How B2B Marketers can connect to Small Business Owners

In March 2012, marketing agency Cargo and Inc. Magazine found the majority (52%) of US small-business owners felt companies did not market to them effectively.

Moreover 43% – 45% of the small business owners said companies made little effort to understand their individual needs and their business.

Most of the small business owners do the business important tasks them self, as they do their financials, marketing, sales and services. Their time is full stuffed with work and they do not sit behind a computer a whole day long. As they are mostly working their job and are with their employees and customers they are perfect to be reached by mobile devices as laptops and smart phones.

When B2B marketers want to connect with them they need to be where those small business owners are around and there where they can be reach and where they can reach out to the marketer.

As an increasing number of small business owners places importance on wireless communications and smart phones for their business this is the way to get in touch with them.


Infographic: Local Mobile Search

Local Mobile Search, mobile marketing, mobile lead generation


So what marketers need to do to reach small business owners with their brand massage?

  • 1. Make your website mobile friendly. As small business owners love to use mobile devices like smart phones and tables, it makes sense to make it easier for them to consume your content
  • 2. Adjust your email marketing, so it becomes and your email massage can be read on the fly. The most email communication is read from mobile devices
  • 3. Become active in social media. As all known social media sites like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn have mobile Apps; you can reach small business owners there through your communication and attract them to your offers
  • 4. Start to create and publish buyer persona “small business owners persona” oriented content on the web and in social media. This will increase your visibility and grow your trust
  • 5. Respond friendly and professionally to every request, no matter if it comes publicly through social media or by email or support ticket.


inbound marketing assessment us

Why not use inbound marketing to increase revenue?

Inbound marketing is the marketing strategy that focuses on getting found by customers when they research online for products and services your business also has to offer.

With inbound marketing businesses earn their way to the customer, by publishing helpful information on a blog, in social media and forums.

Inbound marketing includes Blogging, Social Media, Lead Conversion, Lead Nurturing and Closed-Loop Analysis.

Inbound marketing helps businesses to:

A. Save up to 60% of their marketing budget.
B. Stand out of their competition.
C. Generate a massive amount of leads.
D. Get up to 55% higher lead conversion rates.
E. Increase your customers and sales.

A MIT study shows inbound marketing simply helps businesses to increase their revenue up to 13%.

So why some companies do not use inbound marketing to get more exposure, get found on Google an increase their revenue and sales revenue up to 13%?

One main reason is to not to be visible too much…

You maybe ask yourself: Why does a company avoid be more visible?

That’s the exact same question I ask myself.

I have one theory about this: Only somebody who has to hide anything doesn’t want to be much in the spotlight.

Have you been contacted by companies the old fashioned way, through cold calling, mass (SPAM) email, snail mail or mass fax broadcast?

Did you check them through Google and found nothing more worst some complaints?

Did you respond to their offer?

Ask yourself, why did you do not respond to their offer. Was it because of lack of trust?

Did they had an offer which simply sound too good to be true? Than it probably was!

And this is their reason why they not do inbound marketing which is some kind of “trust management business”!

They only want to make the fast dollar without care about their customers, and if they would do inbound marketing they would not attract anybody because they are not trustworthy!

Social media would reveal that and there for they keep away from it.

10 business tools for small business

So the next time when you get a sales pitch the old fashioned way, through cold calling, mass (SPAM) email, snail mail or mass fax broadcast you can add a further company to your blacklist to not do business with them.

How are your experiences which such “phantom companies” and how do you handle their old fashioned way, through cold calling, mass (SPAM) email, snail mail or mass fax broadcast? I am looking forward to your comments below.

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How to transform your offline marketing to online inbound marketing

More and more Marketers which are active in offline marketing start switch their marketing to the web.

To gain profits from the switch from offline to offline you need to set a committed strategy.

This strategy includes a rework of your offline activities to drive your audience online and a website optimization, re design or complete rework to capture your audiences’ attention.

