% of companies which operate a corporate blog report to have acquired new customers through their blog.


Social media

67% of B2C and 47% of B2B companies report to have acquired new customers through Facebook. 47% of companies who use Twitter report to have acquired new customer through it.


Lead generation

Inbound marketing has a 62% lower cost per lead than traditional marketing strategies. Inbound marketing way generated leads have an 55% higher lead conversion rate than lead generated through traditional marketing strategies.

As inbound marketing strategy consists of buyer persona oriented content creation, social media engagement, lead generation, lead nurturing and closed-loop analysis; it covers the necessary areas for a successfully operable strategy.


Some suggestions to jumpstart your inbound marketing:

  • 1. Identify your buyer personas. (Download this free buyer persona sheet)
  • 2. Produce remarkable content (blog articles, whitepapers, eBooks, photos, video, press releases and FAQs) for your buyer personas.
  • 3. Distribute your content online through your corporate blog and in social media.
  • 4. The more you publish and share the better. As you increase the amount of pages of your website and blog articles you get increasingly more digital outpost to get found better online.
  • 5. The more articles you publish the more opportunities appear to get Backlinks from other websites and blog who also like your publications and you will be recognizes as a trusted source.
  • 6. Build relevant landing pages and clear call to action to generate leads.
  • 7. Nurture those leads with important information and not with sales pitches.
  • 8. Measure what you do, optimize and repeat.


Infographic: Inbound Marketing vs. Outbound Marketing



—What do you think about inbound marketing?


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Effective SEO done very simple with Content Creation like Blogging

SEO-ContentGoogle Panda update favors websites with great and interesting content. Moreover it favors site content which people like and find it share worthy!

In the old days there have been a lot of people known as SEO experts which try to tweak websites to trick out search engines to get a better search ranking.

But these times are over. To only use tricks and fancy software does not bring you in front of your target audience. Your buyer personas will not find you with this kind of old school methods anymore.

Search engines are trying to get the best results for their users. So they are sorting out crappy and worthless sites. Search engines have become very fine tuned to differ good from bad content. And to insert some keywords here and there is not enough anymore.

Inbound marketing which uses Content Creation strategies like Blogging to publish interesting, valuable and share worthy content are on their way to dominate internet marketing and substitute the old SEO tricks.

Content is king! But only the right content for the right buyer persona will get found and attract the right future customer! This means, businesses have to take the effort to learn about their target audience a lot more than before.

To produce and to publish buyer persona oriented and share worthy content businesses need to listen to their audience and authentically show that they understand and care about them.

Businesses need to participate in conversation and in social media to gain the trust and the opportunity to market their content (blog articles, eBooks, video, photos, documents, presentations, etc.) to their target audience.

Only when companies earn the right and the respect of their buyer personas, then those buyer personas will take notice and share their content to their friends and followers on the web.

This makes the content flow through the digital world of the internet and social media and also offers the opportunity to get indexed by search engines and given out as search results when future buyers are researching there.

The more buyer persona oriented, valuable, interesting and share worthy content a company is publishing on the web, the better are the chances that this content gets shared, get s indexed from search engines and get found from people who research for these kind of products and services.

— Your goal should be to become an authority of your industry, a trusted and valuable source to look for important and helpful information. —

This will increase your brand value and your reach. And in the same time the people who listen when you speak – publish content. This makes it easier to build relationships and to get long lasting business ties.

Companies who publish remarkable content increase their chances to get new business by up to 60%. Studies show that companies who blog can relate about 50% of their new business to their blogging activities.

To produce valuable and share worthy content is not a difficult thing. Each and every business has a lot of sources inside to produce such content. Sources like email requests from customers and the answers which they got make great blog articles.

  • – To showcase products how they work and the potential through vide is another great way to produce remarkable content.
  • – To write how to and publish them will help your future and existing customers.
  • – Every time a company achieves a milestone, big or small, this is a reason to write and publish a press release.

The possibilities are endless. Just use your creativity to produce great content. Look through other industries how they do and market content and use them as an inspiration.



How about you? How do you utilize content creation to gain a competitive advantage?

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The Number ONE Inbound Marketing Success Secret is Content

It is no secret that companies who publish valuable content on the web get more attention from their existing and potential customers.

Companies that utilize the opportunities of publishing valuable content get more attention, traffic and generate more leads.

As attention of the target audience is important to gain trust and credibility, the best way to do this is to show expertise and to be helpful.

Companies that publish content online in their corporate blog and social media make them self more visible to their target audience.

