Study shows: 20 of 100 of your customers are researching on Google

google marketingMore interesting is that 20 percent of searches on Google each day have NEVER been searched for before. So every day 20 percent of chances are completely new with new search terms which include products and services.

“Udi Manber, Google’s VP of Engineering, gave a brief 15 minute presentation where he also explained that 20 to 25% of the queries we see today, we have never seen before.”

People hear from their friends’ info about products and services and then they go to their favorite search engines and try to find more information on.

What does this mean for your business? More and more people research online on search engines before they buy products and services. The chances are good that an interesting amount of your target audience is also looking for products and services on the web which you also have to offer.

The chances are also good that those people do not know your business and what you have to offer.

And here is your big opportunity to profit from this fact.

Here are some tips how you can get more seen on the web:

To get found online you need to be active and visible there where your audience is. The best and proven way to get seen on the web is content marketing. Content marketing is very simple and easy to do.

You should publish interesting and share worthy content on the web and market it in social media.

Content is everything you have from your business which can be published online. For example photos, articles, videos published on Flickr, forums, social networks like Facebook, LinkedIn, document and video sharing platforms like Slideshare and YouTube.

But it is not enough to publish the content. To tag it right with long tail keywords and include a keyword rich description can also help to get it found on the search engines.

By publishing content through a corporate blog every blog article you publish becomes an outpost of your business online.

Market your blog articles in social media. Social media content is indexed by major search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing and your social media activities increase your chances to get found on search results of search engines from people who are looking for products and services you also have to offer. Social media marketing has become the new SEO!

Companies who blog generate more traffic and more business leads.

Find further spaces to publish other kind of content and repeat this. Make content marketing to an important part of your marketing strategy.

The more outposts you establish online the more chances you have to get found from future clients.

Published content increases the brand recognition of a business and can earn a trust and credibility with its target audience. The more interesting content a business publishes on the web the higher are the chances that people will find it also interesting and share worthy and share it with their friends and their social network. This spreads your brand to undefined reach and attracts attention from people which did not know you before.

This effect multiplies! The more content, the more outpost, the more chances to get shared and to get seen from new people the more potential clients you will attract to your business!

Companies which do the content marketing strategy seriously get the most traffic through their outposts on the web. The content there is indexed by search engines and appears in search results when the used keywords are typed into search engines!

Smart companies direct this “outpost traffic” to optimized landing pages to generate business leads, to get new customers and increase revenue!


Marketing takeaway tip: Start to publish interesting and share worthy content on the web and market it on social media. The more content you publish, the more your chances will increase to get found from future customer.

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6 Tipps how to Increase Website Traffic with a Corporate Blog to generate more business leads

Every company tries to reap in the most out of the available set of resources.

Businesses with a small budget have to consider different plans to attract more customers than expensive campaigns and celebrity endorsements.

corporate bloggingOnline world has become the most prominent mode of publicity and marketing now days, may be that is why everyone who is online gets to see a number of ads and promotional videos on every webpage they click on.

A cost effective way to get attention of the target audience is corporate blog.

Blogs articles can be written by in-house bloggers or even hired journalists, which depends on the strategy and the budget of the business.

Corporate blogs should be clear targeted and grammatically correct short notices which can be read easily by an average online user.

“Reach” is the key factor which decides the success or failure of a corporate blog.

Here are some tips to increase the reach and the web traffic to your corporate blog:

 — Write  high quality articles, which will instantly Increase Web Traffic
 — Participate in top rank forums to gain larger exposure to the masses
 — Submit your blogs to blog directories and on any top ranked Blog Search Engine
 — Recycle blog content whenever necessary
 — Offer free reports to visitors and increate their interest in your site
 — Find newer ways to know how to get traffic with the help of consultants and observing your competitors if necessary

Download this free report: 12 Powerful Ways How To Get Massive Traffic To Your Web Presence


Further important resources:


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Inbound Marketing to gain the trust and respect of your buyer personas

Trust and respect are important in real life and much more important in today’s anonymous times of internet and internet business.

Trust and respect comes before the sale.

When people trust and respect you they are more willing to listen what you have to say. This makes it easier to publish remarkable content to them which leads them to optimized landing pages where they can register as a lead to later follow up and to business with them!

Remarkable, helpful, interesting and problem solving content is also the magnet to attract your buyer personas to achieve those above goals, trust and respect!

Here are some points you should take care and to cultivate and to improve to gain trust and respect from your audience:

Be communicative – Don’t pitch your audience and be more communicative. Be helpful and try to assist where ever you can.