Here are useful tips how you can make it work for your business.

Drive your audience from offline to online

As you use offline marketing material you should aggressively motivate your audience to visit your website. To achieve this you should include your website URL in all of your print material.

This includes your brochures, business cards, flyers, displays and all the stuff you give away for marketing to your audience.

As the technologies evolve, mobile devices are a great way to take your offline marketing online.

To make it easier for your audience to take your online information you should include a QR code in every piece of printed paper. This makes it easy for your potential customer to capture your most important information on the fly, like website URL and slogan, with a smart phone. Later they can come back to explore your website.

To empower this process you can do contests which lead your offline audience online. Contests are a great way to get website traffic.

More about QR codes: Businesses discover QR codes as marketing method

More about Business Cards: Business cards and why still to use them in social media

Your audience has hit your website the inbound marketing way and what now?

To gain the most out of your offline to online transition you should set effective lead capture landing pages, where they can register to make use of contests, special offers, coupons and other important information.

For this you should maintain an email list and set a lead nurturing process to convert those generated leads during the time to paying customers.
Use your lead nurturing as an information tool, do not tray to send out sales pitches. Your email newsletter is a communication tool and if you use it wisely you can profit greatly from it.

The move traffic from offline to online can increase your website traffic by up to 50%

Keep your water cooking and drive more target traffic to your website with GROUPON, read this article.

Groupon your revenue

View more documents from inBlurbs


How did you done the switch from offline to online with your marketing? I am looking forward to your comment. Please leave your comment below.


cover 12 ways Start your new business cheap with inbound marketing Download our FREE Report:

12 Powerful Ways How To Get Massive Traffic To Your Web Presence.


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Do you still interrupt and disturb your audience too?

Today I’ve had a chat with a sales person of a company.

This sales person told me that he has not made a sale in the last three months and is scared about keeping his job.

As I knows this sales person I have asked where the problem is, because this sales person is a great seller I was wondering where the problem is?

So I started asking!

My question: Do you get leads, and if yes how many and how often per week and month?

I got the response that this sales person does not get any leads. I can imagine it could be very hard to get customers without any leads.

The sales person told me that he has to generate his leads by them self. Means cold calling and the whole set of interruption marketing.
I asked further:

Has the company any marketing? The answer was NO!

Ok let’s summarize:

  • No marketing, no responsible person, no strategy!
  • No leads, sales team needs to cold call and to do the whole set of interruption marketing, which could seriously harm the reputation of the company.
  • The closing rate is also very low.
  • This business loses a bunch of revenue each day to smart competitors.

By the way this is an IT company, they are selling technology services.

With this kind of non-strategy it could be very hard for this company to grow and to stand against smart competitors in the long term.

But there is a solution to also help this company the smart way.

Inbound Marketing
Inbound marketing is the marketing strategy that focuses on getting found by customers.

Inbound marketing is related to permission based relationship marketing.

With inbound marketing businesses EARN their way to the customer, by publishing helpful information on a blog, in social media and forums.

Inbound marketing includes Blogging, Social Media, Lead Conversion, Lead Nurturing and Closed-Loop Analysis.

Inbound marketing helps you to:
A. Save up to 60% of your marketing budget.
B. Stand out of your competition.
C. Generate a massive amount of leads.
D. Get up to 55% higher lead conversion rates.
E. Increase your customers and sales.

Marketing Takeaway Tip: Use Inbound marketing before a competitor does. Otherwise the uphill battle could be much more costly and time consuming. If you need help, hire Inbound marketing professionals to get you started.

More resources to this topic:

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5 ways to include your social media to offline marketing

Offline marketing is the one of toughest jobs in these days because nobody has time to listen to the direct marketing executives and to read advertisements in the newspaper, but everybody spends around 4-5 hours on the social networking websites.

So, social media is one of the cheapest ways by which company can advertise its products.