Search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing are indexing the content which is distributed online through social media and increase the chances for a company to get found when potential customers looking for products and services they also have to offer.

A HubSpot study made of data of 4,000 companies shows: The more content you have the more traffic you get. This evaluation shows that companies who blog daily (20x a month), with 400+ indexed pages and 31+ landing pages get the most traffic and leads online.

Here are some tips how you can produce content and landing pages to increase, traffic and leads

Look out for content sources and ideas in your company.

Useful sources to get content ideas are:


With these valuable sources you can do 300 word blog articles or write How-to papers or do videos which you put behind landing pages to generate business leads to help your customers to solve their problems and to show your products in action.

Engage all employees to produce helpful content with your target customer in mind. The more employees are engaged the more content your company has to offer.

The more helpful content you produce the more your chances will increase to position on the web to get found when people are looking on the search engines for products and services which you also have to offer.

You simply increase your visibility and get you better found from your target audience!

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Want Your Content Get Seen Than Promote It

One of the toughest challenges for creating effective web presence is content promotion.

If you want your content get seen and read by other like-minded people then you have to promote it by posting in the places where you can find people who are interested in your content and respond and SMM or social media marketing is one such marketing method which is best opted for promoting your content.

Creating the useful and compelling content and then promoting should be the first and the foremost part of each and every blogger and webmaster for getting success.

Want Your Content Get Seen Than Promote It

Creating the compelling content is not enough

If you have created a most compelling content which you think is liked by everyone, then you have completed one step successfully in respect to your objective of marketing.

Now you have to promote it to get it seen and read by others. You can use various different methods of online marketing to promote your content like search engine marketing and social media marketing.

Promote your content by social media marketing

Social media platforms are popular forms of communications nowadays. Inbound marketing solutions can help you out in getting your content seen to great number of people simultaneously and help promoting it effectively.

This traffic from social media marketing has the power of turning out your traffic into massive amount of leads.

Promote your content by search engine marketing

Search engine marketing is also used to promote your content by using various tactics like link building, link exchanges and some more.

Optimized web design marketing is also helpful in promoting your useful content. But remember linking to pages that aren’t relevant won’t help to increase traffic or boost page rankings at all.

You can hire a SEO expert and a company which helps you out and fulfil your need for the SEO and SMM together. These works on social media marketing agreement and you will be paying them regularly for getting the desired results and for massive lead generation.
Do you have any tips on how to promote content in Social Media? What are they and how do you promote content in Social Media for your business?

Let me know what you think and comment below. I’d love to hear from you.

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How To Double Your Sales with A Website Re-design

How To Double Your Sales with A Website Re-design

Success of any business online depends on some important aspects like website design, Search optimization strategies, Internet Marketing strategies and hosting solutions. These are the important strategies that will mainly affect the search engine rankings and getting the website found in search engine results.

Website Re-design is nothing but designing website in such a way that it will provide more effectiveness for your company’s social media marketing strategies and lead generation campaigns.

website redisign, attract more customers, Get found in social media, landing pages, Lead Capture Pages, lead generation social media, lead tracking, social media marketing, website redesignInternet Marketing Strategies and Lead generation campaigns are to be properly monitored for improving your products sales and generating new leads. To properly track the leads, website should be designed with the latest tools available in market. Some of the best ways to improve your sales with Website Re-design are given below:

Tips to Improve Sales using Website Re-design

Here are some of the simple tips which can be implemented to boost your website in increasing sales and providing more effective lead generation campaigns.

Developing Content and Identifying Keywords

Content plays a major role in the success of your product. Identify the right keyword for your product and develop content in such a way that main significance will be on the keyword which ultimately results in more search results for the particular keyword. Identify the long-tail keywords which are generally used for your products and start developing content to get recognized in search results.

Get specialist SEO consultant for your website

SEO experts are available in Internet which can help you in identifying best methodologies for your products. Use them to get your products market online and as it is a onetime cost, you can always afford for it.

Identify the best Internet Marketing Strategy

Identifying the best marketing strategy for your products is important. Your SEO consultant can help you in identifying the best marketing strategies for your business. There are many effective Internet Marketing strategies online which can help in boosting your business online.

Monitor and Measure

Once you have started implementing marketing strategies for your products, it is important to constantly monitor your marketing strategies. See which marketing strategy is yielding more results and which brings more customers for your business. Measure which marketing strategy is bringing more leads from your customers and increase those working tactics to double your sales.

For more information related to website re-design and increasing your sales, visit the links given below:

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