This does not mean you should give away your services for free, but you could do a corporate blog where you can publish tips and tricks with helpful insights for your audience. Ask for comments and encourage your buyer personas to give you their honest opinion. So you start a two way conversation and you get the attention of the right prospects.

Respect your buyer personas – If your buyer personas do not know so much about the topics you cover, this does not mean they are dump!

More over it means you have the chance to educate them and to show the possible solutions for their problems. To get popularity as a problem solver is half the way to gain more business. So don’t be arrogant and push away people who might have silly questions. Because there are no silly questions at all, but there are dump answers. Take the chance to show you self fro you best side and be resource not a critic!

When you are open minded, helpful and show respect to your audience you will get this back from the people you deal with. You will gain a valuable position as a trustworthy and competent source within your industry.

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Speed up your SEO with Social Media

How to get on first page of Google? This is the most asked question when it comes to SEO.

The question should be: How to get found from potential customers?

Do you know which keywords, terms and phrases your target audience is looking for when they do research for products and services from your industry?

A lot of traffic does not mean anything, when you don’t generate high quality leads.

Less is more!


Businesses often focus on a “large amount of traffic” instead of the “right traffic”. This results in enormous PPC spending and Keywords acquisition battles with companies with deeper pockets which simply displace you with their massive financial power.

When businesses do SEO than often results are expected over night. But this is not the case. Sustainable results in SEO need time.

Go “Long Tail” and do research for two or three words keywords. A great help to do this is the Google Keywords Tool. Your area of interest depends if your globally active or locally.

If you are locally active lookout for the keywords with a low competition and under 1000 local searches. Mark all of them and export them to your desktop. Be precise with your keywords as you can be, this will increase the quality of your traffic and your leads.

Now you can produce content around your researched keywords. Publish this content in a corporate blog and distribute and market it on social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn and so on.

Search engines love blogs. Blogs have always fresh and newsworthy content and therefore they prefer to index them. A regularly updated blog gets more search engine attention than a website.

Each published article is an additional chance to get found on Google from your target audience.

Encourage your friends and followers to give you feedback, comments and critics about your content. Encourage them to share your content with their network of friends.

The information distributed and discussed in social media is also indexed from search engines and the more you are active the more your chances increase to get found in search engine results. Social media is called the new SEO.

Read also these articles:

Leverage your employees to quadruple your business leads
Why numbers count for Facebook lead generation success
How to get found on Google? This is easier than you think.


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Small Business SEO Strategies

What’s the biggest mistake that most small businesses make when it comes to SEO? Personally, I would suggest that a common problem is being unrealistic about what can be achieved.

Does this mean that it’s not possible for a small business to gain considerable rewards from search engine optimization? On the contrary, I would suggest that there are massive benefits associated with SEO that’s done in the right way. But you need to think carefully about your strategy if you want to achieve cost effective results.

Ignore massive corporations!

It’s easy to look at the search results for the most competitive keywords and to assume that you need to be ranked for these phrases in order to succeed. There’s a good chance that you’ll find that these search terms tend to be dominated by the big brands and corporations.

This is not a coincidence. The reason why big companies are able to control the search space is because they have significant online marketing budgets. You can be sure that they are hiring top SEO professionals and spending considerable sums of money to achieve those positions.

Typically, it’s also the case that large organizations tend to have a large amount of data available to them. Although this should give them some advantages, you may be amazed to find that many big companies fail to act on the information. That’s often because they simply have too much data to analyze.

What does this mean for small business owners? It means that big corporations are missing out on some key signals.

Target cost effective search terms

Those big organizations often spend so much time, effort and money targeting high profile search terms, they don’t realise that the search terms that convert well may be less competitive. That’s pretty ironic!

But it also reveals an opportunity for small business owners. It means that you can target those areas that larger rivals are ignoring. This won’t just mean that you’re not having to compete with the massive corporations (with their massive advertising budgets) – it also means that you’ll be targeting keywords and phrases that will actually generate income for your business.

This is the cost effective approach to small business SEO that you should be striving for. Sure, it won’t allow you to boast at dinner parties about how you’re top of Google for a high profile search term. But how much does that really matter? Most business professionals would rather have money in their bank accounts, than being able to boast about such trivialities!

Put your strategy into action

Once you realize that SEO isn’t about high profile, competitive, poor converting search terms, you’ll find that you’re in a much stronger position.

You’ll be able to move your online marketing efforts forwards, without wasting money on SEO that’s simply never going to produce the returns that you’re looking for.