Social media websites like twitter, facebook and blogs have become a platform that is easily accessible to anyone with internet access.

Offline marketing and social media cannot exist without each other!
#1 Send a survey to your customers: This is the first way to include internet advertising to offline marketing as it is very easy to send a survey to your customers; the reason is you have already an email list of your offline customers. In return, you can offer them to win a contest that may be of any useful product that they are searching for.
Besides from it, you can ask your customers for comments or feedback and it will make an impact on them.

#2 Customer’s desires: After recognizing your customer in your audience, you need to start conversation with customers about your new products. Before that conversation, you must know what your audience wants and wants must be more valuable than needs. There is a google keyword tool that is free and available to all users. It helps you a lot in making a connection with your customers.

#3 Attractive profile: Try to make that kind of social profile which attracts your customers. Consider your customer as a king and let them feel like a king. Moreover, your marketing messages must be connected with your customers.

#4 Advertising consultants and marketing websites: Advertising consultants and inbound marketing agency like marketing websites can help you to find the inbound research of your products. They can give you the data of customers who are interested in your product and who have searched for your products on their sites.

#5 Social network sites: After knowing your interested customers, you can go through their social networking accounts and find their liking and disliking lists. This information will help you to start communicating with messages to customers. Moreover, these sites increase web traffic to your company’s site.

Marketing takaway Tip: Social Media marketing is one of the powerful sources for your offline business marketing. Get your information in social media sites like the contact and lead generation pages and get significant leads for your business online.

Related Links:
5 ways to promote your social media efforts offline
5 ways to use social media activity offline

Some resources to help you to become succesful in social media marketing:

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An easy way to choose a profitable domain name

Today it was announced that Facebook has aquired the domain name from Facebook the American Farm Bureau Federation for $8.5 million!

A domain name is an identification label that defines a realm of administrative autonomy, authority, or control in the Internet.

I am sure you can remember the beginning of Facebook. At the the time of the beginning they had the domain name Later it transformed to They paid $200,000 in August 2005 for this one.

Most people who communicate online use for Facebook only the two charcaters FB. Facebook has make use of this trend and aquired the domain name.

Facebook is a great example how the right domain name can make a business.

For you as an entrepreneur this is a great example on how and why to choose the right domain name.

Here are some easy steps how you can choose the right domain name for your business:


  1. Put together a list of up to 25 possible one Key-word names.
  2. Brainstorm as many new short words out of these names. Be creative! It’s a little bit like scabble.
  3. Check these new potential domain names if they are available as TOP level domain (.com).
  4. Now when some of them are available, check if these names are availbel in social media like Facebook, Twitter, etc…..
  5. Choose the shortest one which sounds great.
  6. When you have found one register it and signup to the social media services with your new domain name to secure them.

For example inBlurbs consists of two words!

Inbound marketing is a marketing strategy that focuses on getting found by customers. David Meerman Scott recommends that marketers “earn their way in” (via publishing helpful information on a blog etc.) in contrast to outbound marketing where they used to have to “buy, beg, or bug their way in” (via paid advertisements, issuing press releases in the hope they get picked up by the trade press, or paying commissioned sales people, respectively).

A blurb is a short summary or some words of praise accompanying a creative work.


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3 Free Tools to produce your Inbound Marketing Videos

Video is a great way to attract your target audience – buyer persona to your products and services.

You can use video to showcase your products and their features and visualize their advantages.

You can showcase your expertise when you show solutions to your target audience problems as instruction and help videos.

You can make short promotion video for new products and also encourage your satisfied customers to give you a video testimonial, which is more powerful than a written on your website or blog.

Instead to write your blog you can do it as a video and offer a daily updated video blog with your ideas, information and your thoughts.

The opportunities to use video are endless.
The only thing you need to profit greatly of online video, is imagination and creativity.

Your video does not need to be perfect.

There is no perfect video online!

When you produce video on a regular basis than you increase your chances that one goes viral and brings you a massive amount of traffic and new business.

The more videos you produce the higher the chances are that your potential buyer finds you online.

 Here are some free video recording and editing tools you can use right now to shoot your first video.

  1. Cam Studio
  2. Jaycut
  3. JING 

When you have done your video you should widely distribute it to get the most out of your work.

Register with those video sites and take car to have the same username everywhere. So you build a brand the easy way. And visitors will recognize you better.

Use a keyword rich description and ad long tail keywords to your description and you tags.

There are several opportunities for free where you can upload your videos.

Here the best 26 with high PR where to distribute your videos:

  1. Facebook – PR10
  2. – PR9
  3. – PR9
  4. – PR9
  5. – PR9
  6. MySpace – PR9
  7. – PR8
  8. – PR8
  9. – PR8
  10. – PR7
  11. – PR7
  12. – PR7
  13. – PR7
  14. – PR7
  15. – PR6
  16. – PR6
  17. – PR6
  18. – PR6
  19. – PR6
  20. – PR6
  21. – PR5
  22. – PR5
  23. – PR5
  24. – PR5
  25. – PR4
  26. – PR4

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Effective time frame for successful Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing is an very effective way to lower cost per lead and to attract new customers.

How every marketing strategy it is not done by themself. You need to do it effectively every day to gain results.

At first you need to know what to do. For this you have to have an inbound marketing plan which includes, social media marketing, lead generation, lead nurtuting and closed loop analysis.

An inbound marketing action plan is the first thing you have to do.

When you have your plan – your roadmap than you can do your tasks more efficient.

The important keypoints for your inbound marketing are:

Listen to the conversation in your business realted channels.

Channels which could be important for you are: LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, industry related forums, video sites, industry related blogs, industry related press releases and industry related magazines.

Daily time investment: 15+ minutes

Set alerts in Google Alerts and SocialMention with your keywords.

Keywords to use could be your company name, your name, your products nam, your competitors names and products and your clients names if you are in B2B.

Daily time investment: 15+ minutes

Participate in social media conversation. Show your expertise and build trust.

Answer questions and ask questions about possible product improvement and satisfaction.

Daily time investment: 30+ minutes

Capture Leads

Build landing pages for your promotions. This gives you the opportunity to capture interested leads.

You can also capture leads online which come from offline promotion.

To capture leads, offer something of value to your prospect in exchange for their name, email address and phone number.

Produce valuable reports and whitepapers with information which solve problems of your target audience. This will encourage them to give their information to you.

Daily time investment: 20+ minutes

Start to promote your business in LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, industry related forums, video sites, industry related blogs, industry related press releases and industry related magazines.

Daily time investment: 20+ minutes

Publish as many valuable content as you are able to. Build a corporate blog and write about topics in which you target audience is interested in.

Offer further information which leads them to your landing pages to capture tham as a lead.

Daily time investment: 1+ hour

Lead Nurturing
Nurture your leads, stay in touch with them. Offer persoanl consultation, exclusive webinars and further whitepapers or special promo discounts for your leads to stay in touch with them, build trust and get them as paying customers.

Daily time investment: 2+ hours

Build Community
Build your community. The more people you have in your community the better.

This can spread your messsage very far worldwide within seconds.

Daily time investment: 1+ hour

Measure your activities. See what is working and what is not.

Improve and repeat all of the above steps.

Daily time investment: 15+ minutes

In total you need to invest about 5 hours and 55 minutes daily for the beginning to gain substantial results from your inbound marketing.

I return your inbound marketing will reward you with this:

A. Saves you up to 60% of your marketing budgets.
B. Makes you stand out of your competition.
C. Generates you a massive amount of leads.
D. You get up to 55% higher lead conversion rates.


Some resource to shorten your learning curve:


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Your Reputation is on risk online and how to profit from it

Online there are a lot of opportunities to showcase your company.

Also you get seen online every where if you want and if you do effective inbound marketing with blogging and social media marketing.