Effective SEO should be seen as a business investment. Once you’ve grasped that, you can stop making the mistake of seeing it as a cost.

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Keith Barrett As one of the leading search engine experts in the UK, Keith Barrett has used his considerable online marketing experience to help numerous businesses over the course of the past decade.




Do you get found and get leads the smart way?


If you want your messages get shared go to Facebook

When you produce and publish content for your buyer personas than you want your content to get seen and to be shared with their network of friends and followers to maximize your reach on the web.

People in social network love to share remarkable, creative, helpful and interesting content.

Are you on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook?

A study put together from ShareThis found out that facebook accounts for 38% of sharing traffic on the web. The number two is Twitter with about 17%.

This data show how important it is to get seen on social media sites to spread the reach for a company.

Here are some Tipps how you can improve your social media sharing ratio:

– Ask your audience on Twitter and Facebook to share your information. Simply tell them to “Tweet this” or “Share this”.
– Use only one specific category for your information. This increases the chances for your content to get shared.
– Write the info which you want to be shared in classic Classified Ad Style and include a call to action. Make an irresistible offer for only one target audience at a time.
– Ask for your networks opinion about the information you have shared.

When you do these tactics above than you improve your chances to get your info tweeted and shared. This could result in an increase of traffic and leads for your business.

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Myth: Social networking is only for young people

Social networking is only for young people. This was a long believed myth which is untrue!

A 2011 Study of Edison Research has discovered that use of social networks is growing extremely in the 35-44 age demographic.

What does this means for your social media marketing?

This 35-44 age demographic belongs to higher management levels as well. So when you are in B2B business and want to reach your target audience you have to be visible in social media too.

You need to be there where your prospects are. You need to be there before the sale! You should publish remarkable content online and in social media and build friendly relationships.

This helps you and your business to be recognized as a trusted and credible source and increases your chances to get found by the right people on Google, get leads and more revenue.



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How to get found on Google? This is easier than you think.

If somebody has a 100% guranteed way how to achieve this, I would be glad to learn about it.

As I know there is actually nobody which such an easy and effortless way to achieve this. Because nobody knows what Google is doing except Google self.

So you need to use other ways to get in front of your audience when they are researching on the web to get found!

When I talk to people and they comply to me that they have used the best keywords and done SEO all of the search stuff but did not achieved their goals and still suffer of a lack of traffic, I always ask which kind of keywords they used an I am able to discover quickly that they wasted their time simply on the wrong keywords and the wrong doing!

It is no rocket science to pick the right keywords. Simply go to the Google Keywords tool and use your website link to generate a list of possible keywords. Now look which have about 500-1000 searches per month and the lowest competition. Of course they should fit into your business. Take care to pick long tail keywords (2-3 words) and build remarkable content around them.

Keep in mind with your keywords picking: Focus on getting found by customers when they research online for products and services your business also has to offer. Choose keywords your target audience research online in the search engines.

One great strategy to get found on Google is blogging!

Blogging increases your chances with every SEO optimized blog post to get found on Google. Blogging is a great way to build trust and credibility with your audience.

Companies who blog get:

  • Up to 55% more Traffic.
  • Up to 97% more Inbound Links.
  • Up to 434% more indexed pages in search engines.


Studies show that the critical number to increase the traffic and leads of a company are about 300+ blog posts. The more blog post you write the more traffic you will get.

Include in each blog post a call to action which leads your buyer persona to a landing page to capture them as a leads to follow up with them and to convert them to a paying customer.

Promote your blog posts in social media. Social media like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn are also indexed from search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing. The more you communicate in social media the more you increase your chances to pop up in the search results in Google, Yahoo and Bing as well.

This is a number game where you also need to have the quality facto, because nobody is interested to share crap.

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How to find ideas for creative inbound marketing?

When the discussion comes to create remarkable content to attract the target audience to the products of services of a business, than mostly the questions comes up:

How can we be creative and find ideas to produce remarkable, helpful, informative, and share worthy content?

In this article I will show you some great ways to take advantage of your actually existing material.

But first, do not try to copy or to imitate your competition! What you should do is to keep an eye on them to stay up to date what they are doing.

To get great content ieas to produce remarkable, helpful, informative, and share worthy content, simply look into your actually existing material.

Great sources of content ideas are:

•  EMails send / received

•  Forum Messages

•  Videos of Events, Products and HowTos

•  Interviews mit Customers and Employees

•  Company data

•  Cases and experiences

Another great way to find content ideas to spread your creativity are marketing ideas from other industries. These ideas you can adapt to fit into your business.