This kind of visibility brings you into the focus of your satisfied customers, your future customers, your unsatisfied customers and your competition. All of them communicate online.

They communicate about each other, their experiences with each other and for sure they communicate about you too.

They are able to attack you and your company. To tell untrue stories and to affect your business and revenue! Thy all have an audience.

Facebook, Twitter, industry related blogs and forums are places where conversations about can happen daily.

The average Facebook users have about 150 friends in their network. And their 150 friends have also an average of 150 friends. A message can spread very far this way.

How do you know if and what they are talking about you? You should start to monitor and to influence your reputation online.

Here are some easy steps to monitor what’s said about you online:

  • Do a Google search for your name, of your co workers, your business name and your products names.
  • Configure Google Alerts with your name, of your co workers, your business name and your products names.
  • Do the same with Socialmention too.
  • Search on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and MySpace for the name, of your co workers, your business name and your products names.

If you get alerts and there is a conversation about you, respond in a professional manor the same way the conversation has started.

For example a Twitter conversation, respond on Twitter. A YouTube video about you, respond with a video, and so on.

Keep in mind, conversation happens and when you are aware of it you can use it as a great opportunity to show your position and to attract further clients.

There is no bad conversation. It always depends what you make out of it.

Read also: The 11 Unwritten Laws of Reputation Management, Andy Beal

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Social Media Marketing: Hurry, your competitor is one step ahead

More and more businesses use social media to attract new clients. Companies shift their marketing dollars into social media.

Mobile technology is evolving and the prices drop.

People are active in social media with mobile devices about three hours daily compared with one hour on their pc.

This turbo charges the social media use.

More and more companies who have blocked social media use, allow it and encourage their employees to participate.

If you are not in you are out!

What’s your social media marketing plan for this year?

Some suggestions:

A. Setup a corporate blog and start publish remarkable articles about your industry.
B. Start using video to showcase and to explain your products and services.
C. Setup a facebook fan page and a Twitter account and start social media conversation.
D. Improve your lead generation and lead nurturing process, or if you don’t have one than you should hurry.  

Some resource:

Free help:

If you need help to setup an effective Inbound Marketing for your business, just request a free quote here, we’ve love to hear from you.


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Steak holder value and Inbound Marketing a huge revenue potential

If you are a company who is thinking about to do Inbound Marketing than you can become outstanding attractive with the effective use of social media, blogging, publishing and lead generation.

But wait! How about your steak holder value?

If you do not take care about your steak holders, your employees than your success is in danger!

To have satisfied customer’s satisfied employees is a must.

Hire and fire companies do not have satisfied employees, moreover they have scared employees and as a result the customer satisfaction declines.

Declining customer satisfaction results in decreasing revenue and profits. And also results in more pressure on the employees to squeeze out more revenue of the existing customer base, which also results in decreasing customer satisfaction, and so on!

Also some results can be a negative image transfer. Employees could discuss negative corporate behaviour in social media. This could impact human resources and recruiting. Means high potentials will stay far away from this kind of company.

People are connected with each other worldwide and they talk!
Companies which have a negative corporate behaviour “Hire and fire guys” could face lost revenue when other businesses learn about their attitude and simply avoid them as business partners.

Think about it, inbound marketing makes you outstanding, in which direction that’s your choice!

Some facts for your business:


  • Nothing can be hidden today anymore.
  • If you want to get seen in social media and recognized as a trusted source, than be responsible.
  • Negative behaviour will come back to you like a boomerang and hit you straight in your face.
  • Show responsible behaviour like your mother is watching you, probably she is…
  • Be helpful.
  • Be human an authentic.
  • …and some more…

Don’t do inbound marketing if you can’t agree with the above points. Other wise the above mentioned boomerang will find you.


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GROUPON your Revenue

GROUPON is a deal of the day website that is localized to major markets worldwide.

GROUPON negotiates huge discounts up to 90% off with popular, large and small businesses worldwide. They send the deals to thousands of subscribers in their daily email, and send the businesses a lot of new customers.

business leads,how to get traffic,small business help, small business ideas, small business marketing, small business owners, small business resources, social media, social media marketing agencyUnlike other advertising models like classified, it doesn’t cost the merchant anything to participate.

GROUPON uses social marketing sites like Twitter and Facebook to further promote the offer.

First advantage for you as a merchant: A sucessfull deal on GROUPON for your business could temporarily end with a ton of customers. One coffee shop in Portland was swamped with a stampede of over 1000 customers on the first day.

Second advantage for you as a merchant: On GROUPON you will only find high quality deals therefore not every deal is accepted. You need to be very creative to get GROUPON interested.

Third advantage for you as a merchant: Consumers buy more when they have coupons to use, means more business for you.

Fourth advantage for you as a merchant: You can generate a ton of leads and nurture them for up selling and cross selling deals. So you can leverage your GROUPON marketing campaign to the next level.

In Inbound Marketing the highest goal is to get found only by your buyer persona, subscribe them as leads and convert them in to revenue!

GROUPON offers any business the right and laser targeted platform to reach the right buyer persona. They distribute your coupon also to Twitter and Facebook, more than 750 million potential buyers worldwide.

The only thing you need is creativity to make GROUPON accepting your offer.

Marketing takeaway: Register with GROUPON to learn how it works. Study the deals you get, learn what makes a deal outstanding, study the deal criteria and create your own outstanding deal, include lead capture and lead nurturing process within your campaign. Register as a merchant with GROUPON and submit your deal. Be prepared for a ton of new customers!

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10 Business tools for Small Business

If you are looking for a small business and then you need to grow you business very well.

You need to know how to expand a small business as you should know about business tools that are very important in making your small business successful.

inbound marketing agency,social media marketing agency,business leads,small business ideas,small business marketing,small business resources,small business owners,small business help,corporate blogThere are a plethora of business tools to grow our small business, but here are 10 important business tools that we are going to describe and these followings tools are worth a closer look.

Notixtech : Nowadays, everyone is on mobile and they do mobile texting, checking mail, and checking other things like score of the game.

Now, they are also looking for business online to get information. So, with the help of this tool, they can easily get more information about our business.

Idesignyourlogo : The thing that makes an impression immediately on people that is logo and for this purpose, this is the best tool to create a logo for our business as it charge less as compared to others.

And it put the creative and innovative ideas in creating logo for a small company.

EmailMeForm : It is such a great tool for growing our small business as it helps us in creating forms in html and php on our business website, which is very easy with the help of it because of its user friendly nature.

Moo : For a small business, there is essential way to promote our business through making our business cards, and it is the tool that makes tiny business cards in a best way that getting these cards, everyone feels like important people.

Wazala : If you seek to start selling out your physical or digital products through your website and blog, it is the best tools that makes doing things easy and fast for your business. In other words, you can create online store by using this tool.

Flowtown : For growing our small business, there must be a place where our customer can interact with us, and this is the best tool where we can get to know who is using our brand and service.

By using this tool, we can really interact with our customers and get their feedback

Zferral : It easily helps in setting up our affiliate marketing campaigns on our website, and apart from it, it also manages our affiliates , track conversations and view our statistics.

Websticker : This is one of the best tool as it helps in creating sticker of brands of our small business, and this is the best way to grow our business because it is the effective way to promote our company’ brands

Shipwire : It is another best tool for a small business as it is easier to have an e-commerce site where we can store products and on purchasing brands, it helps in pack up that brand.

In other words, we don’t need to get big office for our small business as it is very helpful tool.

Squadhelp : It is a tool that lets you pull the crowd by running viral video creation and viral marketing contests that help in generating traffic to your business website.

Marketing takeaway Tip: Business online is full of competition. Using the latest business tools and marketing strategies helps businesses to increase profits and stay ahead of their competitors.