Allways look what your customers are interested in most. Information which help them make their life easier and solve their problems.

The more remarkable, helpful, informative, and share worthy content you publish online in your blog and as eBooks, whitepapers, reports, presentations, videos, photos, press releases, podcasts and on social media, the more target traffic you will attract to your products and services.

Studies show that companies who blog receives up to 55% more traffic than companies who do not blog. Studies also show, the higher the volume of published blog posts the more the traffic increases.

To reach a usable and steadily increasing amount of traffic through blogging it is necessary to publish 300+ blog posts.

The more creative you are, the better your inbound marketing will work. The more you use your brain the more leads you will generate through the inbound marketing strategy!

It’s simple: Brain vs. Budget. And brain always wins on the long term!

How do you find content ideas to attract your target audience to your products and serivces? Please leave your comments, ideas and suggestions below in the comment field.

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How much revenue does your website generate?
To improve the marketing effectiveness of your website…


Why not use inbound marketing to increase revenue?

Inbound marketing is the marketing strategy that focuses on getting found by customers when they research online for products and services your business also has to offer.

With inbound marketing businesses earn their way to the customer, by publishing helpful information on a blog, in social media and forums.

Inbound marketing includes Blogging, Social Media, Lead Conversion, Lead Nurturing and Closed-Loop Analysis.

Inbound marketing helps businesses to:

A. Save up to 60% of their marketing budget.
B. Stand out of their competition.
C. Generate a massive amount of leads.
D. Get up to 55% higher lead conversion rates.
E. Increase your customers and sales.

A MIT study shows inbound marketing simply helps businesses to increase their revenue up to 13%.

So why some companies do not use inbound marketing to get more exposure, get found on Google an increase their revenue and sales revenue up to 13%?

One main reason is to not to be visible too much…

You maybe ask yourself: Why does a company avoid be more visible?

That’s the exact same question I ask myself.

I have one theory about this: Only somebody who has to hide anything doesn’t want to be much in the spotlight.

Have you been contacted by companies the old fashioned way, through cold calling, mass (SPAM) email, snail mail or mass fax broadcast?

Did you check them through Google and found nothing more worst some complaints?

Did you respond to their offer?

Ask yourself, why did you do not respond to their offer. Was it because of lack of trust?

Did they had an offer which simply sound too good to be true? Than it probably was!

And this is their reason why they not do inbound marketing which is some kind of “trust management business”!

They only want to make the fast dollar without care about their customers, and if they would do inbound marketing they would not attract anybody because they are not trustworthy!

Social media would reveal that and there for they keep away from it.

10 business tools for small business

So the next time when you get a sales pitch the old fashioned way, through cold calling, mass (SPAM) email, snail mail or mass fax broadcast you can add a further company to your blacklist to not do business with them.

How are your experiences which such “phantom companies” and how do you handle their old fashioned way, through cold calling, mass (SPAM) email, snail mail or mass fax broadcast? I am looking forward to your comments below.

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How to Get Over “Bloggers’ Block”

Rather than being an unfortunate illness that befalls those who share their thoughts online, “Bloggers Block” is the blogging version of writer’s block, and it happens to us all.

Whether you write a blog for a business, a hobby or just for recreation, chances are that you will have had that moment when you pull up the chair to the computer and end up just staring at a blank screen for hours on end.

When you’re paid to blog for a business and the traffic your blog brings is vital for bringing in leads, blaming writer’s block may not be met with a great deal of enthusiasm from those above, so what should you do if you find yourself struck with a writer’s worst nightmare?

Calm Down!

One of the worst things you can do when you are struggling for inspiration is get yourself worked up. It can be immensely frustrating when you are struggling for words and it is only made worse when you can feel the boss’s eyes burrowing in to the back of your head.

If at the start of the day the words just aren’t flowing, take a walk around the office, go on a coffee run or just go for some air for five minutes. You will often find that your inspiration is more likely to come when you aren’t trying to force it.

No joy? Then try…

Reading the News

News is everywhere. It is available 24 hours a day and you can find out what’s going on in every corner of the planet. If your brain isn’t giving you the answers you are looking for then the news websites might!

Somewhere, something will being going on that you can relate back to your business or interest. Whether it’s economic news, industry gossip or just something that you can draw parallels to in your arena, it is all fair game for blogging on.

By flicking through some of my own old blogs you will see posts that centre around football, the economy and any number of seemingly unrelated news stories that my inspiration starved brain has managed to make relevant, so if you’re still finding things tough, hit the various news websites and try your luck there. Make it good enough and you can even reshape it into a press release, giving your blog/company’s view on the news stories of the day. It might just give you some visibility and a few extra juicy links.

Ok Alan, it’s now half past 12, I’ve been staring at the screen for 3 and a half hours and my boss’s looks are turning into glares! The walk didn’t help and I spent an hour reading about celebrities on the news websites, now what?!

If all else fails, you can always try….

Write About Your Writer’s Block!

I know, it sounds a bit lame but it can really help to get the juices flowing. If all that is going through your mind is how you can’t think of anything to write, then write about it! It might turn into something that you can host on your blog or it could start the processes working in your mind so that you can come up with something better. Either way, it is a great way of jump starting your brain, and more importantly letting your boss see that you are doing some work!

So what can you take away from this blog? Well the key things to remember are;

Don’t PanicPressure is the writer’s worst enemy so if you feel yourself getting tense, do something to relieve the tension.

Seek Inspiration Elsewhere You are only an internet connection away from a whole world of inspiration, just make sure it doesn’t turn in to another distraction!

Write About Your Writer’s Block – It’s happening, it’s all you can think about and it is taking over your day, so just write about the thoughts that are going through your head! It might not be something you can end up using but it could be just what you need to get the creative juices flowing. Do it well enough and you could even end up using it as a guest blog….

There’s plenty you can do to break the curse of bloggers block, so don’t let it ruin your day and see how many different ways there are to find a little creative inspiration.

How do you get over boggers’ block? I am looking forward to your comments below!

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About the author:

 How Can the Social Revolution Help the B2B Search Marketer?Alan Grainger is an in-house B2B web marketer and manages the SEO for The Corporate Gifts Company, a leading UK specialist in the business gifts sector. He writes articles exploring the issues faced by the B2B web marketer, giving an “in the trenches” view from an in-house SEO department.



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Fill up your sales funnel in 8 practical steps

To get enough leads can be a challenging task. To get the right leads and a good conversion rate becomes harder.

But wait there are eight smart ways to fill your sales funnel with leads.

At first you need to get found. Means you need to attract the right people to your offer. This ensures an increase of your conversion rate.

PPC PayPer Click Marketing

The quickest way, which works immediately, is PayPer Click marketing. To do PPC you can use Google AdWords, Bing, LinkedIn and Facebook. This depends of your buyer persona and where you gone to reach them the best way.

Landing Pages

To generate leads you need effective landing pages with compelling offers and call to action to funnel your prospects to leads.

Corporate Blog

Content creation is the best way to get attention and to attract your buyer personas inbound to your offers. Businesses that blog get up to 55% more website visitors, 97% more inbound links and get 434% more indexed pages in search engines.

Record Videos

You can do videos of your products and your services and upload them to Youtube and other video sharing websites. You could record videos about the most asked questions of your customers. For example: How your products are packaged, what kind of payment methods you prefer, your shipping options and delivery times.

Upload documents to sharing sites

To upload your documents to document sharing sites like,, and is a great way to publish share worthy content online. Those sites have a lot of visitors which use them to research about products, services, companies and further information.

Upload photos to sharing sites

Product photos on your website are great, but they can be more worth on, where thousands of people can discover them very quick. On you can also upload video and info graphics. All are great way to get attention and to drive those people to your landing pages.

Engage in social media

Establish your outposts in social media like Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and related forums. Go through the friends and followers of your competition and invite them to your networks. So you will build a large following quickly.

Connect your Blog with Social Media

To ensure a seamless distribution of your content, bog and video, you should connect your blog to your social media networks. Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook offer ways to do that very easily. So every time you publish a blog article it will be distributed automatically to your social media networks where your friends and followers can also see it and visit your website for more information.

All those steps above are very easy to implement and work for you as you sleep. You only have to keep your information’s above updated and to take advantage of them and you will generate lads to do business with and to increase your revenue.

How do you manage your lead generation to fill up your sales funnel? I am looking forward to your comments below!

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How to loose in social media? Just talk about yourself!

If you like many other out there talk about yourself in social media than you miss a great opportunity to be recognized as an interesting source of information.

Imagine you are on a cocktail party! And one guy stands with a group of people and start involve in the conversation. Then you understand that this person is only talking about himself. What would you think?

Yeah, you are right!

You would think this guy has no social behavior and this guy is doing shameless self promotion. Instead of sharing something his community cares about!