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Get mobile with your Inbound Marketing

More and more people out there use mobile devices to do their online communication, like to stay in touch with their network on Facebook and Twitter and to inform their friend’s contacts and followers about news and events.

Studies show that people are online about four hours from mobile devices compared with one hour on their PC.

mobile inbound marketing,inbound marketing agency,social media marketing agency,web marketing,internet advertising,targeted web traffic, increase web traffic, business leads, small business marketing, small business resources,small business ownersThe mobile use of social networks is a quick, convenient and flexible way to stay in touch. Also to stay in touch with customers and prospects answer questions and give support.

You should consider building your own app for your business. Value added apps are an easy way to stay in touch with your audience.

Optimize your website for mobile use. Simply make it easy for your audience to reach you and to stay in touch with you and to buy from you.

Apps for mobile devices are easy to develop and to use. When your customer downloads your app than this shows you, that he or she is interested in your message. So you get high qualified leads where you can spread your message.

Apps give you the opportunity to collect additional information like time and geo location. An ordinary Website cant collect

Some facts why you need a mobile app:

  • You offer value-added service for your customers which the get frequently. You can deliver Info about discounts, events, and your inventory and customer service, only to name a view.
  • You can make use of an interactive application that can attract more people to your brand. Studies show that about 60% of all app users like to play games. Studies also show that about 50% use news and weather applications to stay up to date. About 40% use social media.
  • You can build a business around your mobile app. You can make use of mobile apps as review service for restaurants, hotels and products and some more. The sky is the limit.

Here are further important resources about mobile marketing:


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How to get more Clients and Sales with Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is one of the prominent strategies of Internet marketing.

Social media networks like facebook, Myspace, Twitter etc. are the places where you can find different people from various countries.

Here the people interact with others in order to make friendship, share information, hobbies, make a professional relationship with others(B2B, C2C, B2C).

Thus social media networks are major sources for generating business leads and getting introduced to new clients.


Social Media sites are places where people search for their needs and requirements in web.
That is the main reason social media networking sites has become so popular nowadays.

They are now available in all the major mobile phones and now using them has become very easier.

Developing your business in social media sites helps in generating new leads and also getting them informed about your latest product launches, releases etc.

Tips for generating sales through social media

Various activities which are required for getting more clients and Sales through social media marketing:

Well optimized Website:

A well optimized website with qualitative content tagged with good keywords are required in order to provide the links in these social media networking sites and thereby increasing your traffic and business leads.

If you are expertise in your field of Industry then make use of it:

If you are expertise in your field then provide suggestions to people in these sites by introducing yourself and also you can even provide email id in order post any queries if they need you.

By this you can build good relationship and gain trust by the people.

You can also stay in touch through the various forums of your industry this way you can increase the back links too and find clients too.

Increase the traffic by submitting your posts in these sites regularly:

You need to submit the posts regularly, posts the news of your industry and also the new upcoming products and offers of your Business.

This helps in increasing the traffic as well as business leads.

Comment and share your opinions:

You can build a friendly relationship by sharing your opinions, comments etc on the pages of others in your network when they posted the useful content or supporting there comment etc.

You can take the help of social media marketing agency:

You can even take help of the various social media marketing agency where they help in driving the traffic to your website, finding the targeted customers, staying online and submitting the posts regularly etc are the various activities done by this agencies which help your business to improve.

You can increase the brand value and stay in touch with your customers:

Through the social media marketing you can increase the brand value of your firm in the world of business and also can take the feedback from your customers regarding your products or services and taking an active action helps in building the relationship with your customers.

Marketing takeaway tip: Of all these strategies, you need to check whether your efforts are converting into leads for your business.

If not, you need take corrective action in time thereby making your strategy of social media marketing successful for your business.

For more on generating sales through social media, visit the links given below:
5 ways social media can generate sales
How to use social media networking sites to generate sales


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