If you don’t have anything of value to add to the conversation, than you should keep your thoughts for yourself!

If you want to be accepted by a community and earn their trust, become something like an Trust Agent, like Chris Brogan has described in his homonymous book, you have to listen first and then, and only then if you have come up with some fresh angle, you can do a smart review to the conversation.

You can make or break the communities trust! Shameless self promotion is no marketing!

Social media is there to connect on a more personal basis. Be personal and share advice, promote other people, and ultimately learn from others. To gain authority shares your personal perspectives to your communities.

Just be yourself instead of only talking about yourself!

First you have to earn the communities trust, than you can carefully start promoting because people will be curious about you.

The more personality, restraint and expertise you show, the less you talk about yourself, the more authority and trust you will gain with your communities!

How do you promote and do you think self promotion woks? I am curious to read your opinion. Your comment is appreciated!

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How to overcome the Social Media Cash Cow fairytale

It’s a widespread superstition that you only need to be there in social media and you will get a ton of customers and sales.

That’s 100% wrong!

As any other communication channel social media has to be done the right way.

How the description says, it’s a communication channel. This means two way communication and not one way dump and boring marketing slogans!

Dump and boring marketing slogans are still common use in social media, and those companies still seriously think they do social media marketing.
As any other communication channel, in which you invest time and money and you want to profit from, you need to learn the rules, the does and don’ts and show a little empathy in your communication with your audience and community.
As your goals are to attract new customers to your products, you need to make them curious about your brand. This only works when you take the effort to find out what’s making your buyer personas curious.

Social media marketing only works for companies who can seriously showcase they care about their audience, are willing to take any effort to help and to support their customers.

Businesses who don’t understand this will have no success in social media!

Moreover they will showcase that they do not care about their audience and for them social media marketing will become social media suicide!

Brain vs. Budget = Inbound Marketing

Some points you should take into account to have success with social media marketing:

Social media is like a cocktail party. You enter the room and go to a group and listen, and if you have something smart to contribute, than you should speak. So you should listen and learn about your audience first!

Don’t talk too much about yourself. I don’t know how you are, but I don’t like people they talk about them self the whole day long. Talk WITH your audience, ask questions and offer assistance.

In social media you have to give BEFORE you can take. Don’t try to sell to people who don’t know you, your company and your products. Instead of “dump idiot marketing” you should make them curious about you and your business.

Gain enough trust and credibility. As you have gain enough trust and credibility the people will come to you automatically, so you don’t have to sell by yourself anymore. You will ATTRACT your new customers on autopilot!

Show that you are human and act like one! Your audience doesn’t like jerks! And your audience is powerful. It can make or break you and your business.

For example Barack Obama had a two way communication with his audience’s offline and in social media and has become president of the United States.

The presidents of Tunisia and Egypt have ignored the community and they lost their jobs as presidents of their countries within a couple of weeks.

Be patient and persistent! To be patient is an essential part of success. Also be persistent with your daily social media giving. Give, give more, give every day and the results will exceed your wildest dreams.

For more info about social media marketing, take loo at this resources:


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5 Inbound Marketing Tools

Inbound marketing is one of the top ways to attract customers online and get good profits from Business.

5 Inbound Marketing Tools

Inbound marketing is means getting found online through different marketing strategies.

In this article, you can know different ways to get found online through social media marketing and Inbound marketing strategies using some trusted Inbound marketing tools.

Top Inbound Marketing Tools

1. Business Blog:
A Business Blog is one of the most powerful Inbound marketing tools that can be used to create an effective web presence.

Using a business blog, you can constantly update about your products, add some discussions and share everything with social media platforms.

2. Twitter:
Twitter is one of the top social media platforms which plays a major role in Inbound marketing strategies.

Twitter has become a great marketing tool with lot of features and hundreds of applications allowing businesses to flourish in Internet.

3. Facebook Fanpages:

Facebook fan pages are other one of the big list of effective inbound marketing tools.

Adding your latest discussions to your facebook fan page and inviting followers from facebook helps you to get recognized online through facebook.

4. LinkedIn groups:

LinkedIn groups are furhter top Inbound marketing tool.

LinkedIn helps users to create an effective web presence by allowing them to question and answer discussions in their niche and also promote quality content related to their website or business products.

5. Social Media Platforms such as Myspace:

Other social media platforms like myspace etc also are efficient inbound marketing tools.

These helps in sharing content to get seen online which plays a major role in inbound marketing.


Do you have any tips on how to use Inbound Marketing? What are they and how do you use Inbound Marketing for your business?


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